Improved search on campaign/event labels
We improved our search engine to better match campaign and event labels when misspelling them during search. You can now enter labels like "GeoB10026-4" in various (incorrect) ways and PANGAEA will try to answer your query with relevant results. Examples are "Geob 10026-4", "Geo B 10026", "GeoB10264" and other variants. This new feature also helps with older Meteor campaign labels like "M22/4" that our users often query with terms like "M 22-4" or just "M22". Please be aware that searches using the fieldname syntax "event:label:" will always match exactly.
PANGAEA switched map display
We updated the map display on our dataset landing pages and search engine and migrated from Google Maps API to a free, privacy-friendly alternative based on Leaflet. As base layer we use tiles provided by the Alfred Wegener Institute based on GEBCO, GLIMS, GIMP, and SCAR resources. The default map should give you a quick overview, but in case you need more details or a higher resolution, you can switch to a variety of alternative base layers with the control provided top-right (e.g., OpenStreetMap, Google Maps, or Esri World Imagery). Please keep in mind that when switching to other map resources, third parties may gain knowledge of personal information, such as your IP address.
Operation back to normal!
Good news! The technical issues concerning data staging could be resolved earlier than initially anticipated. As of the beginning of this week, we are back to normal operations and our usual level of service reliability. Thanks to the latest implementations of high availability features, data availability should be even better in the future.
Some downloads not available due to technical problems with data staging
PANGAEA uses file tape storage for long-term archival of data in combination with a ready-to-access staging filesystem. Data that have not been requested for longer time are written from that staging space to the tapes and vice versa. Due to technical issues of our data host with the staging infrastructure, some of your downloads are, unfortunately, temporarily unavailable. If you are seeing this tape (a gif animation) with one of your downloads or a tape salad image and an "Internal Server Error", you are likely affected by this issue. We are aware of these problems and are trying our best to resolve them as quickly as possible. But not unlikely they won't be resolved until Monday. We sincerely apologize for the inconveniences!
Happy New Year!
The PANGAEA Data Editorial Office has returned from holiday season and started processing data submissions on 2025-01-06.
Our new Authors Guides are online!
Dear Community, we are proud to announce that we have published our ‘Authors Guides’ as the future authoritative guidelines for data submissions to PANGAEA. These guidelines describe in detail the requirements that data and relevant metadata will have to satisfy in order to be considered for publication in PANGAEA. The 'Authors Guides' are effective immediately and can be reviewed by clicking on this article.
Merry Christmas!
The PANGAEA Data Editorial Office is closed from 2024-12-20 to 2025-01-05. Data submissions will not be processed during this time. Happy Holiday Season and all the best for the New Year!
Last call: Registration for Community Workshop “FAIR data publications with PANGAEA” will close soon!
This two-day, four-hour workshop on Nov. 7th and 8th focuses on preparing and submitting data to PANGAEA in accordance to requirements for FAIR and sustainable data publishing. In a combination of theoretical units and hands-on exercises, this workshop is dedicated to best practices in data management, recommended steps to prepare your data to support a smooth publication process, and a behind-the-scenes look at related PANGAEA workflows and services. Registration will close on 1st of Nov.!
Some downloads not available due to recurring technical problems with data staging
PANGAEA uses file tape storage for long-term archival of data in combination with a ready-to-access staging filesystem. Data that have not been requested for longer time are written from that staging space to the tapes and vice versa. Due to technical issues with data staging, some of your downloads unfortunately are temporarily unavailable. If you are seeing this tape (a gif animation) with one of your downloads, you are likely affected by this issue. We are aware of these problems and are trying our best to resolve them as quickly as possible. We apologize for the inconveniences and keep you updated!
Registration is now open for "PANGAEA Community Workshop: FAIR data publications with PANGAEA"
Ready for some insight behind the scenes of PANGAEA or interested to understand how to make the data submission process as smooth as possible? Then check out the information page for the upcoming CWS event on 07 & 08 November, including registration details, by clicking on this news article.
Some downloads not available
PANGAEA uses file tape storage for long-term archival of data in combination with a ready-to-access staging filesystem. Data that have not been requested for longer time are written from that staging space to the tapes and vice versa. Unfortunately, the system has lost multiple access servers during the important consistency checks, therefore many datasets are not available for download. The checks are still ongoing, its likely this is not going to be resolved before Tuesday. We apologize for the inconveniences and keep you updated!
Save the date - PANGAEA Community Workshop: FAIR data publications with PANGAEA
Interested to learn tips and best practices to publish data FAIR with PANGAEA? Learn about useful helpers and have a look behind the scenes? Join us on the 7th. and 8th. of Nov. '24, both 10:30am - 12:30pm CET (UTC+1). Registration will open on Oct 7th. Click here for more information.
File staging issues resolved
We are relieved to announce that the issues with staging files from tapes from late last week have been resolved. If you are still experiencing unexpected file download behavior, please contact us. Again, we apologize for any inconvenience these issues may have caused some of you!
Some downloads not available due to technical problems with data staging
PANGAEA uses file tape storage for long-term archival of data in combination with a ready-to-access staging filesystem. Data that have not been requested for longer time are written from that staging space to the tapes and vice versa. A minor crash of one of our filesystems requires unfortunately very time-intensive integrity checks that prevent taped data to be loaded into the staging area. If you are seeing this tape (a gif animation) with one of your downloads, you are likely affected by this issue. Unfortunately, as the checks are still ongoing, its likely this is not going to be resolved before Monday. We apologize for the inconveniences and keep you updated!
Videos of the last Community Workshop now online!
The videos of our last community workshop "Finding and retrieving data from PANGAEA" are now available on our Youtube channel. Do you want to learn about the keys to PANGAEA data, how to efficiently search and work with the available data content, or get inspired by the benefits that well-managed and -published scientific data can bring to society? Then these videos might be worth your while.
Registration is now open! PANGAEA - Community Workshop: Finding and retrieving data from PANGAEA
This hands-on workshop under the umbrella of de.NBI training events focuses on finding and using datasets published with PANGAEA. It sheds light on the many methods to search for and discover PANGAEA data and make them available for further use and analysis, i.a. in typical VRE like Jupiter notebooks. You are invited to join online May 02 and 03 2024, each at 10:30am - 12:30pm CEST (UTC+2). For more details and pre-registration click this post.
PANGAEA Open Position
Interested in data management and data infrastructures for your career? PANGAEA is looking for new co-worker!
Happy New Year!
The PANGAEA Data Editorial Office has returned from holiday season and started processing data submissions on 2024-01-08.
Data Warehouse now returns citation list
PANGAEA's data warehouse functionality was enhanced to return a list of all dataset citations in various formats that are required to be cited when using the compiled warehouse output.
Merry Christmas!
The PANGAEA Data Editorial Office is closed from 2023-12-20 till 2024-01-07. Data submissions will not be processed during this time. Happy Holiday Season and all the best for the New Year!
Registration is now open for "PANGAEA Community Workshop: FAIR data publications with PANGAEA" on Nov. 16 & 17 '23
Ready for some insight behind the scenes of PANGAEA or interested to understand how to make the data submission process as smooth as possible? Then have a look at the information page of the upcoming CWS event including registration details by clicking on this news article.
Submitting biological data? Let our brand new templates guide you!
Our templates help you to prepare biological field data, biological experiment data and experimental data according to our standards and requirements.
Save the date! - Community Workshop: FAIR data publications with PANGAEA
Interested to learn about tips and best practices to publish data FAIR with PANGAEA? To get introduced to useful helpers and have a look behind the scenes? Join us on 16. and 17. of Nov. '23, both 10:30am - 12:30pm CET (UTC+1). Click here for more information.
PANGAEA paper published in Nature Scientific Data!
Interested how PANGAEA is operating? Check out our brand-new paper in Nature Scientific Data. If you find PANGAEA useful for your work – please cite: Felden, J., Möller, L., Schindler, U. et al. PANGAEA - Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science. Sci Data 10, 347 (2023).
Save the date! 🎉
On June 7th, 2023, visit us at our Bremen Office to celebrate "Day of Research Data" in cooperation with UBremen Research Alliance (UBRA). We are located in 3rd floor of UNICOM 2, Mary-Somerville-Straße 2-4, 28359 Bremen, Germany.
Registration is open! PANGAEA / de.NBI - Community Workshop: Finding and retrieving data from PANGAEA
This hands-on workshop focuses on finding and using datasets already published on PANGAEA. It gives an in-depth introduction to various methods of systematically finding desired datasets for one’s particular task and making them available for further use and analysis, i.a. in typical VRE like Jupiter. You are invited to join online May 11 and 12 2023, each at 10:30am - 12:30am CEST (UTC+2)
iAtlantic 'blueprint' for assessing ecosystem status published
PANGAEA contributes to new iAtlantic perspective paper in the journal Communications Earth & Environment, outlining how international scientific partnership, collaboration, pooled resources and shared ambition can deliver the information to better manage and protect ecosystems in the deep and open ocean.
Merry Christmas!
The PANGAEA Data Editorial Office is closed from 2022-12-19 to 2023-01-06. Data submissions will not be processed during this time. Happy Holiday Season and all the best for the New Year!
European Research Data Landscape
The final report of the European Research Data Landscape attests that the PANGAEA repository hast the highest FAIR score
Registration is open! PANGAEA Community Workshop: FAIR data publications with PANGAEA
The four-hour hands-on workshop focuses on preparing and submitting data to PANGAEA in accordance to requirements for FAIR and sustainable data publishing. Join online at Dec. 01 and 02, both 10:30am – 12:30pm CET (UTC+1). More details and pre-registration here (closes Nov. 27!!).
BSRN is now GCOS recognized network
The Baseline Surface Radiation Network has now officially received the certificate of "GCOS recognized network". BSRN data is published in the WMO accredited World Radiation Monitoring Center (WRMC), which is hosted by PANGAEA.
MOSAiC Arctic Ocean drift experiment data
A data collection was launched under Scientific Data journal, which describes the main achievements in terms of publicly available research data from the year-round multi-national MOSAiC Arctic Ocean drift experiment. PANGAEA is one of the official repositories for the data gathered during the MOSAiC expedition.
Thank you for your participation in our CWS 06/2022!
The PANGAEA Community Workshop - Special focus: Data Access was really a very enjoyable and successful event. PANGAEA says "Thank you!" to the more than 50 participants who attended and made a lively contribution to the workshop. We are already looking forward to our next edition on "Data Submission" this November. Stay tuned!
Registration is open! PANGAEA de.NBI - Community Workshop: Finding and retrieving data from PANGAEA
The in total four-hour hands-on workshop focuses on finding and using datasets already published on PANGAEA, and gives an in-depth introduction to various methods of systematically finding desired datasets for one’s particular task and making them available for further use and analysis. You can join online at the 02. and 03. of June 2022, each day at 10am - 12am CEST (UTC+2)
DFG specifies the requirements for handling research data in funding applications
A subject-specific, adequate handling of research data on which scientific projects are based or which arise during their implementation is an essential part of quality-oriented and connectable research. The German Research Foundation (DFG) is now specifying the requirements for handling research data in applications for individual and collaborative projects and making information on this mandatory.
Data Usage Statistics
As of today, PANGAEA is providing a new service – publicly accessible usage statistics on all data publications. You can assess views of landing pages or data matrices, and download counts. The aggregations built with respect to user privacy are reaching back to 2012!
Climate Change 2022
The IPCC Sixth Assessment Report highlights the role of ecosystems, biodiversity, and human communities at global and regional levels.
Welcome to the team
Welcome to our new PANGAEA team members Kathrin Riemann-Campe (AWI), Malik Naumann (MARUM) and Egor Gordeev (MARUM).
Happy New Year!
The PANGAEA Data Editorial Office has returned from holiday season and started processing data submissions on 2022-01-10.
Merry Christmas!
The PANGAEA Data Editorial Office is closed from 2021-12-20 to 2022-01-10. Data submissions will not be processed during this time. Happy Holiday Season and all the best for the New Year!
de.NBI Community Workshop: PANGAEA
This workshop is aimed at all those who are interested in publishing scientific data and in topics related to research data management, and who want to take a look behind the scenes of the PANGAEA repository. Our agenda will revolve around these questions, among others: What does PANGAEA actually do, and what services does it provide? How do I find data on PANGAEA, and how do I get access to it? How exactly can I publish my data on PANGAEA? The registration is open now!
Ocean State Report 5
This annual publication provides a comprehensive and state-of-the-art report on the current state, natural variations, and ongoing changes in the European regional seas and global ocean
PAGES - Past Global Changes
PAGES is celebrating its 30th anniversary with a new website. Paleoclimatology has been the original background for the foundation of PANGAEA.
IPCC Climate Change Report
Human influence has warmed the climate at a rate that is unprecedented in at least the last 2000 years. See the latest IPCC report.
Earth Overshoot Day 2021
By 29th of July we have already consumed the whole fund for this year; from this date on we already endanger the foundations of the planetary ecosystem.
Climate Emergency
Up to date more than 13.000 from 153 countries scientists have signed the climate emergency declaration. See the latest paper for details.
MOSAiC expedition documentary
One year in the eternal ice of the Arctic - the experiences and challenges during the MOSAiC expedition were captured in a documentary.
State of nature in Europe 2020
Europe’s nature is experiencing a serious and continuing decline. The challenge to protect it is urgent, and significant additional efforts are needed to reverse the current trend.
Reduced service capacities from October 1st on
To improve our efficiency in processing and archiving your valuable data, we are in the process of streamlining and restructuring our workflows and the underlying infrastructure from October to December 2020.
FAIR repositories
Through the competitive FAIRsFAIR Open Call for Data Repositories, PANGAEA has been selected as one of the 6 data repositories that will provide their expertise in testing the practical solutions developed in FAIRsFAIR to enhance the FAIRness of data.
job opportunities
Interested in data management and data infrastructures for your career? PANGAEA offers various positions. See our job postings.
Merry Christmas
The PANGAEA Data Editorial Office is closed from 2020-12-16 to 2021-01-15. Data submissions will not be processed during this time. Happy Holiday Season and all the best for the New Year!
PANGAEA Video Tutorial
Our first PANGAEA video tutorial is now available. Learn how easy it is to submit and publish FAIR data with PANGAEA.
Wind speed changes due to wind turbines at sea
Researchers from TU Braunschweig and KIT Karlsruhe investigated how wind speeds change due to wind turbines at sea. Research aircraft Dornier 128 "D-IBUF" was used to record changes in the wind field behind offshore wind farms. Data are available at PANGAEA.
Make scientific data FAIR
Institutions, science funders, data repositories, publishers, researchers and scientific societies from all scientific disciplines must work together to ensure all scientific data are easy to find, access and use, according to a new commentary in Nature by members of the Enabling FAIR Data Steering Committee.
Next RDA Plenary Meeting
The 14th Plenary Meeting of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) will take place from 23-25 October 2019 in Helsinki, Finland. Registration is now open.
United Nations report on biodiversity
A hard-hitting report into the impact of humans on nature shows that nearly one million species risk becoming extinct within decades, while current efforts to conserve the earth’s resources will likely fail without radical action.
new pangaea tool
The software module 'pangaeapy' allows to download and analyse metadata as well as data from tabular PANGAEA datasets. Please take a look at the example Jupyter Notebooks.
Funding information
PANGAEA data sets now contain information about funding awards as part of the project metadata. Please, check (click on project in the metadata)
10 years of DataCite
The year 2019 sees the 10 year anniversary of DataCite, Jan Brase, former DataCite Director, tells us the story how it all began.
U.S. government shutdown
Due to the US government shutdown, some of our datasets that rely on data from NOAA and other data centers, are not accessible at the moment. As soon as service there is back up, we will replicate external data sources – as far as licenses allow – to prevent similar problems in the future.
Building and Harnessing Open Paleodata
Decades ago paleodata gave the impulse for the setup of PANGAEA. The latest issue of the Past Global Changes Magazine showcases the ongoing growth of a rich variety of openly available, globally distributed paleodata. It highlights new scientific, software, funding, and outreach initiatives that harness these open-data resources.
The National Research Data Infrastructure
For our German users: The Joint Science Conference (GWK) has agreed upon implementing and funding a National Research Data Infrastructure (NFDI) in Germany. NFDI will be organized around larger consortia bringing together science and infrastructure providers.
Google Dataset Search
Google has launched their new Dataset Search. Similar to how Google Scholar works, Dataset Search lets you find datasets wherever they're hosted, whether it's a digital library or a data publisher like PANGAEA. You can find references to most datasets in environmental and social sciences, as well as data from other disciplines including government. PANGAEA has contributed to the evaluation and refinement of this new tool. Check out the example for "marine litter"!
A data recommender system for PANGAEA
We found a new solution to improve the data discovery on the PANGAEA portal. It’s a recommender system, which produces two types of recommendations: Datasets with similar metadata, based on features like title or geographic location, and "Users that were interested in this dataset were also interested in", based on user interactions on the portal. Check out our example!
R tools to work with pangaea
The pangaear package on GitHub offers tools to interact with the PANGAEA Database, including functions for searching for data, fetching datasets by dataset ID, and working with the PANGAEA OAI-PMH service.
FAIR Data Action Plan
The European Commission Expert Group on Turning FAIR Data into reality published an action plan. The Group has a remit to provide recommendations, indicators and input on the financing of activities required to turn FAIR data into reality at an EU, Member State and international level.
GFBio and de.NBI are organizing a summer school on research data management in Braunschweig/Germany from 5-7 September 2018. The course will address the whole data life cycle. Take a look at the program and register!
International Day for Biological Diversity 2018
The United Nations has proclaimed May 22 The International Day for Biological Diversity (IDB) to increase understanding and awareness of biodiversity issues. This years event marks the 25th anniversary of the entry into force of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) and highlight progress made in the achievement of its objectives at the national and global levels.
New partnership between PANGAEA & DataONE
PANGAEA exposes its metadata collection to the DataONE community. DataONE enables universal access to data and also facilitates researchers in fulfilling their need for data management and in providing secure and permanent access to their data. DataONE offers the scientific community a suite of tools and training materials that cover all aspects of the data life cycle from data collection, to management, analysis and publication.
Scientific data sharing in 2018
A new set of recommendations address the policy and technological changes since the last Commission proposal on access to and preservation of scientific information. They offer guidance on implementing open access policies in line with open science objectives, research data and data management, the creation of a European Open Science Cloud, and text and data-mining. They also highlight the importance of incentives, rewards, skills and metrics appropriate for the new era of networked research.
Research Data Alliance Plenary 2018 in Berlin
The 11th Plenary Meeting of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) will take place from the 21st to the 23rd March 2018 in Berlin, Germany. The ISCU World Data System including PANGAEA is involved in various working groups and sessions.
Geo Sample Numbers in PANGAEA
We are pleased to announce that International Geo Sample Numbers (IGSN) in PANGAEA data are now actionable (clickable, resolvable). See the example resolving to samples hosted at the Bremen Core Repository.
Merry Christmas
The PANGAEA Data Editorial Office is closed from 2018-12-22 to 2019-01-01. Data submissions will not be processed during this time. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Research Data Networks
The OECD Global Science Forum (GSF) and the World Data System (WDS) partnered on a project to identify principles and policy actions that can enable the establishment and maintenance of effective international data networks that are necessary to support a global open science enterprise.
Sustainable Data Repositories
An OECD Global Science Forum Expert Group published a report on Business Models for Sustainable Data Repositories. The report describes and evaluates the current funding situation of research data repositories.
Data Fitness for Use II
During 2017 PANGAEA has massively extended the use of terminologies to harmonize data. This facilitates data integration and discovery. Read our latest article.
Delays expected
Due to the currently increased number of data submissions, archiving of data and minting of DOI names might be delayed. Please have in mind that all data and metadata are quality checked, harmonized, and processed for machine readability.
Sad News
On the 23rd of October this year our colleague Dr. Rainer Sieger unexpectedly deceased. For many years Rainer has been working successfully in the field of data management. To him we owe in particular large data collections and products like JGOFS or SOCAT as well as some very useful data management tools. We lost a respected team colleague and friend.
“Do You Expect Me to Just Give Away My Data?”
This EOS blog post promotes the need to publish data and to cross-link data with literature. PANGAEA is given as the reference repository in Europe.
The ICSU World Data System (ICSU-WDS) and the Data Seal of Approval (DSA) have launched a new certification organization. The CoreTrustSeal certification is envisioned as the initial level in a global framework for repository certification. Ultimately, it will endeavour to provide core-level certification for other research entities such as data services and software.
Sad News
On the 27th of April our colleague Mathias Weinrebe unexpectedly deceased. Since several years Mathias has given IT support in the fields of hydroacoustics and terminologies. We lost a respected co-worker and friend. The PANGAEA Team
re:publica 2017
PANGAEA presents on the re:publica 2017 conference in Berlin to the broad public: How is data gathered, archived for publication, and reused by other scientists? We are looking forward to meeting you on this conference as part of the sub:marine track!
Data Fitness for Use
A new working group has been endorsed by the Research Data Alliance (RDA) and the ICSU World Data System (WDS) aiming at certifying and badging usability of individual data sets. The international consortium aligns various efforts in this field including groups from OpenAIRE, GEO, WDS, DANS, and W3C.
RDA Plenary Meeting
The 9th Plenary Meeting of the Research Data Alliance (RDA) will take place from 5th to 7th April 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. PANGAEA is involved in various working groups and sessions.
PANGAEA Curator new director of the World Radiation Monitoring Center
The World Radiation Monitoring Center (WRMC) is the central archive of the Baseline Surface Radiation Network (BSRN). Being founded in 1992, the BSRN serves high quality solar radiation data for 25 years now. In 2017 PANGAEA Curator Amelie Driemel took over the responsibilities from Gert König-Langlo as new director of the WRMC.
PANGAEA’s new face
After more than 20 years of operation PANGAEA has renewed its face. Although many users were in favour of the minimalistic Google like interface we decided it was time to move to more sophisticated techniques to interact with our users. The new website offers new functionalities such as faceted searches, mobile browser support, and linking your data submissions with your ORCID ID. Try it out!