Event List of TARA_20130907Z
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Event label | Optional label | Method/Device | Abbreviation | O2A Registry URI | Date/Time | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Date/Time end | Latitude end | Longitude end | Elevation end | Comment |
TARA_20130907Z_UDW_EVENT_CSSS | [day/night] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Continuous Surface Sampling System | [CSSS] | 2013-09-07T00:00:00 | 70.91480 | 174.59210 | 2013-09-18T00:00:00 | 69.84040 | -135.58000 | [Device: equipped with [AC-S] spectrophotometer (Wetlabs), [FLUO] chlorophyll fluorometer (WETLabs), [Flowcytobot], [TSG] temperature and conductivity sensor (SeaBird) and [FRRF] Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (flow through model), pH, PCO2, optical backscattering (3 wavelengths), fluorescence emission (2 excitation wavelengths ALFA) and a Surface Photoactive Photosynthetic Radiation (PAR) ] | |||
TARA_20130907Z_UDW_EVENT_BATOS | [day/night] [atmospheric boundary layer] | Meteo France Voluntary Observing Ships meteorological station | [BATOS] | 2013-09-07T00:00:00 | 70.91480 | 174.59210 | 2013-09-18T00:00:00 | 69.84040 | -135.58000 | ||||
TARA_193 | Research vessel | RV | 2013-09-08T00:00:00 | 71.11460 | 174.90060 | 2013-09-08T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20130908T0245Z_193_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2013-09-08T02:45:00 | 71.07040 | 174.99160 | 2013-09-08T04:45:00 | ||||||
TARA_20130908T0250Z_193_EVENT_CAST | [day/night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2013-09-08T02:46:49 | 71.07040 | 174.99170 | 2013-09-08T03:06:00 | 71.08000 | 174.97130 | [Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Sardet, Royer, Morisset) DCM B4 (20m), long station after Pevek] [Engineer: Aquascat+ ISUS] | |||
TARA_20130908T0335Z_193_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2013-09-08T03:35:00 | 71.09250 | 174.99160 | 2013-09-08T03:43:00 | 71.09500 | 174.97130 | [Logsheet: (Sardet, Royer, Morisset) Long station. After pevek] | |||
TARA_20130908T0408Z_193_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2013-09-08T04:08:00 | 71.10650 | 174.91010 | 2013-09-08T04:22:00 | [Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Sardet, Royer, Morisset) Long station. After pevek,* taken with a spoon on the metal sieve or protists (Margaux), ** taken 1/4 of total sample for TM (very dense)] | |||||
TARA_20130908T0444Z_193_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2013-09-08T04:44:00 | 71.12080 | 174.87850 | 2013-09-08T04:50:00 | [Logsheet: (Sardet, Royer, Morisset) Long station. After pevek, * very dense sample, taken 1/4 of sample for fixation] | |||||
TARA_20130908T0505Z_193_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2013-09-08T05:05:00 | 71.12890 | 174.86060 | 2013-09-08T05:10:00 | 71.13110 | 174.85580 | [Logsheet: (Sardet, Royer, Morisset) Long station. After pevek, very dense sample, *taken 1/4 of total sample from code-end #1 for fixation TM, ** taken a spoon from cod-end #2, *** taken 1/4 of total sample from cod-end #2] | |||
TARA_20130908T0556Z_193_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2013-09-08T05:56:00 | 71.14930 | 174.81710 | 2013-09-08T06:04:00 | 71.15210 | 174.81120 | [Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20130908T0627Z_193_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Neuston net, type=Manta (OI), mesh(µm)=500, width(m)=0.70, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-MANTA-OI-500] | 2013-09-08T06:27:00 | 71.15880 | 174.80950 | 2013-09-08T06:47:00 | 71.15480 | 174.85620 | [Logsheet: (Royer, Morisset) Long station after Pevek, * taken 1/4 of total sample because very dense] | |||
TARA_194 | Research vessel | RV | 2013-09-11T00:00:00 | 73.33590 | -168.51820 | 2013-09-12T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20130911T2000Z_194_EVENT_PUMP | [day/night] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2013-09-11T20:00:00 | 73.38330 | -168.13330 | 2013-09-11T23:00:00 | 73.38330 | -168.33330 | [Logsheet: (Sardet) we evaluated the start and end position of pumping using the other cast logsheets as pump event was forgotten in the event book., we started pumping surface water just before CTD1 and were done before Bongo 300] | |||
TARA_20130911T2012Z_194_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2013-09-11T20:10:03 | 73.38420 | -168.14730 | 2013-09-11T20:31:00 | 73.38630 | -168.16170 | [Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Sardet, Boss) Arrêt anticipé de la rosette à 75m (glace), les 10 bouteilles étaient fermées au retour mais le fichier cnv Indique seulement 9 boteilles fermées, décalage des profondeurs de fermeture des bouteilles (possible erreur sur les profondeurs)] [Engineer: Aquascat+ ISUS] | |||
TARA_20130911T2107Z_194_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2013-09-11T21:07:00 | 73.37970 | -168.19220 | 2013-09-11T21:16:00 | 73.37970 | -168.20260 | ||||
TARA_20130911T2137Z_194_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2013-09-11T21:37:00 | 73.38020 | -168.23240 | 2013-09-11T21:44:00 | 73.38100 | -168.25200 | [Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Royer, Morisset) * small teaspoon in RNA-Later (about 1/20 of total sample), ** only 1/6 of the sample fixed because too abundant] | |||
TARA_20130911T2208Z_194_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2013-09-11T22:08:00 | 73.38160 | -168.28280 | 2013-09-11T22:15:00 | 73.38220 | -168.29400 | [Logsheet: (Sardet, Royer, Morisset) only 1/4 of the total sample was fixed because very abundant, WARNING!: the sample was split in two jars with the same label, one jar has two different stickers P100003760 and P100003757] | |||
TARA_20130911T2232Z_194_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2013-09-11T22:32:00 | 73.38260 | -168.32040 | 2013-09-11T22:38:00 | 73.38310 | -168.32960 | [Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Sardet, Royer, Morisset) Volume measured by the flow meter is probably wrong] | |||
TARA_20130911T2249Z_194_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2013-09-11T22:49:00 | 73.38410 | -168.34890 | 2013-09-11T22:57:00 | 73.38410 | -168.35740 | [Logsheet: (Sardet, Royer, Morisset) 1°: 1/4 of total collect was fixed because too abundant_2°:small teaspoon of RNA taken (about equivalent of 1/20 total)] | |||
TARA_20130912T0043Z_194_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2013-09-12T00:47:41 | 73.38240 | -168.53450 | 2013-09-12T01:07:00 | 73.37970 | -168.55010 | [Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: ISUS] | |||
TARA_20130912T0159Z_194_EVENT_NET | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2013-09-12T01:59:00 | 73.37270 | -168.65750 | 2013-09-12T02:09:00 | 73.36910 | -168.66870 | [Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Sardet, Royer, Morisset) * collected on the metal sieve, only 1/4 of the total sample fixed because very abundant] | |||
TARA_20130912T0224Z_194_EVENT_NET | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2013-09-12T02:24:00 | 73.36260 | -168.69330 | 2013-09-12T02:36:00 | 73.36260 | -168.35860 | [Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Sardet, Royer, Morisset) * 1/2 of cod-end for TM and 1/2 of cod-end for TG, ** 1 teaspoon in RNA-Later] | |||
TARA_20130912T0359Z_194_EVENT_PUMP | [day/night] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO: | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2013-09-12T03:59:00 | 73.32750 | -168.81420 | 2013-09-12T04:52:00 | 73.30910 | -168.90310 | ||||
TARA_20130912T0535Z_194_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Multiple opening/closing net, 300 µm meshsize | MSN300 | 2013-09-12T05:35:00 | 73.30060 | -168.79550 | 2013-09-12T05:47:00 | 73.29820 | -168.77380 | ||||
TARA_20130912T0628Z_194_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2013-09-12T06:25:43 | 73.28620 | -168.66420 | 2013-09-12T06:43:00 | 73.28550 | -168.69460 | [Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: ISUS] | |||
TARA_195 | Research vessel | RV | 2013-09-13T00:00:00 | 72.21270 | -159.70290 | 2013-09-13T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20130913T0232Z_999_EVENT_CSSS | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [betwe | Continuous Surface Sampling System | [CSSS] | 2013-09-13T02:32:00 | 72.47440 | -163.95640 | 2013-09-13T02:44:00 | 72.47320 | -163.90750 | [Device: water collected from the [OUTFLOW]] | |||
TARA_20130913T1931Z_195_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2013-09-13T19:25:45 | 72.21820 | -159.67140 | 2013-09-13T19:44:00 | 72.21600 | -159.68480 | [Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Sardet, Boss, Royer, Morisset) daily] [Engineer: Aquascat+ ISUS] | |||
TARA_20130913T1953Z_195_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2013-09-13T19:53:00 | 72.21360 | -159.70000 | 2013-09-13T20:02:00 | 72.21150 | -159.71150 | [Logsheet: (Sardet, Boss, Royer, Morisset) * 1/3 total volume (very abundant sample), P100003717: I further divided it in 2 jars on the 07/10/2013 LS, programming error on star odi, use scanmar instead] | |||
TARA_20130913T2014Z_195_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Neuston net, type=Manta (OI), mesh(µm)=500, width(m)=0.70, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-MANTA-OI-500] | 2013-09-13T20:14:00 | 72.20710 | -159.72260 | 2013-09-13T20:35:00 | 72.20760 | -159.73440 | ||||
TARA_196 | Research vessel | RV | 2013-09-14T00:00:00 | 71.89510 | -154.93430 | 2013-09-15T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20130914T1732Z_196_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2013-09-14T17:29:13 | 71.89120 | -154.90780 | 2013-09-14T18:04:00 | 71.89550 | -154.90410 | [Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Sardet, Boss, Royer, Morisset) long station] [Engineer: Aquascat+ ISUS] | |||
TARA_20130914T1730Z_196_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2013-09-14T17:30:00 | 71.88950 | -154.91010 | 2013-09-14T20:06:00 | 71.92080 | -154.93670 | ||||
TARA_20130914T1820Z_196_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2013-09-14T18:20:00 | 71.90130 | -154.90350 | 2013-09-14T19:00:00 | 71.90820 | -154.90750 | ||||
TARA_20130914T1920Z_196_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2013-09-14T19:20:00 | 71.91200 | -154.91450 | 2013-09-14T19:34:00 | 71.91530 | -154.92000 | [Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20130914T1940Z_196_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2013-09-14T19:40:00 | 71.91660 | -154.92280 | 2013-09-14T19:49:00 | 71.91790 | -154.92630 | ||||
TARA_20130914T2000Z_196_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2013-09-14T20:00:00 | 71.91990 | -154.93390 | 2013-09-14T20:12:00 | 71.92140 | -154.94020 | [Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20130914T2022Z_196_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2013-09-14T20:22:00 | 71.92260 | -154.94760 | 2013-09-14T20:47:00 | 71.92290 | -154.96270 | ||||
TARA_20130914T2108Z_196_EVENT_COPS | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Compact Optical Profiling System (Biospherical Instruments Inc.) | [RADIOMETRE-COPS] | 2013-09-14T21:08:00 | 71.92370 | -154.98090 | 2013-09-14T00:00:00 | ||||||
TARA_20130914T2319Z_196_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2013-09-14T23:17:52 | 71.87550 | -154.91730 | 2013-09-14T23:44:00 | 71.86650 | -154.93360 | [Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Sardet, Boss, Royer, Morisset) long station] [Engineer: ISUS] | |||
TARA_197 | Research vessel | RV | 2013-09-15T00:00:00 | 71.33560 | -148.66240 | 2013-09-16T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20130915T0011Z_196_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Neuston net, type=Manta (OI), mesh(µm)=500, width(m)=0.70, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-MANTA-OI-500] | 2013-09-15T00:11:00 | 71.87480 | -154.92460 | 2013-09-15T00:32:00 | 71.88750 | -154.88770 | ||||
TARA_20130915T2356Z_197_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2013-09-15T23:52:41 | 71.33310 | -148.64840 | 2013-09-16T00:42:00 | 71.33330 | -148.67410 | [Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Sardet, Boss, Royer, Morisset) daily] [Engineer: Aquascat+ ISUS] | |||
TARA_198 | Research vessel | RV | 2013-09-16T00:00:00 | 71.47410 | -141.88360 | 2013-09-16T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20130916T0054Z_197_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2013-09-16T00:54:00 | 71.33250 | -148.68910 | 2013-09-16T01:00:00 | 71.33320 | -148.69550 | ||||
TARA_20130916T0110Z_197_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Neuston net, type=Manta (OI), mesh(µm)=500, width(m)=0.70, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-MANTA-OI-500] | 2013-09-16T01:10:00 | 71.33160 | -148.70250 | 2013-09-16T01:29:00 | 71.33960 | -148.62220 | ||||
TARA_20130916T2210Z_198_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2013-09-16T22:10:42 | 71.47730 | -141.86660 | 2013-09-16T23:11:00 | 71.47960 | -141.89070 | [Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Sardet, Boss, Royer, Morisset) daily] [Engineer: Aquascat+ ISUS CDOM NOK inf 300m] | |||
TARA_20130916T2318Z_198_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2013-09-16T23:18:00 | 71.48020 | -141.89450 | 2013-09-16T23:29:00 | 71.48130 | -141.90050 | ||||
TARA_20130916T2350Z_198_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Neuston net, type=Manta (OI), mesh(µm)=500, width(m)=0.70, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-MANTA-OI-500] | 2013-09-16T23:50:00 | 71.47840 | -141.89770 | 2013-09-16T00:10:00 | 71.46690 | -141.87390 | [Logsheet: (Sardet, Boss, Royer, Morisset) Flow meter readings may be wrong] | |||
TARA_199 | Research vessel | RV | 2013-09-17T00:00:00 | 70.39570 | -140.33440 | 2013-09-17T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20130917T1755Z_199_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2013-09-17T17:54:10 | 70.38510 | -140.24610 | 2013-09-17T18:43:00 | 70.39550 | -140.31000 | [Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Sardet, Boss, Royer, Morisset) daily, bouteille fond n'a pas fermé, derire verticale trop grande] [Engineer: Aquascat+ ISUS CDOM NOK inf 100m] | |||
TARA_20130917T1853Z_199_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2013-09-17T18:53:00 | 70.39980 | -140.33590 | 2013-09-17T19:11:00 | 70.40620 | -140.37550 | ||||
TARA_20130917T1946Z_199_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Neuston net, type=Manta (OI), mesh(µm)=500, width(m)=0.70, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-MANTA-OI-500] | 2013-09-17T19:46:00 | 70.40540 | -140.42270 | 2013-09-17T20:06:00 | 70.39280 | -140.40350 | ||||
TARA_20130918T1810Z_999_EVENT_CSSS | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [betwe | Continuous Surface Sampling System | [CSSS] | 2013-09-18T18:10:00 | 69.85680 | -135.34050 | 2013-09-18T00:00:00 | [Device: water collected from the [OUTFLOW]] |