Event List of TARA_20110311Z
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Event label | Optional label | Method/Device | Abbreviation | O2A Registry URI | Date/Time | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Date/Time end | Latitude end | Longitude end | Elevation end | Comment |
TARA_20110311Z_UDW_EVENT_BATOS | [day/night] [atmospheric boundary layer] | Meteo France Voluntary Observing Ships meteorological station | [BATOS] | 2011-03-11T00:00:00 | -33.10209 | -71.80289 | 2011-03-30T00:00:00 | -27.15991 | -109.45853 | ||||
TARA_20110311Z_UDW_EVENT_CSSS | [day/night] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Continuous Surface Sampling System | [CSSS] | 2011-03-11T00:00:00 | -33.10209 | -71.80289 | 2011-03-30T00:00:00 | -27.15991 | -109.45853 | Device: equipped with [AC-S] spectrophotometer (Wetlabs), [FLUO] chlorophyll fluorometer (WETLabs), [TSG] temperature and conductivity sensor (SeaBird) and [FRRF] Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (flow through model)] | |||
TARA_093 | Research vessel | RV | 2011-03-11T00:00:00 | -33.76190 | -72.61510 | 2011-03-13T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20110311T1942Z_093_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-11T19:36:18 | -33.45730 | -72.15430 | 2011-03-11T21:04:00 | -33.46370 | -72.12360 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) 20:20 scattering layer in the ecosounder at 250m/ high scattering in mesopelagic (migrating zooplankton?)/ one of the pulleys failed - cast stopped at 150m on upcast for 45 minutes] [Engineer: UVP lights flashing fast on test] | |||
TARA_20110312T1134Z_093_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2011-03-12T11:34:00 | -34.06140 | -73.10660 | 2011-03-12T14:45:00 | -33.87850 | -73.03690 | ||||
TARA_20110312T1154Z_093_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-12T11:49:28 | -34.04870 | -73.08430 | 2011-03-12T12:43:00 | -34.02220 | -73.07350 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) pairly strong drift > 2knots] | |||
TARA_20110312T1320Z_093_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [neust | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2011-03-12T13:20:00 | -33.99300 | -73.06030 | 2011-03-12T13:38:00 | -33.98120 | -73.05490 | ||||
TARA_20110312T1637Z_093_EVENT_SECCHI | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Secchi disk, diameter_(cm)=20 | [SECCHI-20] | 2011-03-12T16:35:29 | -34.06650 | -73.09810 | |||||||
TARA_20110312T1637Z_093_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-12T16:35:29 | -34.06650 | -73.09810 | 2011-03-12T17:09:00 | -34.04760 | -73.09400 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) HPLC- 1L filtered for at depth] [Engineer: 4 kn drift!] | |||
TARA_20110312T1722Z_093_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2011-03-12T17:22:00 | -34.03740 | -73.09000 | 2011-03-12T17:33:00 | -34.02500 | -73.08780 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20110312T1900Z_093_EVENT_NET | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2011-03-12T19:00:00 | -33.94770 | -73.06350 | 2011-03-12T19:13:00 | -33.93680 | -73.06060 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Prejger, Searson, Karp-Boss) collected in 2 jars/ numbered 172 and 272 with both having same code bar sticker] | |||
TARA_20110312T1937Z_093_Combined-EVENTS_CAST | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-12T19:36:38 | -33.91160 | -73.05370 | 2011-03-12T20:57:00 | -33.83200 | -73.03660 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Curator: Multiple casts were made to collect large volumes of water from a discrete depth. The following casts were used:TARA_20110312T1937Z_093_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20110312T2039Z_093_EVENT_CAST] | |||
TARA_20110312T1937Z_093_EVENT_CAST | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-12T19:36:38 | -33.91160 | -73.05370 | 2011-03-12T19:57:00 | -33.89360 | -73.04970 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) mis fire on niskin: #1 tripped at BTM] [Engineer: 4 kn drift!] | |||
TARA_20110312T2039Z_093_EVENT_CAST | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-12T20:37:59 | -33.84690 | -73.03940 | 2011-03-12T20:57:00 | -33.83200 | -73.03660 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) mis are on niskins:#1 tripped at BTM of cast] [Engineer: 4 kn drift!] | |||
TARA_20110313T1648Z_093_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-13T16:46:23 | -33.98740 | -73.04310 | 2011-03-13T17:51:00 | -33.94180 | -73.01670 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) I took another full set of nutrient samples along with a set up N2O samples taken by Marcela/ the chilean scientist/ to get some chemistry of the nitrate maximum] [Engineer: Marginal. UVP did not reach start depths] | |||
TARA_20110313T1818Z_093_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2011-03-13T18:18:00 | -33.91630 | -73.00340 | 2011-03-13T19:11:00 | -33.87600 | -72.98490 | ||||
TARA_094 | Research vessel | RV | 2011-03-16T00:00:00 | -32.76521 | -87.09285 | 2011-03-18T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20110316T1152Z_999_EVENT_SECCHI | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Secchi disk, diameter_(cm)=20 | [SECCHI-20] | 2011-03-16T11:52:29 | -33.24710 | -81.12670 | [Device: diameter (centimetre)=20] | ||||||
TARA_20110316T1152Z_999_EVENT_CAST | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-16T11:52:29 | -33.24710 | -81.12670 | 2011-03-16T12:43:00 | -33.23060 | -81.11530 | [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) Secchi : 19 m. Drift : 2/4 kt] [Engineer: CTD #1 transect] | ||||
TARA_20110317T1815Z_999_EVENT_SECCHI | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Secchi disk, diameter_(cm)=20 | [SECCHI-20] | 2011-03-17T18:13:23 | -32.86750 | -84.84080 | [Device: diameter (centimetre)=20] | ||||||
TARA_20110317T1815Z_999_EVENT_CAST | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-17T18:13:23 | -32.86750 | -84.84080 | 2011-03-17T19:04:00 | -32.85790 | -84.86080 | [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) Drift 2. Secchi 32 m- 33 m strong drift angle (30°). Correction for angle give : 28 m] [Engineer: CTD #2 transect] | ||||
TARA_20110318T1157Z_094_EVENT_PUMP | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2011-03-18T11:57:00 | -32.79710 | -87.06930 | 2011-03-18T14:00:00 | -32.78060 | -87.09170 | |||||
TARA_20110318T1211Z_094_EVENT_CAST | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-18T12:09:44 | -32.79430 | -87.07330 | 2011-03-18T13:00:00 | -32.79030 | -87.08260 | [Engineer: Short Stn] | ||||
TARA_20110318T1310Z_094_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2011-03-18T13:10:00 | -32.78840 | -87.07170 | 2011-03-18T14:03:00 | -32.78050 | -87.09180 | [Device: net type=Bongo, #nets=2, mesh size (micrometre)=300, mouth opening (m^2)=0.258319, length (m)=3] [Logsheet: (Prejger, Karp-Boss, Searson) The angle varied. The Speed : 2.0 - 2/5. Net filpped - redo . Going again : star > 32°46.6945 S 87°05/568 W at 14:10/ End > 32°45/085 S 87°05/802 W at 14:56 ] | |||
TARA_20110318T1504Z_094_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [neust | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2011-03-18T15:04:00 | -32.75010 | -87.09760 | 2011-03-18T15:17:00 | -32.74280 | -87.09840 | [Device: net type=Bongo, #nets=2, mesh size (micrometre)=300, mouth opening (m^2)=0.258319, length (m)=3] | |||
TARA_20110318T1526Z_094_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2011-03-18T15:26:00 | -32.74040 | -87.09920 | 2011-03-18T15:42:00 | -32.73300 | -87.10050 | [Device: net type=bongo, #nets=2, mesh size (micrometre)=180, mouth opening (m^2)=0.258319, length (m)=3. Material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20110318T1624Z_094_EVENT_CAST | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-18T16:23:29 | -32.77520 | -87.09710 | 2011-03-18T16:50:00 | -32.77500 | -87.10130 | [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) Volume filtered for HPLC : 2 L] [Engineer: Short Stn] | ||||
TARA_20110318T1705Z_094_EVENT_TSRB | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Tethered Spectral Radiometre Buoy | [RADIOMETRE-TSRB] | 2011-03-18T17:05:00 | -32.77480 | -87.10300 | 2011-03-18T17:20:00 | -32.77260 | -87.10900 | [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) Lovely day] | |||
TARA_20110318T1705Z_094_EVENT_SECCHI | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Secchi disk, diameter_(cm)=20 | [SECCHI-20] | 2011-03-18T17:05:00 | -32.77520 | -87.09710 | [Device: diameter (centimetre)=20] | ||||||
TARA_20110318T1745Z_094_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [plast | Neuston net, type=Manta (ALGALITA), mesh(µm)=500, width(m)=0.70, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-MANTA-ST-500] | 2011-03-18T17:45:00 | -32.77290 | -87.11640 | 2011-03-18T19:07:00 | -32.79040 | -87.08550 | [Device: net type=Manta suitcase Trawl (ALGALITA), #nets=1, mesh size (micrometre)=500, mouth width (m)=0.61, length (m)=2.5] | |||
TARA_20110318T1920Z_094_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net | PLA | 2011-03-18T19:20:00 | -32.79250 | -87.08390 | 2011-03-18T20:10:00 | -32.79480 | -87.08800 | [Device: net type=Regent, #nets=1, mesh size (micrometre)=680, mouth opening (m^2)=0.754296, length (m)=4] | |||
TARA_20110318T2019Z_094_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2011-03-18T20:19:00 | -32.79540 | -87.08390 | 2011-03-18T20:30:00 | -32.79590 | -87.08740 | [Device: net type=Double, #nets=2, mesh size (micrometre)=20, mouth opening (m^2)=0.192442, length (m)=2.5. Material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20110318T2033Z_094_EVENT_PUMP | day_surface water layer (ENVO:00002042) | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2011-03-18T20:33:00 | -32.79610 | -87.08740 | 2011-03-18T21:16:00 | -32.79710 | -87.08540 | Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Duhaime) A second pump was used to colledt additional 200 L Gyrus because the first one cracked during filtration. | |||
TARA_20110318T2038Z_094_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2011-03-18T20:38:00 | -32.79620 | -87.08730 | 2011-03-18T20:53:00 | -32.79670 | -87.08670 | [Device: net type=WPII, #nets=1, mesh size (micrometre)=200, mouth opening (m^2)=0.248505, length (m)=2.75] | |||
TARA_20110318T2102Z_094_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=single, mesh(µm)=5, mouth(m^2)=0.196349, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-SINGLE-5]+[SIEVE-20] | 2011-03-18T21:02:00 | -32.79690 | -87.08600 | 2011-03-18T21:11:00 | -32.79710 | -87.08570 | [Device: net type=single, #nets=1, mesh size (micrometre)=5, mouth opening (m^2)=0.196349, length (m)=2.5. Material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-20] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=20, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20110318T2121Z_094_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2011-03-18T21:21:00 | -32.79720 | -87.08530 | 2011-03-18T21:36:00 | -32.79720 | -87.08470 | [Device: net type=WPII, mesh size (micrometre)=50, mouth opening (m^2)=0.248505, length (m)=2.75] | |||
TARA_20110318T2143Z_094_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2011-03-18T21:43:00 | -32.79740 | -87.08410 | 2011-03-18T21:56:00 | -32.79720 | -87.08400 | [Device: net type=WPII, mesh size (micrometre)=50, mouth opening (m^2)=0.248505, length (m)=2.75] | |||
TARA_095 | Research vessel | RV | 2011-03-19T00:00:00 | -31.38560 | -93.98620 | 2011-03-21T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20110319T2121Z_999_EVENT_CAST | [near station 95] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-19T21:20:21 | -32.37720 | -89.75810 | 2011-03-19T22:11:00 | -32.38580 | -89.73720 | [Engineer: CTD #1 transect] | |||
TARA_20110320T1803Z_999_EVENT_CAST | [near station 95] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-20T18:00:05 | -31.88290 | -91.70320 | 2011-03-20T18:51:00 | -31.87370 | -91.70000 | [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) salinity on niskins #1/ #2/ #5] [Engineer: CTD #2 transect. Salinities] | |||
TARA_20110321T1301Z_095_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2011-03-21T13:01:00 | -31.44240 | -93.95970 | 2011-03-21T14:44:00 | -31.43720 | -93.95730 | ||||
TARA_20110321T1310Z_095_EVENT_CAST | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-21T13:08:34 | -31.44010 | -93.95650 | 2011-03-21T13:59:00 | -31.43180 | -93.94950 | [Engineer: Short Stn] | ||||
TARA_20110321T1440Z_095_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2011-03-21T14:40:00 | -31.43590 | -93.95610 | 2011-03-21T14:55:00 | -31.44020 | -93.95990 | [Device: net type=Double, #nets=2, mesh size (micrometre)=20, mouth opening (m^2)=0.192442, length (m)=2.5. Material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20110321T1506Z_095_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [neust | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2011-03-21T15:06:00 | -31.44030 | -93.96110 | 2011-03-21T15:19:00 | -31.43730 | -93.96160 | [Device: net type=Bongo, #nets=2, mesh size (micrometre)=300, mouth opening (m^2)=0.258319, length (m)=3] | |||
TARA_20110321T1530Z_095_EVENT_CAST | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-21T15:27:54 | -31.43280 | -93.95830 | 2011-03-21T15:52:00 | -31.42690 | -93.95500 | [Engineer: Short Stn] | ||||
TARA_20110321T1530Z_095_EVENT_SECCHI | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Secchi disk, diameter_(cm)=20 | [SECCHI-20] | 2011-03-21T15:27:54 | -31.43280 | -93.95830 | [Device: diameter (centimetre)=20] | ||||||
TARA_20110321T1558Z_095_EVENT_SECCHI | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Secchi disk, diameter_(cm)=20 | [SECCHI-20] | 2011-03-21T15:58:00 | -31.42490 | -93.95370 | [Device: diameter (centimetre)=20] | ||||||
TARA_20110321T1558Z_095_EVENT_TSRB | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Tethered Spectral Radiometre Buoy | [RADIOMETRE-TSRB] | 2011-03-21T15:58:00 | -31.42490 | -93.95370 | 2011-03-21T16:15:00 | -31.40000 | -93.90000 | [Logsheet: (Searson, Karp-Boss) dark: 31° 25.762/ 093° 57.378 at 15:42] | |||
TARA_20110321T1620Z_095_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2011-03-21T16:20:00 | -31.41680 | -93.94860 | 2011-03-21T17:10:00 | -31.40450 | -93.94560 | [Device: net type=Regent, #nets=1, mesh size (micrometre)=680, mouth opening (m^2)=0.754296, length (m)=4] | |||
TARA_20110321T1644Z_095_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2011-03-21T16:44:00 | -31.40900 | -93.94640 | 2011-03-21T16:55:00 | -31.40870 | -93.94610 | [Device: net type=bongo, #nets=2, mesh size (micrometre)=180, mouth opening (m^2)=0.258319, length (m)=3. Material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20110321T1722Z_095_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2011-03-21T17:22:00 | -31.40030 | -93.94390 | 2011-03-21T17:44:00 | -31.39190 | -93.94210 | [Device: net type=WPII, #nets=1, mesh size (micrometre)=200, mouth opening | |||
TARA_20110321T1753Z_095_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2011-03-21T17:53:00 | |||||||||
TARA_20110321T1808Z_095_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=single, mesh(µm)=5, mouth(m^2)=0.196349, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-SINGLE-5]+[SIEVE-20] | 2011-03-21T18:08:00 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-20] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=20, diameter (cm)=30] | ||||||||
TARA_20110321T1831Z_095_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2011-03-21T18:31:00 | |||||||||
TARA_20110321T1912Z_095_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2011-03-21T19:12:00 | -31.35650 | -93.93690 | 2011-03-21T20:22:00 | -31.35270 | -93.98740 | Logsheet: (Prejger, Searson, Karp-Boss) 2 appraoches to collected samples during the first no samples were collected!] | |||
TARA_20110321T2032Z_095_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [plast | Neuston net, type=Manta (ALGALITA), mesh(µm)=500, width(m)=0.70, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-MANTA-ST-500] | 2011-03-21T20:32:00 | -31.35030 | -93.99440 | 2011-03-21T21:43:00 | -31.32870 | -94.07240 | ||||
TARA_20110322T1519Z_999_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] [near | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-22T15:26:40 | -30.87250 | -96.24360 | 2011-03-22T16:15:00 | -30.86340 | -96.26170 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: CTD #1 transect] | |||
TARA_20110323T1503Z_999_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] [near | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-23T15:09:02 | -30.41570 | -98.89680 | 2011-03-23T15:57:00 | -30.41390 | -98.91450 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) no bottle closed] [Engineer: CTD #2 transect] | |||
TARA_096 | Research vessel | RV | 2011-03-24T00:00:00 | -29.65470 | -101.26840 | 2011-03-25T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20110324T1300Z_096_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2011-03-24T13:00:00 | -29.72380 | -101.16040 | 2011-03-24T15:25:00 | -29.67490 | -101.21370 | [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss) There is black debris (probably from nose)- seems to get more debreis with time > getting worst] | |||
TARA_20110324T1301Z_096_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-24T13:07:40 | -29.72380 | -101.16040 | 2011-03-24T14:04:00 | -29.70480 | -101.17880 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) Surface sample for FlowCAM were collected on this cast to free some time for optical eng. To process samples in the afternoon.] [Engineer: Short Station] | |||
TARA_20110324T1427Z_096_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2011-03-24T14:27:00 | -29.69540 | -101.18970 | 2011-03-24T14:42:00 | -29.69070 | -101.19370 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Tirichine, Searson) Average net depth: 8/2 m] | |||
TARA_20110324T1428Z_096_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2011-03-24T14:27:00 | -29.69540 | -101.18970 | 2011-03-24T14:53:00 | -29.68720 | -101.19730 | ||||
TARA_20110324T1503Z_096_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2011-03-24T15:03:00 | -29.68260 | -101.20340 | 2011-03-24T15:23:00 | -29.67530 | -101.21310 | Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Prejger, Searson) Mesh size : WM II 200] | |||
TARA_20110324T1514Z_096_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [neust | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2011-03-24T15:14:00 | -29.67840 | -101.20870 | 2011-03-24T15:34:00 | -29.67170 | -101.21820 | Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Tirichine, Searson) Average net depth: 3/7 m] | |||
TARA_20110324T1532Z_096_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2011-03-24T15:32:00 | -29.67330 | -101.21700 | 2011-03-24T15:53:00 | -29.66280 | -101.23050 | Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Prejger, Searson) Mesh size : 50 µm/ WPII SD µm TM. The Depth recorder SN usually lies on 5 µm ] | |||
TARA_20110324T1601Z_096_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2011-03-24T16:01:00 | -29.66180 | -101.23200 | 2011-03-24T16:23:00 | -29.65380 | -101.24330 | Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Prejger, Searson) Mesh size : WPII 50 µm TG. The depth recorder SN is usually 5 µm] | |||
TARA_20110324T1607Z_096_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=single, mesh(µm)=5, mouth(m^2)=0.196349, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-SINGLE-5]+[SIEVE-20] | 2011-03-24T16:07:00 | -29.65970 | -101.23510 | 2011-03-24T16:17:00 | -29.65590 | -101.24030 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-20] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=20, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Tirichine, Searson) The depth recorder SN is usually on WPII 50 µm. The net average depth is 6 m . PROTIST NET/ a] | |||
TARA_20110324T1634Z_096_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-24T16:32:31 | -29.64960 | -101.24960 | 2011-03-24T17:00:00 | -29.64360 | -101.26050 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) surface sample forrom FCAM were collected on first cast for better time managemant of optical eng. In dry lab. Took another set of samples for carbonates- just from 400 m because bottles in previous cast were triped @ 450 m.../ just in case to keep the consistency] | |||
TARA_20110324T1706Z_096_EVENT_SECCHI | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Secchi disk, diameter_(cm)=20 | [SECCHI-20] | 2011-03-24T17:06:00 | -29.64210 | -101.26450 | |||||||
TARA_20110324T1706Z_096_EVENT_TSRB | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Tethered Spectral Radiometre Buoy | [RADIOMETRE-TSRB] | 2011-03-24T17:06:00 | -29.64210 | -101.26450 | 2011-03-24T17:22:00 | -29.63840 | -101.27470 | Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) Photos were taken after cast. At 16:49 position 29°38/727 S / 101°15/367 W was DARK. Secchi depth 750 m !] | |||
TARA_20110324T1737Z_096_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [plast | Neuston net, type=Manta (ALGALITA), mesh(µm)=500, width(m)=0.70, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-MANTA-ST-500] | 2011-03-24T17:37:00 | -29.63880 | -101.27850 | 2011-03-24T19:01:00 | -29.67050 | -101.22630 | Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Duhaime, Searson) Mesh size : NET: Manta] | |||
TARA_20110324T1912Z_096_EVENT_SECCHI | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Secchi disk, diameter_(cm)=20 | [SECCHI-20] | 2011-03-24T19:09:46 | -29.66800 | -101.22850 | |||||||
TARA_20110324T1912Z_096_EVENT_CAST | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-24T19:09:46 | -29.66800 | -101.22850 | 2011-03-24T19:40:00 | -29.66210 | -101.24130 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) DCM cast #1. Secchi depth : >50/ end of the rope. ] [Engineer: DCM water #1] | |||
TARA_20110324T1912Z_096_Combined-EVENTS_CAST | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-24T19:09:46 | -29.66800 | -101.22850 | 2011-03-24T23:14:00 | -29.62670 | -101.35780 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Curator: Multiple casts were made to collect large volumes of water from a discrete depth. The following casts were used:TARA_20110324T1912Z_096_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20110324T2020Z_096_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20110324T2154Z_096_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20110324T2253Z_096_EVENT_CAST] | |||
TARA_20110324T2020Z_096_EVENT_CAST | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-24T20:18:21 | -29.65350 | -101.26740 | 2011-03-24T20:42:00 | -29.64990 | -101.27850 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) DCM cast #2] [Engineer: DCM water #2] | |||
TARA_20110324T2049Z_096_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2011-03-24T20:49:00 | -29.64850 | -101.28320 | 2011-03-24T21:42:00 | -29.64190 | -101.30600 | Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Prejger, Searson) Mesh size : Bongo 300. Seastate lies between 3 and 4.] | |||
TARA_20110324T2104Z_096_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2011-03-24T21:04:00 | -29.64600 | -101.29160 | 2011-03-24T21:15:00 | -29.64850 | -101.28320 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Tirichine, Searson) Mesh size : Bongo 180 Pro L. Seastate lies between 3 and 4. The det average depth is 4/ 6 m] | |||
TARA_20110324T2154Z_096_EVENT_CAST | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-24T21:52:09 | -29.63970 | -101.31330 | 2011-03-24T22:17:00 | -29.63620 | -101.32460 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) DCM cast #3] [Engineer: DCM water #3] | |||
TARA_20110324T2253Z_096_EVENT_CAST | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-24T22:50:07 | -29.62980 | -101.34790 | 2011-03-24T23:14:00 | -29.62670 | -101.35780 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) DCM cast #4] [Engineer: DCM water #4] | |||
TARA_20110324T2322Z_096_EVENT_NET | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2011-03-24T23:22:00 | -29.62540 | -101.36320 | 2011-03-24T23:48:00 | -29.62220 | -101.37520 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Tirichine, Searson) Mesh Size : Bongo 180 DCM. The net average depth is 143/5 m] | |||
TARA_20110325T0147Z_096_EVENT_CAST | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-25T01:45:45 | -29.65790 | -101.28280 | 2011-03-25T02:39:00 | -29.65040 | -101.29790 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) no bottle closed] [Engineer: night CTD] | |||
TARA_20110325T0251Z_096_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2011-03-25T02:51:00 | -29.64740 | -101.30340 | 2011-03-25T03:30:00 | -29.63800 | -101.31680 | Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Prejger, Searson) Mesh size : WPII 50] | |||
TARA_20110325T0334Z_096_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2011-03-25T03:34:00 | -29.63680 | -101.31830 | 2011-03-25T04:11:00 | -29.62750 | -101.33020 | Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Prejger, Searson) Mesh size : WPII 50 TG] | |||
TARA_20110325T0422Z_096_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2011-03-25T04:22:00 | -29.62410 | -101.33420 | 2011-03-25T04:48:00 | -29.61740 | -101.34210 | Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Prejger, Searson) Mesh size : WPII 200] | |||
TARA_20110325T0502Z_096_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2011-03-25T05:02:00 | -29.61360 | -101.34670 | 2011-03-25T06:01:00 | -29.60130 | -101.36070 | Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Prejger, Searson) Mesh size : Bongo 300. Second deployment : Start @ 07:21 = 29°34/973 S / 101°22/744 W / End @08:25 = 2033.570 S / 101°24.353 W ] | |||
TARA_20110325T0614Z_096_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2011-03-25T06:14:00 | -29.59760 | -101.36470 | 2011-03-25T07:11:00 | -29.58560 | -101.37630 | ||||
TARA_097 | Research vessel | RV | 2011-03-27T00:00:00 | -28.16870 | -107.66760 | 2011-03-29T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20110327T1347Z_097_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2011-03-27T13:47:00 | -28.16980 | -107.38330 | 2011-03-27T15:20:00 | -28.14830 | -107.45420 | ||||
TARA_20110327T1411Z_097_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-27T14:07:40 | -28.16290 | -107.40470 | 2011-03-27T15:19:00 | -28.14800 | -107.45480 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) 20 knots wind/ drift 2.0 - 3.0 knots] | |||
TARA_20110327T1536Z_097_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2011-03-27T15:36:00 | -28.14230 | -107.47280 | 2011-03-27T16:56:00 | -28.12620 | -107.53980 | ||||
TARA_20110327T1706Z_097_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2011-03-27T17:06:00 | -28.12370 | -107.54980 | 2011-03-27T17:31:00 | -28.12610 | -107.53990 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Prejger, Searson, Karp-Boss) end time and position estimated] | |||
TARA_20110327T1755Z_097_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-27T17:52:22 | -28.11520 | -107.59760 | 2011-03-27T18:43:00 | -28.11100 | -107.63930 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) drift 3.0-3.5 knots] | |||
TARA_20110328T1259Z_097_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-28T12:55:12 | -28.17620 | -107.40210 | 2011-03-28T13:54:00 | -28.17960 | -107.43610 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) bottles were tripped at different depths within the nutricline. water was used for protists GPSS] [Engineer: Nutricline water #1] | |||
TARA_20110328T1259Z_097_Combined-EVENTS_CAST | [night] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-28T12:55:12 | -28.17620 | -107.40210 | 2011-03-28T21:18:00 | -28.17980 | -107.58620 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Curator: Multiple casts were made to collect large volumes of water from a discrete depth. The following casts were used:TARA_20110328T1906Z_097_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20110328T2039Z_097_EVENT_CAST] | |||
TARA_20110328T1408Z_097_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [neust | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2011-03-28T14:08:00 | -28.17940 | -107.44780 | 2011-03-28T14:21:00 | -28.17950 | -107.45730 | ||||
TARA_20110328T1615Z_097_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-28T16:12:27 | -28.17160 | -107.48510 | 2011-03-28T16:56:00 | -28.17400 | -107.51310 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) bottles were tripped at different depths within the nutricline. water was used for nutrients/ HPLC/ FCAM/ OMP-phyl/ cultures adn Protist toal] [Engineer: Nutricline water #2] | |||
TARA_20110328T1615Z_097_EVENT_SECCHI | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Secchi disk, diameter_(cm)=20 | [SECCHI-20] | 2011-03-28T16:12:27 | -28.17160 | -107.48510 | |||||||
TARA_20110328T1715Z_097_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [plast | Neuston net, type=Manta (ALGALITA), mesh(µm)=500, width(m)=0.70, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-MANTA-ST-500] | 2011-03-28T17:15:00 | -28.17530 | -107.52180 | 2011-03-28T18:40:00 | -28.15390 | -107.46330 | ||||
TARA_20110328T1906Z_097_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-28T19:06:00 | -28.15760 | -107.48870 | 2011-03-28T19:47:00 | -28.16460 | -107.51520 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) bottles were tripped at different depths within the nutricline. water was used for BVG/ no CTD data ""Flash Initialize"" problem] [Engineer: Nutricline water #3 RUN FLASH INITIALISE - only seen after ncast=8] | |||
TARA_20110328T2039Z_097_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-28T20:35:24 | -28.17350 | -107.56230 | 2011-03-28T21:18:00 | -28.17980 | -107.58620 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) bottles were tripped at different depths within the nutricline. water was used for BVG/ some CTD data currupted flash problems/ 2x section bad data] [Engineer: Nutricline water #4 2x sections Bad ""F"" data - will need editing manually] | |||
TARA_20110328T2133Z_097_EVENT_NET | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2011-03-28T21:33:00 | -28.18140 | -107.59890 | 2011-03-28T22:07:00 | -28.18600 | -107.62250 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20110328T2227Z_097_Combined-EVENTS_CAST | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-28T22:23:14 | -28.18740 | -107.63850 | 2011-03-29T04:22:00 | -28.22030 | -107.90200 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Curator: Multiple casts were made to collect large volumes of water from a discrete depth. The following casts were used:TARA_20110328T2227Z_097_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20110328T2338Z_097_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20110329T0159Z_097_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20110329T0331Z_097_EVENT_CAST] | |||
TARA_20110328T2227Z_097_EVENT_CAST | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-28T22:23:14 | -28.18740 | -107.63850 | 2011-03-28T22:53:00 | -28.19010 | -107.65490 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) DCM water collected for Protist] [Engineer: DCM water #1] | |||
TARA_20110328T2338Z_097_EVENT_CAST | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-28T23:35:14 | -28.19160 | -107.69310 | 2011-03-29T00:06:00 | -28.19510 | -107.71020 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) DCM water collected for Protist] [Engineer: DCM water #2] | |||
TARA_20110329T0159Z_097_EVENT_CAST | [night] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:0100 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-29T01:49:24 | -28.20850 | -107.80060 | 2011-03-29T02:32:00 | -28.21160 | -107.82310 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) DCM water for BVG] [Engineer: DCM water #3] | |||
TARA_20110329T0331Z_097_EVENT_CAST | [night] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:0100 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2011-03-29T03:27:41 | -28.21670 | -107.87490 | 2011-03-29T04:22:00 | -28.22030 | -107.90200 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Karp-Boss, Searson) DCM water for BVG] [Engineer: DCM water #4] | |||
TARA_20110329T0430Z_097_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2011-03-29T04:30:00 | -28.22070 | -107.90910 | 2011-03-29T05:40:00 | -28.22490 | -107.95190 | ||||
TARA_20110329T1512Z_097_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2011-03-29T15:12:00 | -28.20250 | -107.56590 | 2011-03-29T15:48:00 | -28.20830 | -107.67110 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20110329T1543Z_097_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2011-03-29T15:43:00 | -28.20780 | -107.66860 | 2011-03-29T16:17:00 | -28.21210 | -107.68620 | Logsheet: (Prejger, Searson, Karp-Boss) net came out with a hole-split material 50-50 between Formalin & Ethanol] | |||
TARA_20110329T1632Z_097_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2011-03-29T16:32:00 | -28.21400 | -107.69530 | 2011-03-29T17:33:00 | -28.22220 | -107.72000 | ||||
TARA_20110329T1747Z_097_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2011-03-29T17:47:00 | -28.22380 | -107.72800 | 2011-03-29T18:04:00 | -28.22630 | -107.73620 | Logsheet: (Prejger, Searson, Karp-Boss) no sample/ empty jar with this label was found in the storage] [Curator: Sample was found in Villefranche/mer after shipping ] |