Event List of TARA_20100523Z
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Event label | Optional label | Method/Device | Abbreviation | O2A Registry URI | Date/Time | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Date/Time end | Latitude end | Longitude end | Elevation end | Comment |
TARA_20100523Z_UDW_EVENT_BATOS | [day/night] [atmospheric boundary layer] | Meteo France Voluntary Observing Ships meteorological station | [BATOS] | 2010-05-23T00:00:00 | -12.20020 | 49.44512 | 2010-05-26T00:00:00 | -12.80778 | 45.22503 | ||||
TARA_20100523Z_UDW_EVENT_CSSS | [day/night] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Continuous Surface Sampling System | [CSSS] | 2010-05-23T00:00:00 | -12.20020 | 49.44512 | 2010-05-26T00:00:00 | -12.80778 | 45.22503 | Device: equipped with [AC-S] spectrophotometer (Wetlabs), [FLUO] chlorophyll fluorometer (WETLabs), [TSG] temperature and conductivity sensor (SeaBird) and [FRRF] Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (flow through model)] | |||
TARA_053 | Research vessel | RV | 2010-05-24T00:00:00 | -13.07040 | 46.92260 | 2010-05-25T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20100524T2009Z_053_EVENT_CAST | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-05-24T20:10:59 | -13.07210 | 47.00290 | 2010-05-24T21:19:00 | -13.07080 | 47.00900 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Searson, Probert) Wind 1-2km 90° Beaufort 1 Swell 1m] [Engineer: No ISUS] | |||
TARA_20100524T2126Z_053_EVENT_CAST | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | CTD (sbe9S) | [CABLE]+[sbe9S] | 2010-05-24T21:26:00 | -13.07070 | 47.00860 | 2010-05-24T22:05:00 | -13.06950 | 47.01670 | ||||
TARA_20100524T2213Z_053_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2010-05-24T22:13:00 | -13.06910 | 47.01660 | 2010-05-24T22:50:00 | -13.06920 | 47.02080 | ||||
TARA_20100524T2259Z_053_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-05-24T22:59:00 | -13.06760 | 47.02230 | 2010-05-24T23:11:00 | -13.06680 | 47.02350 | ||||
TARA_20100524T2317Z_053_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2010-05-24T23:17:00 | -13.06630 | 47.02430 | 2010-05-24T23:28:00 | -13.06660 | 47.02590 | ||||
TARA_20100524T2338Z_053_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2010-05-24T23:38:00 | -13.06460 | 47.02790 | 2010-05-25T00:15:00 | -13.05850 | 47.03950 | ||||
TARA_054 | Research vessel | RV | 2010-05-25T00:00:00 | -12.81290 | 45.22630 | 2010-05-26T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20100525T0526Z_053_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-05-25T05:22:25 | -13.08350 | 46.97090 | 2010-05-25T06:17:00 | -13.07800 | 46.97250 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Dimier, Searson) Beaufort: 0 / Wind:heatly 0/ Bottle 2 didat close properly] [Engineer: Abandoned station after pirate attack in vicinity] | |||
TARA_20100525T0526Z_053_EVENT_SECCHI | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Secchi disk, diameter_(cm)=20 | [SECCHI-20] | 2010-05-25T05:22:25 | -13.08350 | 46.97090 | |||||||
TARA_20100525T0527Z_053_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2010-05-25T05:27:00 | -13.08330 | 46.97100 | 2010-05-25T06:13:00 | -13.07820 | 46.97240 | ||||
TARA_20100525T0550Z_053_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2010-05-25T05:50:00 | -13.07810 | 46.97060 | 2010-05-25T06:13:00 | -13.07720 | 46.97070 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Searson, Dimier) full of brownish material!! Frichodesmium? It took too much time to fillin for DNA/RNA/ so we decided to re-tow the net for 10 @ 07:35 just for NA samples/ Flowmeter: 09127-09391] | |||
TARA_20100525T0625Z_053_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2010-05-25T06:25:00 | -13.07730 | 46.80570 | 2010-05-25T07:10:00 | ||||||
TARA_20100525T0719Z_053_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2010-05-25T07:19:00 | -13.07500 | 46.97450 | 2010-05-25T08:07:00 | -13.06840 | 46.98220 | ||||
TARA_20100525T0820Z_053_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=single, mesh(µm)=5, mouth(m^2)=0.196349, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-SINGLE-5]+[SIEVE-20] | 2010-05-25T08:20:00 | -13.06550 | 46.96920 | 2010-05-25T08:26:00 | -13.07100 | 46.97260 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-20] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=20, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Searson, Dimier) To compare to GPSS [5-20]] | |||
TARA_20100525T0832Z_053_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-05-25T08:32:00 | -13.06420 | 46.96900 | 2010-05-25T08:46:00 | -13.06260 | 46.96920 | ||||
TARA_20100525T0854Z_053_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2010-05-25T08:54:00 | -13.06190 | 46.96920 | 2010-05-25T09:05:00 | -13.05970 | 46.96730 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20100525T0917Z_053_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2010-05-25T09:17:00 | -13.05790 | 46.96730 | 2010-05-25T09:32:00 | -13.05730 | 46.96880 | [Curator: No EVENT Logsheet] | |||
TARA_20100525T1055Z_054_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2010-05-25T10:55:00 | -12.80700 | 45.22480 | 2010-05-25T11:10:00 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] | |||||
TARA_20100526T1015Z_054_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2010-05-26T10:15:00 | -12.80700 | 45.22470 | 2010-05-26T13:15:00 | -12.79070 | 45.24820 | ||||
TARA_20100526T1034Z_054_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-05-26T10:34:08 | -12.80700 | 45.22490 | 2010-05-26T10:32:00 | -12.80000 | 45.20000 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Searson) This cast used to provide profile for bottle depth for the next cast] [Engineer: At anchor Mayotte Lagoon] | |||
TARA_20100526T1124Z_054_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-05-26T11:23:32 | -12.80700 | 45.22490 | 2010-05-26T11:30:00 | -12.80000 | 45.20000 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Searson, Dimier) The total lugol and formol samples were interver ( I changed D for S and vice versa on the bottles) . Most important / Sarah was not so sure about the rosette depth bottles! Ask her the new file] [Engineer: Processed with loopedit_no_soak. Bottle firing problems] | |||
TARA_20100526T1255Z_054_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=single, mesh(µm)=5, mouth(m^2)=0.196349, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-SINGLE-5]+[SIEVE-20] | 2010-05-26T12:55:00 | -12.80700 | 45.22490 | 2010-05-26T13:06:00 | -12.78120 | 45.25260 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-20] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=20, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Searson, Dimier) To compare to GPSS [5-20], TOW# : extra 1 .DNA/RNA 5-20 mm Test. 1. first net towed for 10' > 1 DNA / 2. second net towed for 20 '.] | |||
TARA_20100526T1346Z_054_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2010-05-26T13:46:00 | -12.80710 | 45.22490 | 2010-05-26T14:05:00 | -12.84450 | 45.22970 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Searson, Probert) Nearly no drift at the end of the day > net wasnt filtering. Lagoon full of cyanobacteria Trichodesmium] |