Event List of TARA_20100309Z
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Event label | Optional label | Method/Device | Abbreviation | O2A Registry URI | Date/Time | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Date/Time end | Latitude end | Longitude end | Elevation end | Comment |
TARA_20100309Z_UDW_EVENT_BATOS | [day/night] [atmospheric boundary layer] | Meteo France Voluntary Observing Ships meteorological station | [BATOS] | 2010-03-09T00:00:00 | 23.67730 | 58.70081 | 2010-03-22T00:00:00 | 17.49552 | 68.13903 | ||||
TARA_20100309Z_UDW_EVENT_CSSS | [day/night] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Continuous Surface Sampling System | [CSSS] | 2010-03-09T00:00:00 | 23.67730 | 58.70081 | 2010-03-22T00:00:00 | 17.49552 | 68.13903 | Device: equipped with [AC-S] spectrophotometer (Wetlabs), [FLUO] chlorophyll fluorometer (WETLabs), [TSG] temperature and conductivity sensor (SeaBird) and [FRRF] Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (flow through model)] | |||
TARA_20100310T0144Z_999_EVENT_BUCKET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [NOT n | Bucket, plastic 10-L | [BUCKET-10] | 2010-03-10T01:44:00 | 24.01370 | 59.66710 | 2010-03-10T01:44:00 | 24.01370 | 59.66710 | [Logsheet: (Pesant) No aggregate/ small jellyfish/ Surface Temp (°C)=24.7] | |||
TARA_20100310T1137Z_999_EVENT_BUCKET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [NOT n | Bucket, plastic 10-L | [BUCKET-10] | 2010-03-10T11:37:00 | 23.01380 | 59.97550 | 2010-03-10T11:37:00 | 23.01380 | 59.97550 | ||||
TARA_20100311T0219Z_999_EVENT_BUCKET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [NOT n | Bucket, plastic 10-L | [BUCKET-10] | 2010-03-11T02:19:00 | 22.31830 | 61.27000 | 2010-03-11T02:19:00 | 22.31830 | 61.27000 | ||||
TARA_20100311T0841Z_999_EVENT_BUCKET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [NOT n | Bucket, plastic 10-L | [BUCKET-10] | 2010-03-11T08:41:00 | 22.08530 | 61.78140 | 2010-03-11T08:41:00 | 22.08530 | 61.78140 | [Logsheet: (Pesant) Pea Soup/ Aggregated Noctiluca] | |||
TARA_20100311T1231Z_999_EVENT_BUCKET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [NOT n | Bucket, plastic 10-L | [BUCKET-10] | 2010-03-11T12:31:00 | 21.98920 | 62.00600 | 2010-03-11T12:31:00 | 21.98920 | 62.00600 | [Logsheet: (Pesant) No aggregate/ small jellyfish] | |||
TARA_036 | Research vessel | RV | 2010-03-12T00:00:00 | 20.82410 | 63.52450 | 2010-03-12T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_037 | Research vessel | RV | 2010-03-12T00:00:00 | 20.82770 | 63.60050 | 2010-03-13T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20100312T0606Z_036_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2010-03-12T06:06:00 | 20.81830 | 63.50470 | 2010-03-12T06:15:00 | 20.81670 | 63.50410 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20100312T0606Z_036_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2010-03-12T06:06:00 | 20.81830 | 63.50470 | 2010-03-12T06:56:00 | 20.81510 | 63.50460 | ||||
TARA_20100312T0620Z_036_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-12T06:19:43 | 20.81830 | 63.50460 | 2010-03-12T07:01:00 | 20.81510 | 63.50460 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: TC duct #1 obstructed by jelly ?] | |||
TARA_20100312T0713Z_036_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-03-12T07:13:00 | 20.81450 | 63.50460 | 2010-03-12T07:24:00 | 20.81370 | 63.50490 | ||||
TARA_20100312T0734Z_036_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2010-03-12T07:34:00 | 20.81200 | 63.50450 | 2010-03-12T08:11:00 | 20.80780 | 63.50050 | ||||
TARA_20100312T0826Z_036_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2010-03-12T08:26:00 | 20.80600 | 63.50030 | 2010-03-12T09:01:00 | 20.80400 | 63.50200 | ||||
TARA_20100312T0914Z_036_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2010-03-12T09:14:00 | 20.80230 | 63.50280 | 2010-03-12T09:21:00 | 20.80150 | 63.50320 | ||||
TARA_20100312T1024Z_036_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2010-03-12T10:24:00 | 20.82150 | 63.51200 | 2010-03-12T10:26:00 | 20.82080 | 63.51190 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20100312T1036Z_036_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-12T10:34:22 | 20.81760 | 63.51210 | 2010-03-12T10:53:00 | 20.81470 | 63.51260 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Change the Secchi rope from white to dark] [Engineer: Bottle 6 not closed] | |||
TARA_20100312T1036Z_036_EVENT_SECCHI | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Secchi disk, diameter_(cm)=20 | [SECCHI-20] | 2010-03-12T10:34:22 | 20.81760 | 63.51210 | |||||||
TARA_20100312T1105Z_036_EVENT_NET | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2010-03-12T11:05:00 | 20.81160 | 63.51280 | 2010-03-12T11:16:00 | 20.82500 | 63.51290 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20100312T1120Z_036_EVENT_NET | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2010-03-12T11:20:00 | 20.80700 | 63.51300 | 2010-03-12T11:26:00 | 20.80520 | 63.51300 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20100312T1223Z_036_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2010-03-12T12:23:00 | 20.82220 | 63.51330 | 2010-03-12T12:33:00 | 20.81990 | 63.51380 | Device: equipped with [ECOTriplet] sensors that measure temperature, CDOM and chlorophyll fluorescence ] [Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Chla=0.71/ CDOM=3ppb/ T=26.3degC/ pressure=17.1db] | |||
TARA_20100312T1555Z_036_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2010-03-12T15:55:00 | 20.83860 | 63.51120 | 2010-03-12T16:36:00 | 20.83360 | 63.51860 | ||||
TARA_20100312T1643Z_036_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2010-03-12T16:43:00 | 20.83110 | 63.51920 | 2010-03-12T17:00:00 | 20.80340 | 63.52090 | ||||
TARA_20100313T0507Z_037_Combined-EVENTS_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-12T17:08:47 | 20.84570 | 63.58510 | 2010-03-13T14:25:00 | 20.81880 | 63.61580 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Curator: Multiple casts were made to collect large volumes of water from a discrete depth. The following casts were used:TARA_20100313T0507Z_037_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100313T0850Z_037_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100313T0949Z_037_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100313T1053Z_037_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100313T1153Z_037_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100313T1330Z_037_EVENT_CAST] | |||
TARA_20100312T1711Z_036_EVENT_CAST | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-12T17:08:47 | 20.82570 | 63.52190 | 2010-03-12T17:52:00 | 20.82070 | 63.52620 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: Low Bat/ acquisition stopped at 668m/ Charge fuse replaced in battery] | |||
TARA_20100312T1823Z_036_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2010-03-12T18:23:00 | 20.84670 | 63.52800 | 2010-03-12T18:31:00 | 20.84170 | 63.53050 | ||||
TARA_20100312T1836Z_036_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2010-03-12T18:36:00 | 20.83900 | 63.52200 | 2010-03-12T18:47:00 | 20.83920 | 63.53030 | ||||
TARA_20100312T1851Z_036_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-03-12T18:51:00 | 20.83690 | 63.53130 | 2010-03-12T19:02:00 | 20.83470 | 63.53260 | ||||
TARA_20100312T1907Z_036_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-03-12T19:07:00 | 20.83320 | 63.53150 | 2010-03-12T19:15:00 | 20.83050 | 63.53430 | ||||
TARA_20100312T1947Z_036_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Multiple opening/closing net, 300 µm meshsize | MSN300 | 2010-03-12T19:47:00 | 20.84470 | 63.53700 | 2010-03-12T21:11:00 | 20.82420 | 63.54860 | ||||
TARA_20100313T0507Z_037_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-13T05:07:00 | 20.84570 | 63.58510 | 2010-03-13T05:50:00 | 20.84360 | 63.58700 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Pesant) Vol Bact = 76L] [Engineer: Pb to process/ Noise due to previous bat pb/ Check memory. UPCAST from 387m] | |||
TARA_20100313T0736Z_037_EVENT_TSRB | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Tethered Spectral Radiometre Buoy | [RADIOMETRE-TSRB] | 2010-03-13T07:36:00 | 20.83360 | 63.59380 | 2010-03-13T07:57:00 | 20.83190 | 63.59480 | Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Angle ok/ Ideal Conditions/ Deployed with the Zodiac ] | |||
TARA_20100313T0850Z_037_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-13T08:44:48 | 20.84150 | 63.58790 | 2010-03-13T09:19:00 | 20.83410 | 63.60160 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Pesant) Vol Protists = 80L] [Engineer: Pb process nvalues DATA from 37m DOWNCAST] | |||
TARA_20100313T0949Z_037_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-13T09:47:46 | 20.82440 | 63.60330 | 2010-03-13T10:22:00 | 20.81820 | 63.60590 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: TC duct #1 obstructed] | |||
TARA_20100313T1053Z_037_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-13T10:50:56 | 20.83370 | 63.60780 | 2010-03-13T11:26:00 | 20.82690 | 63.60780 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100313T1153Z_037_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-13T11:50:59 | 20.80960 | 63.61410 | 2010-03-13T00:00:00 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: TC duct #1 obstructed] | |||||
TARA_20100313T1330Z_037_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-13T13:24:44 | 20.82090 | 63.61510 | 2010-03-13T14:25:00 | 20.81880 | 63.61580 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: ISUS removed] | |||
TARA_038 | Research vessel | RV | 2010-03-15T00:00:00 | 19.01740 | 64.57610 | 2010-03-16T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20100315T0335Z_038_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2010-03-15T03:35:00 | 19.03930 | 64.49130 | 2010-03-15T05:53:00 | 19.03420 | 64.51620 | ||||
TARA_20100315T0337Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2010-03-15T03:37:00 | 19.03930 | 64.49130 | 2010-03-15T03:40:00 | 19.03890 | 64.49250 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Lots of salpes/ filled with salpes/ so many salpes!] | |||
TARA_20100315T0345Z_038_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-15T03:44:19 | 19.03860 | 64.49370 | 2010-03-15T04:28:00 | 19.03780 | 64.49780 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: Salps !] | |||
TARA_20100315T0433Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2010-03-15T04:33:00 | 19.03770 | 64.49900 | 2010-03-15T04:43:00 | 19.03750 | 64.50080 | Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Lots of salps: fit into 3x250ml bottles] | |||
TARA_20100315T0453Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-03-15T04:53:00 | 19.03730 | 64.49900 | 2010-03-15T05:01:00 | 19.03700 | 64.50520 | ||||
TARA_20100315T0504Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2010-03-15T05:04:00 | 19.03690 | 64.51430 | 2010-03-15T05:26:00 | 19.03490 | 64.51430 | Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Lots of salps- split in 4 x250ml bottles (TM N1a/b/c/d)] | |||
TARA_20100315T0531Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2010-03-15T05:31:00 | 19.03590 | 64.51100 | 2010-03-15T05:35:00 | 19.03560 | 64.51170 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) The fraction >2000µ was only SALPS! The sample was not kept. Salps are present in other samples for ID. ] | |||
TARA_20100315T0554Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2010-03-15T05:54:00 | 19.03400 | 64.51660 | 2010-03-15T06:30:00 | 19.03130 | 64.52280 | Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) TM N1 -> 1/2 of the sample was preserved/ Total # Salps in the 1/2 sample =99/ 5 Salps were put back in the jar for ID the rest was not preserved.] | |||
TARA_20100315T0712Z_038_EVENT_SECCHI | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Secchi disk, diameter_(cm)=20 | [SECCHI-20] | 2010-03-15T07:11:12 | 19.04300 | 64.50000 | |||||||
TARA_20100315T0712Z_038_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-15T07:11:12 | 19.04300 | 64.50000 | 2010-03-15T07:32:00 | 19.04110 | 64.50530 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Secchi Disk: 17m with CTD in water: Seechi line has 0° angle/ 19m with CTD near surface Seechi line has ~5° angle/ 22m with CTD on deck: Seechi line has ~10° angle] [Engineer: No sampling] | |||
TARA_20100315T0740Z_038_EVENT_TSRB | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Tethered Spectral Radiometre Buoy | [RADIOMETRE-TSRB] | 2010-03-15T07:40:00 | 19.03600 | 64.50150 | 2010-03-15T08:15:00 | 19.03500 | 64.51470 | ||||
TARA_20100315T0936Z_038_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-15T09:32:52 | 19.02580 | 64.62270 | 2010-03-15T09:54:00 | 19.02580 | 64.52270 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100315T1002Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2010-03-15T10:02:00 | 19.02350 | 64.52560 | 2010-03-15T10:12:00 | 19.02080 | 64.52900 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] [Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) TM N1 -> Total # of Salps in the sample was 93. 12 were put back in the jar for ID and the remaining 81 were discarded.] | |||
TARA_20100315T1020Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2010-03-15T10:20:00 | 19.01990 | 64.53150 | 2010-03-15T10:26:00 | 19.01720 | 64.61680 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20100315T1118Z_038_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2010-03-15T11:18:00 | 19.02840 | 64.51260 | 2010-03-15T12:46:00 | 19.01080 | 64.53200 | Device: equipped with [ECOTriplet] sensors that measure temperature, CDOM and chlorophyll fluorescence ] | |||
TARA_20100315T1455Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2010-03-15T14:55:00 | 19.02860 | 64.51360 | 2010-03-15T15:31:00 | 19.02330 | 64.51960 | Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) TM N1 -> Discarded 5 salps] | |||
TARA_20100315T1539Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2010-03-15T15:39:00 | 19.02130 | 64.52220 | 2010-03-15T16:16:00 | 19.01540 | 64.52740 | ||||
TARA_20100315T1631Z_038_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-15T16:30:23 | 19.01210 | 64.53130 | 2010-03-15T17:15:00 | 19.00630 | 64.53660 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: No sampling] | |||
TARA_20100315T1740Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2010-03-15T17:40:00 | 19.02800 | 64.51850 | 2010-03-15T17:50:00 | 19.02710 | 64.53970 | ||||
TARA_20100315T1753Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2010-03-15T17:53:00 | 19.02660 | 64.52110 | 2010-03-15T18:03:00 | 19.02550 | 64.53950 | ||||
TARA_20100315T1808Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-03-15T18:08:00 | 19.02470 | 64.52450 | 2010-03-15T18:18:00 | 19.02380 | 64.52640 | ||||
TARA_20100315T1822Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-03-15T18:22:00 | 19.02340 | 64.66080 | 2010-03-15T18:36:00 | 19.01990 | 64.53050 | ||||
TARA_20100315T1859Z_038_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Multiple opening/closing net, 300 µm meshsize | MSN300 | 2010-03-15T18:59:00 | 19.01770 | 64.53760 | 2010-03-15T20:40:00 | 19.01520 | 64.57770 | ||||
TARA_20100316T0456Z_038_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-16T04:54:33 | 19.02840 | 64.53440 | 2010-03-16T05:19:00 | 19.02890 | 64.54130 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) No water taken/ only profile to determine the sampling depth for the day. Selected depth: 350m/ -located well into the OMZ/ - peak in UVP particulate matter profile/ - homogenous physical +chemical characteristies] [Engineer: No sampling] | |||
TARA_20100316T0614Z_038_Combined-EVENTS_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-16T06:13:30 | 19.03510 | 64.56380 | 2010-03-16T13:54:00 | 18.99180 | 64.57570 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Curator: Multiple casts were made to collect large volumes of water from a discrete depth. The following casts were used:TARA_20100316T0614Z_038_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100316T0859Z_038_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100316T0956Z_038_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100316T1059Z_038_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100316T1142Z_038_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100316T1255Z_038_EVENT_CAST] | |||
TARA_20100316T0614Z_038_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-16T06:13:30 | 19.03500 | 64.56370 | 2010-03-16T06:37:00 | 19.03420 | 64.57070 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: Stop Memory full. DATA OK] | |||
TARA_20100316T0713Z_038_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-16T07:13:00 | 19.02680 | 64.54510 | 2010-03-16T07:35:00 | 19.02430 | 64.55200 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: Stop Memory full/ NO bottle closed/ NO data] | |||
TARA_20100316T0859Z_038_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-16T08:57:05 | 19.02080 | 64.55630 | 2010-03-16T09:26:00 | 19.01200 | 64.56460 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100316T0956Z_038_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-16T09:54:39 | 19.00850 | 64.58070 | 2010-03-16T10:24:00 | 19.00240 | 64.58860 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100316T1059Z_038_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-16T10:56:36 | 19.01200 | 64.56370 | 2010-03-16T11:24:00 | 19.00670 | 64.57030 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100316T1142Z_038_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-16T11:39:34 | 19.00120 | 64.57640 | 2010-03-16T12:04:00 | 18.99700 | 64.58060 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100316T1255Z_038_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-16T12:51:34 | 19.00020 | 64.56840 | 2010-03-16T13:54:00 | 18.99180 | 64.57570 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: No ISUS/ no sampling] | |||
TARA_039 | Research vessel | RV | 2010-03-18T00:00:00 | 18.64690 | 66.46270 | 2010-03-20T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20100318T0427Z_039_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2010-03-18T04:27:00 | 18.59180 | 66.62200 | 2010-03-18T08:32:00 | 18.57060 | 66.50230 | ||||
TARA_20100318T0441Z_039_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-18T04:41:12 | 18.57140 | 66.53050 | 2010-03-18T05:24:00 | 18.56400 | 66.52110 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100318T0505Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2010-03-18T05:05:00 | 18.56670 | 66.52200 | 2010-03-18T05:08:00 | 18.56640 | 66.52200 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20100318T0546Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2010-03-18T05:46:00 | 18.57620 | 66.52200 | 2010-03-18T05:56:00 | 18.57480 | 66.51870 | [Curator: No EVENT Logsheet] | |||
TARA_20100318T0650Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-03-18T06:50:00 | 18.55930 | 66.50900 | 2010-03-18T07:00:00 | 18.55620 | 66.50730 | ||||
TARA_20100318T0708Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2010-03-18T07:08:00 | 18.55370 | 66.50580 | 2010-03-18T07:45:00 | 18.55620 | 66.49970 | ||||
TARA_20100318T0816Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2010-03-18T08:16:00 | 18.57550 | 66.50530 | 2010-03-18T08:47:00 | 18.56510 | 66.49750 | ||||
TARA_20100318T0820Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] [proti | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2010-03-18T08:20:00 | 18.57430 | 66.50290 | 2010-03-18T08:26:00 | 18.57010 | 66.50180 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20100318T0956Z_039_EVENT_CONTROL | [day] | On board filtered seawater system (<0.2 micrometre) | [FSWS] | 2010-03-18T09:40:00 | 18.57450 | 66.48950 | [Device: filtered seawater was used to control filtration protocols ] [Curator: No EVENT Logsheet] | ||||||
TARA_20100318T0940Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Plankton net+sieve, type=Double, mesh(µm)=20, mouth(m^2)=0.192442, length(m)=2.5 | [NET-DOUBLE-20]+[SIEVE-180] | 2010-03-18T09:40:00 | 18.57450 | 66.48950 | 2010-03-18T09:44:00 | 18.57340 | 66.48890 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-180] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=180, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20100318T0956Z_039_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-18T09:52:57 | 18.57020 | 66.48610 | 2010-03-18T10:26:00 | 18.56330 | 66.47860 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100318T1041Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Plankton net+sieve, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-180]+[SIEVE-2000] | 2010-03-18T10:41:00 | 18.55840 | 66.47250 | 2010-03-18T10:47:00 | 18.55680 | 66.47060 | Device: material from the net was poured through a [SIEVE-2000] type=metal, shape=pan, mesh size (µm)=2000, diameter (cm)=30] | |||
TARA_20100318T1133Z_039_EVENT_PUMP | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | High Volume Peristaltic Pump | [HVP-PUMP] | 2010-03-18T11:33:00 | 18.58390 | 66.47270 | 2010-03-18T12:32:00 | 18.56790 | 66.45810 | Device: equipped with [ECOTriplet] sensors that measure temperature, CDOM and chlorophyll fluorescence ] [Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Stant Bact/Virus/Girus (200L) 11:37] | |||
TARA_20100318T1600Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2010-03-18T16:00:00 | 18.61940 | 66.45730 | 2010-03-18T16:42:00 | 18.60920 | 66.45610 | ||||
TARA_20100318T1650Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2010-03-18T16:50:00 | 18.60610 | 66.45630 | 2010-03-18T17:10:00 | 18.60030 | 66.45590 | ||||
TARA_20100318T1726Z_039_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-18T17:26:23 | 18.59390 | 66.45590 | 2010-03-18T18:24:00 | 18.58120 | 66.45290 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: No ISUS/ no sampling] | |||
TARA_20100318T1832Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2010-03-18T18:32:00 | 18.59510 | 66.45270 | 2010-03-18T18:41:00 | 18.57510 | 66.45260 | ||||
TARA_20100318T1848Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2010-03-18T18:48:00 | 18.57310 | 66.45250 | 2010-03-18T18:56:00 | 18.56880 | 66.45220 | ||||
TARA_20100318T1902Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-03-18T19:02:00 | 18.56690 | 66.45210 | 2010-03-18T19:22:00 | 18.56050 | 66.45160 | ||||
TARA_20100318T1926Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-03-18T19:26:00 | 18.55870 | 66.45130 | 2010-03-18T19:35:00 | 18.55530 | 66.45080 | ||||
TARA_20100320T0406Z_039_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-20T04:04:25 | 18.72680 | 66.39710 | 2010-03-20T04:49:00 | 18.72320 | 66.39040 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Data processing took ~2 hours/ water warmed up/ water was discarted/ new profile indicates UVP max at 280-260m instead of 260-240m] [Engineer: no sampling ] | |||
TARA_20100320T0603Z_039_EVENT_TSRB | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Tethered Spectral Radiometre Buoy | [RADIOMETRE-TSRB] | 2010-03-20T06:03:00 | 18.71610 | 66.37720 | 2010-03-20T06:37:00 | 18.69690 | 66.37100 | [Logsheet: (Picheral) sky with light clouds/ small waves/ weak wind] | |||
TARA_20100320T0729Z_039_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-20T07:27:57 | 18.74000 | 66.40080 | 2010-03-20T07:55:00 | 18.73750 | 66.39680 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100320T0817Z_039_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-20T08:15:28 | 18.73410 | 66.38960 | 2010-03-20T08:44:00 | 18.73050 | 66.38440 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100320T0817Z_039_Combined-EVENTS_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-20T08:15:28 | 18.73410 | 66.38960 | 2010-03-20T16:00:00 | 18.73500 | 66.38950 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Curator: Multiple casts were made to collect large volumes of water from a discrete depth. The following casts were used:TARA_20100320T0817Z_039_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100320T0924Z_039_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100320T1117Z_039_EVENT_CAST, TARA_20100320T1533Z_039_EVENT_CAST] | |||
TARA_20100320T0924Z_039_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-20T09:22:21 | 18.72350 | 66.36760 | 2010-03-20T09:50:00 | 18.72100 | 66.36120 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100320T1024Z_039_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-20T10:24:00 | 18.71580 | 66.34620 | 2010-03-20T10:47:00 | 18.71480 | 66.34050 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Data lost] [Engineer: Data not downloaded] | |||
TARA_20100320T1117Z_039_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-20T11:12:04 | 18.71030 | 66.32650 | 2010-03-20T11:39:00 | 18.70870 | 66.32140 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100320T1203Z_039_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-20T12:03:00 | 18.70580 | 66.31230 | 2010-03-20T13:18:00 | 18.70570 | 66.30340 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Bottles did not close/ Batteries are dead] [Engineer: Stop low battery No bottle closed FLASH ERRORS] | |||
TARA_20100320T1533Z_039_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-20T15:33:00 | 18.73720 | 66.40280 | 2010-03-20T16:00:00 | 18.73500 | 66.38950 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Engineer: FLASH ERRORS] | |||
TARA_20100320T1627Z_039_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Multiple opening/closing net, 300 µm meshsize | MSN300 | 2010-03-20T16:27:00 | 18.73420 | 66.39220 | 2010-03-20T17:52:00 | 18.69850 | 66.39070 | ||||
TARA_040 | Research vessel | RV | 2010-03-22T00:00:00 | 17.50030 | 67.98350 | 2010-03-22T00:00:00 | |||||||
TARA_20100322T0305Z_040_EVENT_CAST | [day] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-22T03:04:47 | 17.52940 | 67.95760 | 2010-03-22T04:19:00 | 17.50090 | 67.96640 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) bottles closed just bellow surface.] [Engineer: No ISUS] | |||
TARA_20100322T0434Z_040_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-50] | 2010-03-22T04:34:00 | 17.50920 | 67.97300 | 2010-03-22T04:45:00 | 17.50430 | 67.97450 | ||||
TARA_20100322T0450Z_040_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-03-22T04:50:00 | 17.50230 | 67.97540 | 2010-03-22T05:01:00 | 17.49770 | 67.98240 | ||||
TARA_20100322T0508Z_040_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2010-03-22T05:08:00 | 17.49510 | 67.97820 | 2010-03-22T05:43:00 | 17.48460 | 67.98240 | ||||
TARA_20100322T0555Z_040_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2010-03-22T05:55:00 | 17.48030 | 67.98410 | 2010-03-22T06:30:00 | 17.47120 | 67.98840 | ||||
TARA_20100322T0710Z_040_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-22T07:07:08 | 17.48250 | 67.98690 | 2010-03-22T07:33:00 | 17.48540 | 67.98610 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100322T0930Z_040_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-22T09:29:27 | 17.48140 | 67.99470 | 2010-03-22T09:56:00 | 17.48220 | 67.89380 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100322T1123Z_040_EVENT_CAST | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-22T11:22:11 | 17.48470 | 67.99970 | 2010-03-22T11:49:00 | 17.48550 | 67.99880 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100322T1313Z_040_EVENT_CAST | [day] [deep chlorophyll maximum layer (ENVO:010003 | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-22T13:11:56 | 17.48310 | 68.00260 | 2010-03-22T13:43:00 | 17.48420 | 68.00170 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100322T1550Z_040_EVENT_CAST | [day] [mesopelagic zone (ENVO:00000213)] | Rosette Vertical Sampling System | [RVSS] | 2010-03-22T15:48:12 | 17.48550 | 68.02470 | 2010-03-22T16:22:00 | 17.48570 | 68.01720 | Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] | |||
TARA_20100322T1632Z_040_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=300, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3 | [NET-BONGO-300] | 2010-03-22T16:32:00 | 17.48530 | 68.02490 | 2010-03-22T17:06:00 | 17.48460 | 68.02910 | ||||
TARA_20100322T1718Z_040_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-03-22T17:18:00 | 17.48530 | 68.03250 | 2010-03-22T17:29:00 | 17.48590 | 68.03510 | ||||
TARA_20100322T1732Z_040_EVENT_NET | [day] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=200, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75 | [NET-WPII-200] | 2010-03-22T17:32:00 | 17.48600 | 68.03610 | 2010-03-22T17:40:00 | 17.48660 | 68.03730 | Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Swell] | |||
TARA_20100322T1810Z_040_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Plankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4 | [NET-REGENT-680] | 2010-03-22T18:10:00 | 17.48560 | 68.01490 | 2010-03-22T18:48:00 | 17.48380 | 68.02380 | ||||
TARA_20100322T2002Z_040_EVENT_NET | [night] [water layer with no specific feature] | Multiple opening/closing net, 300 µm meshsize | MSN300 | 2010-03-22T20:02:00 | 17.48720 | 68.02750 | 2010-03-22T21:35:00 | 17.47970 | 68.07310 | Logsheet: (Pesant, Picheral) Max recorded depth : 1150. Tow speed : 1/5m/s] |