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Event List of TARA_20091128Z

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Event labelOptional labelMethod/DeviceAbbreviationO2A Registry URIDate/TimeLatitudeLongitudeElevationDate/Time endLatitude endLongitude endElevation endComment
TARA_20091128Z_UDW_EVENT_CSSS[day/night] [surface water layer (ENVO:00002042)]Continuous Surface Sampling System[CSSS]2009-11-28T00:00:0037.5908323.747552009-12-10T00:00:0033.9585534.85462Device: equipped with [AC-S] spectrophotometer (Wetlabs), [FLUO] chlorophyll fluorometer (WETLabs), [TSG] temperature and conductivity sensor (SeaBird) and [FRRF] Fast Repetition Rate Fluorometry (flow through model)]
TARA_20091128Z_UDW_EVENT_BATOS[day/night] [atmospheric boundary layer]Meteo France Voluntary Observing Ships meteorological station[BATOS]2009-11-28T00:00:0037.5908323.747552009-12-10T00:00:0033.9585534.85462
TARA_20091203T1857Z_999_EVENT_CAST[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [nearRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-03T18:54:2433.3689032.591502009-12-03T19:41:0033.3745032.61000Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Not, Picheral) UVP Voltage 0 0291V/ CTD Voltage:14.7 0.63 A]
TARA_20091203T2330Z_999_EVENT_CAST[night] [water layer with no specific feature] [neRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-03T23:11:0433.5245032.672202009-12-03T13:26:0033.5270032.68450Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Not, Picheral) No bottles]
TARA_027Research vesselRV2009-12-04T00:00:0034.0945032.933802009-12-04T00:00:00
TARA_028Research vesselRV2009-12-04T00:00:0034.2785032.985302009-12-04T00:00:00
TARA_20091204T0029Z_999_EVENT_CAST[night] [water layer with no specific feature] [neRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-04T00:29:0033.5277032.690802009-12-04T00:47:0033.5305032.69080Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Not, Picheral) no bottles]
TARA_20091204T0227Z_999_EVENT_CAST[night] [water layer with no specific feature] [neRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-04T02:27:0033.5300032.700002009-12-04T02:40:0033.6452032.71110Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Not, Picheral) test bottle/ 150m]
TARA_20091204T0258Z_999_EVENT_CAST[night] [water layer with no specific feature] [neRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-04T02:56:5933.9823032.720902009-12-04T03:27:0033.9873032.72590Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts]
TARA_20091204T0537Z_999_EVENT_CAST[day/night] [water layer with no specific feature]Rosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-04T05:37:0033.7556032.761102009-12-04T06:16:0033.7595032.76980Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts] [Logsheet: (Not, Picheral) corrupt? - starting from 4m] [Engineer: corrupted]
TARA_20091204T0909Z_027_EVENT_CAST[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [alsoRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-04T08:59:0633.9258032.911202009-12-04T09:49:0033.9217032.89460Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts]
TARA_20091204T0916Z_027_EVENT_NET[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [alsoPlankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75[NET-WPII-50]2009-12-04T09:16:0034.2641032.970702009-12-04T09:47:0034.2672032.97290[Curator: No EVENT Logsheet/ information about time/ position/ gear type only from the Captain log]
TARA_20091204T1007Z_027_EVENT_NET[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [alsoPlankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75[NET-WPII-50]2009-12-04T10:07:0033.9262032.895802009-12-04T10:17:0033.9284032.89920
TARA_20091204T1025Z_027_EVENT_NET[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [alsoPlankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3[NET-BONGO-180]2009-12-04T10:25:0033.9305032.902602009-12-04T11:03:0033.9378032.91400
TARA_20091204T1126Z_027_EVENT_NET[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [alsoPlankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4[NET-REGENT-680]2009-12-04T11:26:0033.9442032.924802009-12-04T11:50:0033.9497032.93100
TARA_20091204T1303Z_999_EVENT_CAST[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [nearRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-04T12:59:0734.0154032.895002009-12-04T13:53:0034.0232032.90730Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts]
TARA_20091204T1551Z_999_EVENT_CAST[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [nearRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-04T15:43:5434.1330032.904602009-12-04T16:33:0034.1376032.91550Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts]
TARA_20091204T1837Z_028_EVENT_NET[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [alsoPlankton net, type=WPII, mesh(µm)=50, mouth(m^2)=0.248505, length(m)=2.75[NET-WPII-50]2009-12-04T18:37:0034.2641032.970702009-12-04T18:47:0034.2672032.97300[Curator: No EVENT Logsheet/ starting time by assuming 10 min duration for the net deployment]
TARA_20091204T1853Z_028_EVENT_NET[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [alsoPlankton net, type=Bongo, mesh(µm)=180, mouth(m^2)=0.258319, length(m)=3[NET-BONGO-180]2009-12-04T18:53:0034.2686032.974102009-12-04T19:33:0034.2760032.98210[Curator: No EVENT Logsheet]
TARA_20091204T1944Z_028_EVENT_NET[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [alsoPlankton net, type=Regent, mesh(µm)=680, mouth(m^2)=0.754296, length(m)=4[NET-REGENT-680]2009-12-04T19:44:0034.2796032.985002009-12-04T20:19:0034.2928032.99100[Curator: No EVENT Logsheet]
TARA_20091204T2030Z_028_EVENT_CAST[night] [water layer with no specific feature] [alRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-04T20:26:0634.2886032.993402009-12-04T21:07:0034.2887032.99980Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts]
TARA_20091205T0246Z_999_EVENT_CAST[night] [water layer with no specific feature] [neRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-05T02:41:1633.9318033.028502009-12-05T03:31:0033.9363033.03030Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts]
TARA_20091205T0553Z_999_EVENT_CAST[night] [water layer with no specific feature] [neRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-05T05:47:5833.9236033.198102009-12-05T06:27:0033.9284033.19810Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts]
TARA_20091205T1017Z_999_EVENT_CAST[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [nearRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-05T10:13:1233.9196033.368702009-12-05T11:05:0033.9192033.38650Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts]
TARA_20091205T1333Z_999_EVENT_CAST[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [nearRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-05T13:31:3833.9267033.525302009-12-05T14:19:0033.9195033.52300Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts]
TARA_20091206T0448Z_999_EVENT_CAST[night] [water layer with no specific feature] [neRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-06T04:42:0234.4098033.026502009-12-06T05:28:0034.4073033.02100Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts]
TARA_20091209T1427Z_999_EVENT_CAST[day] [water layer with no specific feature] [nearRosette Vertical Sampling System[RVSS]2009-12-09T14:21:1234.1884033.568502009-12-09T15:09:0034.1877033.57480Device: equipped with [SENSORS] SEABIRD components, WETLabs optical sensors, HYDROPTIC Underwater Vision Profiler (UVP), SATLANTIC In Situ Ultraviolet Spectrophotometer nitrate sensor (ISUS) and [NISKIN] 10 Niskin bottles (6 x 8-L and 4 x 12-L) equipped with silicon and Teflon parts]