Event List of Sarcya
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Event label | Optional label | Method/Device | Abbreviation | O2A Registry URI | Date/Time | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Date/Time end | Latitude end | Longitude end | Elevation end | Comment |
SAR_1-01 | Sarcya | Multiple investigations | MULT | 1994-09-16T00:00:00 | 39.06116 | 10.30333 | -2381 | 10*8*7 cm, yellow-green ball, thin black crust, serpulians, andesite | |||||
SAR_1-02 | Sarcya | Multiple investigations | MULT | 1994-09-17T00:00:00 | 39.06116 | 10.29833 | -2208 | 5*4*2 cm, yellow reddish blunt plate, thin black crust, polyps andesite | |||||
SAR_1-03 | Sarcya | Multiple investigations | MULT | 1994-09-18T00:00:00 | 39.06116 | 10.29666 | -2207 | 9*4*3 cm, light grey concretioned block, black in superficy, carbonatic concretion | |||||
SAR_1-04 | Sarcya | Multiple investigations | MULT | 1994-09-19T00:00:00 | 39.06833 | 10.29833 | -2039 | 6*5*4 cm, grey greenish plate, black concretioned crust, polyps, andesite | |||||
SAR_1-05 | Sarcya | Multiple investigations | MULT | 1994-09-20T00:00:00 | 39.07466 | 10.29000 | -1839 | 6*5*5 cm, yellow greenish ball, thin black crust, andesite | |||||
SAR_1-06 | Sarcya | Multiple investigations | MULT | 1994-09-21T00:00:00 | 39.07566 | 10.28833 | -1823 | 7*5.5*4 cm, yellow greenish blunt tip, thin black crust, andesite with oriented biotites | |||||
SAR_1-07 | Sarcya | Multiple investigations | MULT | 1994-09-22T00:00:00 | 39.07750 | 10.28666 | -1824 | 11*7*6 cm, yellow greenish blunt pyramide, thin black crust, serpulians, fractures, trachy-andesite with rare sanidine and quartz | |||||
SAR_1-08 | Sarcya | Multiple investigations | MULT | 1994-09-23T00:00:00 | 39.07750 | 10.28333 | -1707 | 6*5*3 cm, grey concretioned plate with many perforations, carbonatic concretion | |||||
Sarcya_Sn | Sarcya | Multiple investigations | MULT | 1994-09-24T00:00:00 | 39.07750 | 10.28333 | -1707 | Orange brown ooze |