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Event List of SO109/3

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Event labelOptional labelMethod/DeviceAbbreviationO2A Registry URIDate/TimeLatitudeLongitudeElevationDate/Time endLatitude endLongitude endElevation endComment
SO109/3_123ROPOS123ROPOSDIVE#331Remote operated vehicleROV45.93469-130.01410-1485-1537ASHES vent field/first deep dive of ROPOS from R/V SONNE with massiv sulfide sampling/ROPOS was nearly 10 h working; succesful sampling of 4 different vent sides with Pac Man; boiling at Inferno Vent documented and sampled (chimney tip); one new vent disc
SO109/3_124EXPLOS124EXPLOSPhoto/VideoPV45.93323-129.97683-156545.94805-129.98665-1562South Rift area Axial SMt./Mapping South Rift Zone to map hydrothermal activity found during Leg 2 /Two hydrothermal fields observed, one field inactive but large chimney structures up to 5 m (EXPLOS-coord.: 45°55.60'N, 129°58.78'W), temperature (D0.03 °C
SO109/3_125ROPOS125ROPOSDIVE#332Remote operated vehicleROV45.93167-130.01333-1500ASHES vent field/Test of ROPOS equipped with Manifold Sampler/Problems with telemetry partly caused by wrong interferences of Manifold software with ROPOS telemetry. It made it impossible to control the single units of ROPOS properly or if at all. Test fa
SO109/3_126ROPOS126ROPOSDIVE#333Remote operated vehicleROV45.93267-130.01267-1507-1537ASHES vent field/sample massive sulfides, water samples as well as to map the sea floor with 3-chip color camera/Dive took 8 hours 20 min. Basically all the features of station # 124 could be detected again. Sampling of massive sulfides at Inferno Vent (b
SO109/3_127ROPOS127ROPOSDIVE#334Remote operated vehicleROV46.30750-129.70700-1000CoAxial segment/look for hydrothermal vents at Floc Site and take biological and water samples ROPOS equipped with bottles of Manifold Sampler/Operation failed due to cage problems, probably a ground fault
SO109/3_128ROPOS128ROPOSDIVE#335Remote operated vehicleROV46.30970-129.70852-2215CoAxial segment/look for hydrothermal vents at Floc Site and take biological and water samples ROPOS equipped with bottles of Manifold Sampler/Operation failed due to high voltage ground fault, cage back to ship
SO109/3_129EXPLOS129EXPLOSPhoto/VideoPV46.31037-129.70575-223246.30220-129.69932-2282Floc Area on CoAxial Segment/to look for venting sites on the Floc Area in rift valley of CoAxial Segment/No hydrothermal venting could be detected; rugged sea floor made up of pillows and lobate lava; high amount of mineralized flocs in benthic water lay
SO109/3_130ROPOS130ROPOSDIVE#336Remote operated vehicleROV46.30220-129.69932-1475Floc Area on CoAxial Segment/look for hydrothermal vents at Floc Site and take biological and water samples ROPOS equipped with bottles of Manifold Sampler/Operation failed due to high voltage ground fault, cage back to ship
SO109/3_131ROPOS131ROPOStestRemote operated vehicleROV47.73667-126.61500-1300Midway between Floc Area and Victoria, B.C./ROPOS test in water column/Operation failed due to cage problems, probably a ground fault
SO109/3_132ROPOS132ROPOStestRemote operated vehicleROV47.75250-126.62617-1750Midway between Floc Area and Victoria, B.C./ROPOS test with Suction Sampler in water column/Suction Sampler worked well, but no images on screens of board units