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Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science

Event List of RU-Land_2005_COAST

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Event labelOptional labelMethod/DeviceAbbreviationO2A Registry URIDate/TimeLatitudeLongitudeElevationDate/Time endLatitude endLongitude endElevation endComment
COAST_C-1Drilling/drill rigDRILL2005-04-12T00:00:0073.60597117.17736262005-04-14T00:00:00Distance to coast: 0.1 km; Frost table depth: 0 m
COAST_C-2Drilling/drill rigDRILL2005-04-14T00:00:0073.71003117.16697-62005-04-19T00:00:00Distance to coast: 11.5 km; Ice thickness: 1.35 m; Bottom water salinity: 29.2 per mil; Bottom water temperature: -1.54 deg C; Frost table depth: 35 m
COAST_C-3Drilling/drill rigDRILL2005-04-21T00:00:0073.63244117.16789-4.42005-04-22T00:00:00Distance to coast: 3 km; Ice thickness: 1.85 m; Bottom water salinity: 30.0 per mil; Bottom water temperature: -1.61 deg C; Frost table depth: 12 m
COAST_C-4Drilling/drill rigDRILL2005-04-22T00:00:0073.61219117.16725-2.22005-04-23T00:00:00Distance to coast: 1 km; Ice thickness: 2.1 m; Bottom water salinity: 32.2 per mil; Bottom water temperature: -1.67 deg C; Frost table depth: 3.9 m
COAST_C-5Drilling/drill rigDRILL2005-05-24T00:00:0073.61028117.16661-1.52005-04-25T00:00:00Distance to coast: 0.5 km; Ice thickness: 1.5 m; Bottom water salinity: > 100 per mil; Bottom water temperature: -5 to -7 deg C; Frost table depth: 2.8 m