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Event List of RU-Land_1999_Lyakhovsky

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Event labelOptional labelMethod/DeviceAbbreviationO2A Registry URIDate/TimeLatitudeLongitudeElevationDate/Time endLatitude endLongitude endElevation endComment
Lya_1999_R17+50section RSampling by handHAND1999-08-16T00:00:0073.33917141.298173.1Lateral position from co-ordinates -1750m W
Lya_1999_R9+85section RSampling by handHAND1999-08-21T00:00:0073.33483141.318839.5Lateral position from co-ordinates -985m W
Lya_1999_2TZMultiple investigationsMULT73.33790141.30690horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 1850 m W
Lya_1999_3TZMultiple investigationsMULT73.33970141.29070horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 2360-2400 m W
Lya_1999_R17+30Multiple investigationsMULT73.33670141.30900horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 1730 m W
Lya_1999_R14+40Multiple investigationsMULT73.33560141.31710horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 1440 m W
Lya_1999_R8+50Multiple investigationsMULT73.33290141.33290horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 850 m W
Lya_1999_1TZSampling/measurement on landLAND73.33360141.33460horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 850 w
Lya_1999_R22+60Multiple investigationsMULT73.33900141.29510horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 2260 m W
Lya_1999_R33-AMultiple investigationsMULT73.34400141.26730horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 3300 m W
Lya_1999_R23+40Multiple investigationsMULT73.33940141.29250horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 2340 m W
Lya_1999_B15Sampling/measurement on landLAND73.33880141.30150horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 2065 w (top)
Lya_1999_L10+40Sampling/measurement on landLAND73.32390141.38410horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 1040 e
Lya_1999_L11+40Multiple investigationsMULT73.32330141.38650horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 1140 m E
Lya_1999_R17Multiple investigationsMULT73.33660141.30980horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 1700 m W
Lya_1999_L13+80Multiple investigationsMULT73.32230141.39320horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 1380 m E
Lya_1999_L3Sampling/measurement on landLAND73.32740141.36450horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 300 e
Lya_1999_L21+50Multiple investigationsMULT73.31880141.41370horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 2150 m E
Lya_1999_L9Sampling/measurement on landLAND73.32430141.38010horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 900 e
Lya_1999_R13+50Sampling/measurement on landLAND73.33510141.31890horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 1350 w
Lya_1999_RezentSampling/measurement on landLAND73.33500141.30000
Lya_1999_KGTSampling/measurement on landLAND73.40910141.70430Khaptagai Tas
Lya_1997Sampling/measurement on landLAND73.32400141.38290horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 1000 e
Lya_1999_R6Multiple investigationsMULT73.33200141.33900horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 600 m W
Lya_1999_R22Multiple investigationsMULT73.33900141.29700horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 2200 m W
Lya_1999_R35Multiple investigationsMULT73.34600141.26300horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 3500 m W
Lya_1999_L11Multiple investigationsMULT73.32300141.38700horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 1100 m E
Lya_1999_L14Sampling/measurement on landLAND73.32220141.39380horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 1200 e
Lya_1999_R18+50Multiple investigationsMULT73.33720141.30570horizontal distance from the Zimov'e River mouth in 1999: 1850 m W