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Event List of POS508

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Event labelOptional labelMethod/DeviceAbbreviationO2A Registry URIDate/TimeLatitudeLongitudeElevationDate/Time endLatitude endLongitude endElevation endComment
POS508_1GeoB22101-1MooringMOOR2017-01-24T09:23:0020.86855-18.74823-2831.4Release and recovery of sediment trap mooring. Upper and lower traps were ok. BOP ok.
POS508_2GeoB22101-2Secchi diskSD2017-01-24T13:06:0020.87518-18.74610-2752.2Needed two tries to get the weight correct. Secchi depth was 19 m.
POS508_3GeoB22101-3CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-01-24T13:23:0020.87435-18.74657-2755CTD profile.
POS508_4GeoB22101-4Marine snow catcherMSC2017-01-24T13:50:0020.87527-18.74603-2753.6Closed at 60 m
POS508_5GeoB22101-5In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-24T15:09:0020.87497-18.74620-2752.6Profile to 1000 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_6GeoB22101-6Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-24T16:30:0020.87455-18.74563-2763.4Profile to 1000 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_7GeoB22101-7Multiple opening/closing netMSN2017-01-24T17:42:0020.87448-18.74532-2771.8Profile from 300 m. The nets did not close due to water in pressure housing.
POS508_8GeoB22101-8CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-01-24T18:57:0020.87480-18.74533-2784.7CTD profile.
POS508_9GeoB22101-9In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-24T21:01:0020.87472-18.74823-2763.6Profile to 1000 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_10GeoB22101-10Hand netHN2017-01-24T21:46:0020.87428-18.74623-2784.4Hand-net in the upper 50 m with a mesh-size of 150 µm
POS508_11GeoB22101-11Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-24T22:30:0020.87322-18.74603-2789.4Profile to 1000 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_12GeoB22101-12In situ pumpISP2017-01-25T00:18:0020.87417-18.74537-2761Four ISPs. Filtered between 00:00 and 06:00.
POS508_13GeoB22101-13MooringMOOR2017-01-25T10:21:0020.86427-18.76162-2765.2Deployment with two sediment traps
POS508_14GeoB22102-1In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-25T12:42:0020.92173-18.98648-3109.9Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_15GeoB22102-2Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-25T13:24:0020.92187-18.98665-3116.5Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_16GeoB22103-1Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-25T15:54:0020.96993-19.22162-3354.9Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_17GeoB22103-2In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-25T16:39:0020.96990-19.22153-3359.1Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_18GeoB22104-1In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-25T18:52:0021.01845-19.45690-3526.4Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_19GeoB22104-2Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-25T19:35:0021.01850-19.45618-3519.2Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_20GeoB22105-1Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-25T21:44:0021.05878-19.69110-3646.3Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_21GeoB22105-2In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-25T22:57:0021.05857-19.69200-3644.2Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_22GeoB22106-1MooringMOOR2017-01-26T08:39:0021.20873-20.87250-4155.5Release and recovery of sediment trap mooring. Upper and lower traps were ok.
POS508_23GeoB22106-2Secchi diskSD2017-01-26T12:31:0021.21428-20.86917-4151Secchi depth was 17 m
POS508_24GeoB22106-3CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-01-26T12:55:0021.21438-20.86833-4152.4Profile to 400 m.
POS508_25GeoB22106-4Marine snow catcherMSC2017-01-26T13:30:0021.21375-20.86848-4150.1Closed at 65 m
POS508_26GeoB22106-5In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-26T14:33:0021.21358-20.86868-4149.7Profile to 1000 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_27GeoB22106-6Trap, driftingDF2017-01-26T15:58:0021.21205-20.86745-4149Drifting trap with four tubes at 100. 200. and 400 m.
POS508_28GeoB22106-7CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-01-26T17:17:0021.21327-20.86977-4151.4CTD profile.
POS508_29GeoB22106-8Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-26T18:55:0021.21365-20.86930-4151.8Profile to 1000 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_30GeoB22106-9In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-26T20:18:0021.21355-20.86975-4151.3Profile to 1000 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_31GeoB22106-10Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-26T21:26:0021.21483-20.86988-4153.4Profile to 1000 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_32GeoB22106-11In situ pumpISP2017-01-26T22:27:0021.21582-20.86857-4150.6Four ISPs. Filtered between 00:00 and 06:00.
POS508_33GeoB22106-12MooringMOOR2017-01-27T11:42:0021.20503-20.88625-4166.8Deployment with two sediment traps and the BOP systems
POS508_34GeoB22107-1In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-27T13:18:0021.22830-20.88978-4158.9Profile to 1000 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_35GeoB22107-2Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-27T14:27:0021.22927-20.88770-4161.8Profile to 1000 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_36GeoB22107-3Trap, driftingDF2017-01-27T16:01:0021.22975-20.88543-4158.4Recovery of drifting traps
POS508_37GeoB22108-1Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-27T18:28:0021.18460-20.62673-4083.1Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_38GeoB22108-2In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-27T19:17:0021.18470-20.62602-4083.7Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_39GeoB22109-1In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-27T22:02:0021.14345-20.39065-4017.9Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_40GeoB22109-2Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-27T22:40:0021.14397-20.39142-4017.3Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_50-2In situ pumpISP2017-01-28T00:00:0020.91000-18.98000
POS508_41GeoB22110-1Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-28T08:23:0021.10602-20.15407-3884.7Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_42GeoB22110-2In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-28T09:17:0021.10563-20.15490-3885.2Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_43GeoB22111-1In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-28T11:48:0021.07042-19.91897-3819.8Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_44GeoB22111-2Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-28T12:32:0021.07058-19.91963-3769.8Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_45GeoB22112-1Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-28T15:19:0021.03440-19.67633-3644.5Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_46GeoB22112-2In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-28T16:07:0021.03475-19.67652-3677Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_47GeoB22113-1In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-28T18:42:0020.99100-19.44070-3502Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_48GeoB22113-2Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-28T19:23:0020.99140-19.44038-3514Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_49GeoB22114-1Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-28T21:47:0020.95565-19.20452-3349.2Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_50GeoB22114-2In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-28T22:32:0020.95762-19.20503-3348.2Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_51GeoB22115-1In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-29T08:26:0020.91732-18.96897-3094.9Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_52GeoB22115-2Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-29T09:01:0020.91738-18.96823-3090.8Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_53GeoB22116-1Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-29T11:30:0020.87455-18.74607-2750.3Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_54GeoB22116-2In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-29T12:15:0020.87507-18.74723-2756.4Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_55GeoB22117-1Secchi diskSD2017-01-29T14:31:0020.83628-18.49272-2143.9Secchi disk.
POS508_56GeoB22117-2Trap, driftingDF2017-01-29T15:04:0020.83542-18.49065-2144.5Drifting trap with four tubes at 100. 200. and 400 m.
POS508_57GeoB22117-3CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-01-29T15:35:0020.83673-18.48998-2142.4Profile to 400 m.
POS508_58GeoB22117-4Marine snow catcherMSC2017-01-29T16:23:0020.83658-18.49213-2143.6Closed at 65 m
POS508_59GeoB22117-5In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-29T17:20:0020.83617-18.49060-2152.5Profile to 1000 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_60GeoB22117-6Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-29T18:27:0020.83573-18.49068-2141.3Profile to 1000 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_61GeoB22117-7CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-01-29T19:32:0020.83625-18.49083-2142.3CTD profile.
POS508_62GeoB22117-8Hand netHN2017-01-29T20:12:0020.83598-18.49120-2139.9Hand-net in the upper 50 m with a mesh-size of 150 µm
POS508_63GeoB22117-9Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-29T20:36:0020.83457-18.49095-2138.4Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_64GeoB22117-10In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-29T21:23:0020.83520-18.49007-2136.3Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_65GeoB22117-11In situ pumpISP2017-01-29T22:13:0020.83517-18.49033-2151.3Four ISPs. Filtered between 00:00 and 06:00.
POS508_66GeoB22118-1In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-30T10:44:0020.75577-18.50397-1919.7Profile to 1000 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_67GeoB22118-2Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-30T11:46:0020.75300-18.50435-1910.5Profile to 1000 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_68GeoB22118-3Secchi diskSD2017-01-30T12:20:0020.74958-18.50507-1903Secchi depth was 14 m
POS508_69GeoB22118-4CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-01-30T13:01:0020.74802-18.50467-1897.9CTD profile.
POS508_70GeoB22118-5Trap, driftingDF2017-01-30T14:22:0020.75363-18.50670-1918.1Recovery of drifting traps
POS508_71GeoB22118-6Marine snow catcherMSC2017-01-30T14:58:0020.75285-18.50538-1911.7Closed at 65 m
POS508_72GeoB22119-1In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-30T18:01:0020.79245-18.25620-1843Profile to 1000 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_73GeoB22119-2Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-30T19:03:0020.79295-18.25605-1845.5Profile to 1000 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_74GeoB22119-3CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-01-30T20:08:0020.79268-18.25643-1849.8CTD profile.
POS508_75GeoB22119-4In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-30T21:12:0020.79212-18.25508-1841.4Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_76GeoB22119-5Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-30T21:46:0020.79223-18.25572-1843.1Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_77GeoB22119-6Hand netHN2017-01-30T22:02:0020.79198-18.25528-1840.3Hand-net in the upper 50 m with a mesh-size of 150 µm
POS508_78GeoB22119-7In situ pumpISP2017-01-30T22:44:0020.79277-18.25572-1847.6Four ISPs. Filtered between 00:00 and 06:00.
POS508_79GeoB22120-1CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-01-31T10:53:0020.75507-18.02053-1171.3Profile to 400 m.
POS508_80GeoB22120-2Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-31T11:47:0020.75612-18.02030-1175.1Profile to 1000 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_81GeoB22120-3In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-31T13:18:0020.75655-18.02010-1159.1Profile to 1000 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_82GeoB22120-4Secchi diskSD2017-01-31T13:55:0020.75663-18.02105-1176.9Secchi depth was 13 m
POS508_83GeoB22120-5CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-01-31T14:29:0020.75768-18.02055-1180.7CTD profile.
POS508_84GeoB22121-1In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-01-31T17:36:0020.71688-17.78650-557Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_85GeoB22121-2Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-01-31T18:13:0020.71713-17.78622-557.5Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_86GeoB22121-3CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-01-31T18:46:0020.71733-17.78597-558.3CTD profile.
POS508_87GeoB22121-4Hand netHN2017-01-31T20:02:0020.73957-17.77965-619.7Hand-net in the upper 50 m with a mesh-size of 150 µm
POS508_88GeoB221GeoB22-1CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-02-01T08:15:0020.69383-17.66645-270Cable failure. exchanged plug.
POS508_89GeoB221GeoB22-2CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-02-01T09:59:0020.69477-17.66365-270CTD profile.
POS508_90GeoB221GeoB22-3Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-02-01T10:26:0020.69483-17.66343-289.4Profile to 260 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_91GeoB221GeoB22-4In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-02-01T10:52:0020.69515-17.66388-289Profile to 260 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_92GeoB221GeoB22-5In situ pumpISP2017-02-01T11:20:0020.69503-17.66498-289Four ISPs. Filtered for four hours.
POS508_93GeoB22123-1Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-02-01T18:39:0020.73498-17.90058-833.9Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_94GeoB22123-2In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-02-01T19:38:0020.73593-17.90128-839Profile to 820 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_95GeoB22124-1In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-02-01T22:20:0020.77242-18.13427-1518.8Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_96GeoB22124-2Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-02-01T22:57:0020.77187-18.13152-1514.9Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_97GeoB22125-1Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-02-02T08:36:0020.81693-18.36997-2017.7Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_98GeoB22125-2In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-02-02T09:21:0020.81517-18.36812-1952.8Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_99GeoB22126-1CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-02-02T12:18:0020.85427-18.60655-2387Profile to 400 m.
POS508_100GeoB22126-2Secchi diskSD2017-02-02T12:49:0020.85473-18.60645-2388.2Secchi depth was 13 m
POS508_101GeoB22126-3Trap, driftingDF2017-02-02T13:20:0020.85282-18.60388-2375.4Drifting trap with four tubes at 100. 200. and 400 m.
POS508_102GeoB22126-4Marine snow catcherMSC2017-02-02T13:35:0020.85388-18.60265-2374.1Closed at 65 m
POS508_103GeoB22126-5In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-02-02T14:32:0020.85493-18.60245-2379.4Profile to 1000 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_104GeoB22126-6Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-02-02T15:44:0020.85538-18.60422-2384.6Profile to 1000 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_105GeoB22126-7CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-02-02T17:01:0020.85538-18.60650-2389.7CTD profile.
POS508_106GeoB22126-8Light frame on-sight keyspecies investigationLOKI2017-02-02T18:08:0020.85502-18.60605-2385.1Profile to 500 m with 0.5 m per sec. Net came loose from camera.
POS508_107GeoB22126-9In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-02-02T18:55:0020.85482-18.60687-2393.7Profile to 500 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_108GeoB22126-10In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-02-02T19:28:0020.85455-18.60655-2387.8Profile to 200 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_109GeoB22126-11In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-02-02T19:53:0020.85467-18.60615-2389.4Profile to 200 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_110GeoB22126-12In-situ Camera ProfilerISC2017-02-02T20:17:0020.85448-18.60573-2385.5Profile to 200 m with 0.3 m per sec. Upcast with 0.5 m per sec.
POS508_111GeoB22126-13In situ pumpISP2017-02-02T21:16:0020.85408-18.60465-2378Three ISPs. Filtered for four hours.
POS508_114In situ pumpISP2017-02-03T00:00:0021.50000-18.30000
POS508_112GeoB22126-14Trap, driftingDF2017-02-03T08:52:0020.78320-18.61798-2424Recovery of drifting traps
POS508_113GeoB22126-15CTD/RosetteCTD-RO2017-02-03T09:35:0020.78080-18.61215-2397.3Profile to 400 m.