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Event List of POS35

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Event labelOptional labelMethod/DeviceAbbreviationO2A Registry URIDate/TimeLatitudeLongitudeElevationDate/Time endLatitude endLongitude endElevation endComment
POS35_S42S42Gravity corerGC1978-12-01T00:00:0058.6483010.17750324"Gravity corer (Rumohr type, 1 m, 80 mm o.d.); stored upright, cork plugs; non destructive radiometric water analysis 1980-02-01, leakage, upper 30 cm dewatered, shrinkage 0.9 cm [1980-02-01 - 1981-02-19]; core length 0.43 m, sampled on 1981-02-20 as 1 cm wide slices at every 1 cm (possibly different at top or base), split for a) W/Pb210/Cs137 with drying at 70, and b) grain size/metal studies."
POS35_S39S39Gravity corerGC1978-12-01T00:00:0057.496708.08080130"Gravity corer (Rumohr type, 1 m, 80 mm o.d.); stored upright, cork plugs; leakage, fallen dry, tap water flooded 1980-02-08, desiccated again 1980-02-29; core length 0.20 m, sampled on 1980-02-29 as 0.5 cm wide slices at every 0.5 cm (possibly different at top or base), split for a) W/Pb210/Cs137 with drying at 70, and b) grain size/metal studies. W% is residual water."
POS35_S35S35Gravity corerGC1978-12-01T00:00:0057.624208.00750261"Gravity corer (Rumohr type, 1 m, 80 mm o.d.); stored upright, cork plugs; lower plug moist; core length 0.29 m, sampled on 1980-01-25 as 0.5 cm wide slices at every 0.5 cm (possibly different at top or base) for W/Pb210/Cs137 with drying at 70."
POS35_S11bS11.2Kasten corerKAL1978-12-01T00:00:0058.7720010.14300230"Gravity box corer; core length 2.55 m, sampled as 5 cm wide slices for W%, and 1 or 2 cm wide for Pb210/Cs137 with drying at 70."