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Event List of MD105

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Event labelOptional labelMethod/DeviceAbbreviationO2A Registry URIDate/TimeLatitudeLongitudeElevationDate/Time endLatitude endLongitude endElevation endComment
MD96-2088xMD962088Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-07-10T00:00:00-22.7500014.20000-1051. Coring no release, more weight, then 2. coring. Second approach: Calypso lost, piston cable broken.
MD96-2089xMD962089xCalypso CorerCALYPSO1996-08-10T00:00:00-23.2666712.80333-1010Calypso lost at 18.2 t pull tension.
MD96-2075MD962075Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-09-23T00:00:00-26.9950037.98500-4649Top soft brown mud, no forams, CC: gray mud, at 26 m depth a lot of water coming out. Flow in structures, down to 16 mbsf often 20 to 50cm intervals with brown soft sediment sucked in. Preliminary biostrat/color => older than stage 15
MD96-2076GMD962076GGravity corerGC1996-09-25T00:00:00-33.1600032.21167-3618Drift sediments, brownish sandy mud, Forams
MD96-2076MD962076Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-09-25T00:00:00-33.1616732.20833-3619Top soft brown mud, forams, CC: gray stiff mud, preliminary biostratigraphy/color => older than stage 12.
MD96-2077GMD962077GGravity corerGC1996-09-25T00:00:00-33.1533331.25667-3781Top soft brown mud, Forams, CC: gray mud
MD96-2077MD962077Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-09-25T00:00:00-33.1683331.24667-3781Top soft brown mud, Forams, CC: gray mud (Nannofossil foraminiferal ooze), core liner disrupted at 2405 cm.
MD96-2078GMD962078GGravity corerGC1996-09-26T00:00:00-32.4916729.92833-2997Top soft brown carbonate ooze, Forams, CC: gray calcareous mud. Sunshine,heavy waves and strong current CAL skipped.
MD96-2079GMD962079GGravity corerGC1996-09-27T00:00:00-35.3166728.50833-4380Top soft brown calcereous mud, CC: gray calcareous mud.
MD96-2079MD962079Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-09-27T00:00:00-39.3166728.49667-4382Top soft brown mud, few forams, CC: gray calcareous mud, very soft intervals down to 8 mbsf. 20 to 50 cm thicksandy turbidites intercalated in the mud with heavy flow in between turbidites.
MD96-2080MD962080, ABSCalypso CorerCALYPSO1996-09-29T00:00:00-36.2666719.47500-2488Top 5 m very soft, brownish grey Foram Nanno Ooze, CC: greenish grey Foram Nanno Ooze, First section bottom 5 cm lost during cutting.
MD96-2080GMD962080GGravity corerGC1996-09-29T00:00:00-36.2666719.46333-2495No sediment in the corer, only some mud along the tube outside.
MD96-2081GMD962081GGravity corerGC1996-09-30T00:00:00-35.3483317.40833-3171Top 5cm brown Foram Nanno Ooze, below greenish grey Nanno Ooze.
MD96-2081MD962081Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-09-30T00:00:00-26.9950037.98500-4649Top grey Foram Nanno Ooze, CC: stiff gray Nanno Ooze, below 28.00 m core distorted, 30 cm in two plastic bags (28.69+30cm). Also wrong depths. Starting with segment 14 which is from 1909 and goes only to 1945 (instead 1950). Thus all following segments mu
MD96-2082BCMD962082BCBox corerBC1996-09-30T00:00:00-34.7866717.73667-1872greenish grey to brownish grey Foraminiferal Nanno Ooze, 1 surface sample, 12x A+B syringes 1, 4, 8,....44 cm.
MD96-2082GMD962082GGravity corerGC1996-09-30T00:00:00-34.7900017.73500-1887greenish gray Nanno Ooze, Forams. Probably touched the sea floor and fallen down.
MD96-2082MD962082Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-09-30T00:00:00-34.7866717.73667-1871Top: greenish grey Nanno ooze, forams. CC: green mud, only few forams, H2S odor. 43cm cutted with a saw. 27 sections, section 4 flow in 3.50-4.30m, voids in section 6 (6.00-7.50m). A+B series at every 5 cm, Radiolaria samples every meter (51, 151...).
MD96-2083MD962083Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-01T00:00:00-33.5000017.00000-954Whole core greenish grey Foram-bearing Nannofossil Ooze, looks well from the top to the bottom. No foraminiferal sand layers.
MD96-2084GMD962084GGravity corerGC1996-10-03T00:00:00-31.7433315.51667-1410Pale olive grey Foram-bearing Nannofossil Ooze.
MD96-2084MD962084Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-03T00:00:00-31.7416715.51667-1408Pale olive grey Foram-bearing Nannofossil Ooze. Partly very soft, great loss at the top during core handling on deck. The upper part probably contains mud debris flows or piston inflow.
MD96-2085GMD962085GGravity corerGC1996-10-04T00:00:00-29.6983312.93667-3000new with trigger weight, not released. Sediment light grey to pale yellow Foraminiferal Nannofossil Ooze.
MD96-2085MD962085Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-04T00:00:00-29.7000012.93500-3001Foraminifera Nannofossil Ooze, core distorted, sections 10, 17 and 18 broken, 80 cm of the sediment between 2385- 2460 cm lost on the deck.
MD96-2086GMD962086GGravity corerGC1996-10-05T00:00:00-25.8066712.13500-3598Top pale olive gray Nanno Ooze, Forams, changing to whitish or greenish gray Ooze at the bottom, intercalated with dark green layers.
MD96-2086MD962086Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-05T00:00:00-25.8133312.12833-3606Top pale olive gray Foram-bearing Nanno Ooze. CC: stiff olive mud, H2S odor (liner cutted with a saw).
MD96-2098xMD962098xCalypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-05T00:00:00-25.6000012.63000-2909Core stucking in the sediment, pull tension over 19 tons. Tried to recover for 8 hours then lost when reaching a tension of 26.5 tons during the final pull.
MD96-2087BCMD962087BCBox corerBC1996-10-06T00:00:00-25.6000013.38000-1029Olive green diatomaceous mud, very soft at the upper 50 cm. A+B-Series 1, 4,...24,...30, 34, ... 42. 1 surface sample.
MD96-2087GMD962087GGravity corerGC1996-10-06T00:00:00-25.6000013.38000-1028Olive green diatomaceous mud, very soft at the top.
MD96-2087MD962087Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-06T00:00:00-25.6000013.38000-1028Dark olive green Siliceous Nannofossil Ooze , very soft at the top, stiff in the CC. Gas expansion, few cm of sediments lost during cutting at 150, 300 cm core depth, strong H2S odor. Gas expansion pressed out the sediment from the liner => extra 30 cm be
MD96-2088GMD962088GGravity corerGC1996-10-07T00:00:00-22.7500014.20000-105Diatomaceous mud, Top very soft, dark olive green. Surface disturbed.
MD96-2088BCMD962088BCBox corerBC1996-10-07T00:00:00-22.7500014.20000-102Very soft diatomaceous mud, dark olive green to black. Sampling from aside very difficult, sediment flowing out. 2 surface samples, 12 A+B Series: 1, 4, 8,... 38!, ..,44, 3 Tubes Archive.
MD96-2088MD962088Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-07T00:00:00-22.7500014.20000-105used as GC, Top very soft diatomaceous mud. CC hard rock (Calcareous crust ?, Mollusk boreholes, old platform?, Reason for Banana and lost core). Above Hardground conglomarate overlying by Mollusk shells and green mud. Core catcher pressed in a liner.
MD96-2089GMD962089GGravity corerGC1996-10-08T00:00:00-23.2666712.80333-1007Top very soft olive green diatomaceous mud. CC: dark olive green diatomaceous mud, stiff. Some mollusk and gastropod shells.
MD96-2090GMD962090GGravity corerGC1996-10-09T00:00:00-17.6983311.15833-1466Top olive green soft Foram-bearing, biosiliceous Nanno Ooze. CC: more stiff olive green, silty to sandy biosiliceous Nanno Ooze, few foraminifers. Sediment much more terrigenous than in the Northern Cape Basin.
MD96-2090MD962090Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-09T00:00:00-17.6983311.16000-1466Olive green Foram- and Nanno-bearing, biosiliceous silty to sandy mud, with high content of terrigenous and authigenic minerals (quartz, feldspar, hornblende, biotite, glauconite and heavy minerals). Attention: Core section depths were changed by several
MD96-2091GMD962091GGravity corerGC1996-10-10T00:00:00-14.8900010.38833-3566Grey Foram-bearing Nannofossil Ooze, soft, biosiliceous and terrigenous minerals. Top 10 cm yellowish brown. Imbedded are small turbidites of forams, spicules, glauconite, quartz and other terrigenous minerals below 150 cm, perhaps also mud pebble flows.
MD96-2091MD962091Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-10T00:00:00-14.8900010.38833-3569Light to dark grey hemipelagic Foram-bearing Nannofossil Ooze, terrigenous grains, first meter relatively soft. Upper 2 cm brown. For the first 5 sections liner rims are contaminated with soft sediment from the top. CC: grey hemipelagic Foram-bearing hemi
MD96-2092BMD962092BBox corerBC1996-10-11T00:00:00-12.1550012.56833-1837Grey hemipelagic Foram-bearing Nanno Ooze, soft. 0.5 cm brownish fluff layer. 24 syringe samples A+B series: 1, 4, 8...., 44 cm and 2 surface samples.
MD96-2092MD962092Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-11T00:00:00-12.1550012.56833-1837Hemipelagic Foram-bearing mud, olive green gray, no brown layer at the top. Upper 5 m heavily disturbed by flow in. H2S odor and and large (2 cm diameter) open burrows containing soupy sediment. Below 7.50 m 2 cm missing (in a blue cap), fall out during c
MD96-2092GMD962092GGravity corerGC1996-10-11T00:00:00-12.1550012.56833-1838Light to dark olive green-grey hemipelagic Foram-bearing mud. heavily bioturbated.
MD96-2093GMD962093GGravity corerGC1996-10-12T00:00:00-16.5683310.84333-2678Olive green Foram bearing hemipelagic mud. Burrows or gas holes filled with watery very soft mud. H2S odor already in the upper 2 meters.
MD96-2094GMD962094GGravity corerGC1996-10-13T00:00:00-20.000009.26500-2281Top light brown Nanno Foraminiferal Ooze. CC: light green Foram-bearing Nanno Ooze.
MD96-2093MD962093Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-13T00:00:00-16.5683310.84333-2682bended; top very soft, watery olive green mud, great part flown out. Between sections 1 and 2 (150 cm) also watery sediment flown out now voids. Probably original sediment ruptured by piston effect and voids filled with soupy mud from above. lower core pr
MD96-2094MD962094Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-13T00:00:00-20.000009.26500-2280Lot of soupy sediment flow out at the top. Top sediment now light greenish Nanno Foram Ooze. No brown surface layer, probably lost.
MD96-2095GMD962095GGravity corerGC1996-10-13T00:00:00-20.3233311.48667-1036Olive green, biosiliceous, Foram-bearing Nanno Ooze. Top very soft.
MD96-2095BCMD962095BCBox corerBC1996-10-13T00:00:00-20.3283311.48667-1038Olive green, biosiliceous, Foram-bearing Nanno Ooze. Top soft. 2 surface samples, 16 A+B syringe series: 1, 4, 8, 12, 14, 16, 20, 24, 28, 32, 38, 42, 46, 50, 56, 60.
MD96-2095MD962095Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-13T00:00:00-20.3283311.48667-1038Olive to dark olive green biosiliceous Foram and Nanno-bearing Ooze. Top very soft, lot of water along the liner rim, coming out during cutting.
MD96-2096GMD962096GGravity corerGC1996-10-14T00:00:00-21.8466710.68167-3500light gray to white Foram Nanno Ooze. Top slightly light brown, very soft, sandy with forams.
MD96-2096MD962096Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-14T00:00:00-21.8466710.68167-3500White to very light olive Foram Nanno Ooze. Top very soft, some part of surface lost. Liner disconnected between sections 13a and 13b (1818 cm),. 30 cm of sediment lost in the core tube between 13a and 13b. Washed out from the tube and partly packed as an
MD96-2089MD962089Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-15T00:00:00-23.2666712.72000-1009bended, olive to dark olive green biosiliceous mud, Forams and Nannos. Top very soft, partly lost. Clean water coming out during cutting sections 13 and 14 (1950 cm, Pistonage?). Lot of voids filled with very soupy sediment (Why?) in the last 6 sections (
MD96-2097MD962097Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-15T00:00:00-23.3866711.97667-2663Light olive green to olive green Foram Nanno Ooze. Pistonage, small voids in the upper sections. Section 4 (4.70 m to 6.00m) void. Section 19 (19.50-21.00m) void. Reflectance record points to stage 12.
MD96-2099BCMD962099BCBox corerBC1996-10-16T00:00:00-29.2950014.24833-1004Light olive green Foram Nanno Ooze. Top soft. Some shell fragments. A+B-series: 1, 4,.., 36, and 2 surface samples.
MD96-2098MD962098Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-16T00:00:00-25.6000012.63000-2910Greenish white to dark olive green Nanno Foram biosiliceous Ooze. Section 6 (7.50 to 9.00 m) empty. Seems to be a good high resolution record.
MD96-2099GGravity corerGC1996-10-17T00:00:00-29.3000014.25000-1005
MD96-2099MD962099Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-17T00:00:00-29.2950014.24833-1005Light olive green Foram Nanno Ooze. Probably last 250.000 years missing. Top stage 7 according to Coccolithophorid stratigraphy and color reflectance.
MD96-2078MD962078Calypso CorerCALYPSO1996-10-21T00:00:00-32.4983329.92333-2999Empty, release too early due to heavy waves.