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Event List of JR20150130

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Event labelOptional labelMethod/DeviceAbbreviationO2A Registry URIDate/TimeLatitudeLongitudeElevationDate/Time endLatitude endLongitude endElevation endComment
JR298-GBC722GBC722 CORE_NO 722Giant box corerGKG2015-02-04T00:00:00-64.89530-69.03570-23292 surface sediment samples (1 frozen); 6 subcores (A: 0-32 cmbsf, sliced and frozen; B: 0-27 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; C: 0-29.5 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; D: 0-32.5 cmbsf; E: 0-37 cmbsf; F: 0-26 cmbsf, frozen); 1 sieved IRD sample
JR298-GBC724GBC724 CORE_NO 724Giant box corerGKG2015-02-06T00:00:00-68.94280-85.79000-30732 surface sediment samples (1 frozen); 6 subcores (A: 0-42 cmbsf, sliced and frozen; B: 0-42 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; C: 0-42 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; D: 0-25 cmbsf; E: 0-41 cmbsf; F: 0-27 cmbsf, frozen)
JR298-PC723PC723 CORE_NO 723Piston corerPC2015-02-06T00:00:00-68.94280-85.79030-30758 sections (0-59 cmbsf, 59-209 cmbsf, 209-359 cmbsf, 359-509 cmbsf, 509-659 cmbsf, 659-809 cmbsf, 809-959 cmbsf, 959-1109 cmbsf); core catcher sample
JR298-TC723TC723 CORE_NO 723Trigger corerTC2015-02-06T00:00:00-68.94280-85.79030-30751 section (0-67.5 cmbsf); 1 core top sample (from top of valve, disturbed)
JR298-GBC725GBC725 CORE_NO 725Giant box corerGKG2015-02-09T00:00:00-69.53170-93.91580-36602 surface sediment samples (1 frozen); 6 subcores (A: 0-41 cmbsf, sliced and frozen; B: 0-41 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; C: 0-41 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; D: 0-44 cmbsf [surface sediment sample 0-1 cmbsf kept in bag]; E: 0-47 cmbsf; F: 0-32 cmbsf, frozen); 1 bulk sediment sample
JR298-PC726PC726 CORE_NO 726Piston corerPC2015-02-09T00:00:00-69.53170-93.91580-36638 sections (0-150 cmbsf, 150-300 cmbsf, 300-450 cmbsf, 450-600 cmbsf, 600-750 cmbsf, 750-900 cmbsf, 900-1050 cmbsf, 1050-1200 cmbsf); 1 core-top sample (disturbed; ca. 3 cm thick, stored in end cap in bag); 1 core-top suspension and sediment sample (disturbed, stored in bag); 2 core catcher samples; NOTE: thickness of core-top material could not be estimated reliably and therefore section depths were not corrected
JR298-TC726TC726 CORE_NO 726Trigger corerTC2015-02-09T00:00:00-69.53170-93.91580-36631 section (0-74.5 cmbsf); 1 core top sample (disturbed)
JR298-PC727PC727 CORE_NO 727Piston corerPC2015-02-13T00:00:00-67.86430-76.17930-26817 sections (0-90 cmbsf, 90-240 cmbsf, 240-390 cmbsf, 390-540 cmbsf, 540-690 cmbsf, 690-840 cmbsf, 840-990 cmbsf); 1 core catcher sample
JR298-TC727TC727 CORE_NO 727Trigger corerTC2015-02-13T00:00:00-67.86430-76.17930-26811 section (0-55.5 cmbsf); 1 core catcher sample
JR298-TC728TC728 CORE_NO 728Trigger corerTC2015-02-14T00:00:00-67.66830-74.64230-24541 section (0-54 cmbsf); 1 core top sample (from top of valve, disturbed); 1 core catcher sample
JR298-PC728PC728 CORE_NO 728Piston corerPC2015-02-14T00:00:00-67.66830-74.64230-24549 sections (0-136.5 cmbsf, 136.5-286.5 cmbsf, 286.5-436.5 cmbsf, 436.5-587 cmbsf, 587-737.5 cmbsf, 737.5-766 cmbsf, 766-916.5 cmbsf, 916.5-1066.5 cmbsf, 1066.5-1217 cmbsf); 1 core-top sample (disturbed; ca. 3 cm thick, stored in end cap in bag); 1 core catcher sample; 1 core cutter sample
JR298-GBC729GBC729 CORE_NO 729Giant box corerGKG2015-02-14T00:00:00-67.66830-74.64300-24492 surface sediment samples (1 frozen); 4 calcareous microfossil samples (bivalve shell 1, bivalve shell 2, bryozoans, shell fragment unidentified); 6 subcores (A: 0-28 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; B: 0-24 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; C: 0-20 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; D: 0-28 cmbsf; E: 0-28 cmbsf; F: 0-21 cmbsf, frozen)
JR298-GBC730GBC730 CORE_NO 730Giant box corerGKG2015-02-17T00:00:00-67.86430-76.17930-26802 surface sediment samples (1 frozen); 6 subcores (A: 0-32 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; B: 0-33.5 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; C: 0-27 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; D: 0-33.5 cmbsf; E: 0-33.5 cmbsf; F: 0-27.5 cmbsf, frozen)
JR298-PC732PC732 CORE_NO 732Piston corerPC2015-02-21T00:00:00-66.27220-71.90850-26477 sections (0-40 cmbsf, 40-190 cmbsf, 190-340 cmbsf, 340-490 cmbsf, 490-640 cmbsf, 640-790 cmbsf, 790-940 cmbsf); 1 core catcher sample
JR298-TC732TC732 CORE_NO 732Trigger corerTC2015-02-21T00:00:00-66.27220-71.90850-26471 section (0-60 cmbsf); 1 core top (?) sample (from top of valve, disturbed); 1 core catcher sample
JR298-GBC731GBC731 CORE_NO 731Giant box corerGKG2015-02-21T00:00:00-66.27220-71.90890-26542 surface sediment samples (1 frozen); 6 subcores (A: 0-28 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; B: 0-28 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; C: 0-30 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; D: 0-32.5 cmbsf; E: 0-32.5 cmbsf; F: 0-29 cmbsf, frozen)
JR298-GBC735GBC735 CORE_NO 735Giant box corerGKG2015-02-25T00:00:00-65.93820-72.51730-29982 surface sediment samples (1 frozen); 6 subcores (A: 0-32 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; B: 0-32 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; C: 0-34 cmbsf, cut into 1 cm slices and frozen; D: 0-34.5 cmbsf; E: 0-34 cmbsf; F: 0-31.5 cmbsf, frozen)
JR298-TC734TC734 CORE_NO 734Trigger corerTC2015-02-25T00:00:00-65.93820-72.51750-30001 section (0-55.5 cmbsf); 1 core catcher sample
JR298-GBC733GBC733 CORE_NO 733Giant box corerGKG2015-02-25T00:00:00-66.37220-73.70450-38572 surface sediment samples (olive mud); 3 surface sediment samples (brown mud); 3 sub-surface sediment samples (dark grey sand); 1 sub-surface sediment sample (coarse sand layer); 3 subcores (A: 0-29 cmbsf; B: 0-28 cmbsf; C: 0-28.5 cmbsf)
JR298-PC734PC734 CORE_NO 734Piston corerPC2015-02-25T00:00:00-65.93820-72.51750-30009 sections (0-110 cmbsf, 110-260.5 cmbsf, 260.5-390.5 cmbsf, 390.5-541 cmbsf, 541-691 cmbsf, 691-841.5 cmbsf, 841.5-992 cmbsf, 992-1142.5 cmbsf, 1142.5-1293 cmbsf); 2 core catcher samples; 1 core cutter sample
JR298-PC736PC736 CORE_NO 736Piston corerPC2015-02-26T00:00:00-64.89530-69.03550-23257 sections (0-125.5 cmbsf, 125.5-275.5 cmbsf, 275.5-425.5 cmbsf, 425.5-575.5 cmbsf, 575.5-725.5 cmbsf, 725.5-875.5 cmbsf, 875.5-1025.5 cmbsf); 1 core catcher sample; 1 core cutter sample
JR298-TC736TC736 CORE_NO 736Trigger corerTC2015-02-26T00:00:00-64.89530-69.03550-23251 section (0-56 cmbsf); 1 core catcher sample; 1 core top sample (from top of valve, disturbed)
JR298-PC734_JR298-GBC735Composite CoreCOMPCORE-65.93820-72.51750-3000
JR298-PC732_JR298-GBC731Composite CoreCOMPCORE-66.27220-71.90850-2647
JR298-PC728_JR298-GBC729Composite CoreCOMPCORE-67.66830-74.64230-2454
JR298-PC727_JR298-GBC730Composite CoreCOMPCORE-67.86430-76.17930-2681
JR298-PC726_JR298-GBC725Composite CoreCOMPCORE-69.53170-93.91580-3663
JR298-PC723_JR298-GBC724Composite CoreCOMPCORE-68.94280-85.79030-3075
JR298-PC736_JR298-GBC722Composite CoreCOMPCORE-64.89530-69.03550-2325