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Event List of JR20040123

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Event labelOptional labelMethod/DeviceAbbreviationO2A Registry URIDate/TimeLatitudeLongitudeElevationDate/Time endLatitude endLongitude endElevation endComment
JR104-BC351BC351 CORE_NO 351Box corerBC2004-01-28T00:00:00-70.08670-86.19330-1041smear slide, surface sediment (11.5x22.0x1 cm), 1 core X (1-31.5), 1 core Y (0-30 cmbsf)
JR104-GC353GC353 CORE_NO 353Gravity corerGC2004-01-29T00:00:00-70.08670-86.18830-10413 core segments (0-91.5 cmbsf; 91.5-191 cmbsf; 191-289.5 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-GC352GC352 CORE_NO 352Gravity corerGC2004-01-29T00:00:00-70.25670-86.36500-7182 core segments (0-46.5 cmbsf; 46.5-143.5 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-BC355BC355 CORE_NO 355Box corerBC2004-01-30T00:00:00-70.00500-84.89000-788bulk sediment sample (in bag)
JR104-GC354GC354 CORE_NO 354Gravity corerGC2004-01-30T00:00:00-70.00500-84.89000-7882 core segments (0-99 cmbsf; 99-197 cmbsf), core cutter sample, surface sediment sample (i.e. top in core missing)
JR104-GC358GC358 CORE_NO 358Gravity corerGC2004-01-31T00:00:00-71.73500-76.03670-690smear slide (core top), 1 core segment (0-93.5 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-BC356BC356 CORE_NO 356Box corerBC2004-01-31T00:00:00-71.76830-80.11000-565surface sediment (11.5x22.0x1 cm), bulk sediment (rest of recovered sediment volume), 2 dropstones with serpulid worms and bryozoa
JR104-GC357GC357 CORE_NO 357Gravity corerGC2004-01-31T00:00:00-71.76670-80.11000-5651 core segment (0-104 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-GC359GC359 CORE_NO 359Gravity corerGC2004-01-31T00:00:00-71.71830-76.03830-6852 core segments (0-55.5 cmbsf; 55.5-153 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-BC361YBC361YBox corerBC2004-02-01T00:00:00-71.99300-76.55300-633sub-core of JR104-BC369
JR104-GC360GC360 CORE_NO 360Gravity corerGC2004-02-01T00:00:00-71.99500-76.55170-6332 core segments (0-72.5 cmbsf; 72.5-171 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-BC361BC361 CORE_NO 361Box corerBC2004-02-01T00:00:00-71.99330-76.55330-633surface sediment (c. 10x10x1 cm), 1 core X (0-10.5 cmbsf), 1 core Y (0-23 cmbsf)
JR104-GC362GC362 CORE_NO 362Gravity corerGC2004-02-02T00:00:00-72.59670-80.83000-8452 core segments (0-88 cmbsf; 88-186 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-BC363BC363 CORE_NO 363Box corerBC2004-02-02T00:00:00-72.59500-80.83000-846surface sediment (c. 10x10x1 cm), 1 core X (1-36 cmbsf), 1 core Y (1-40 cmbsf)
JR104-BC364BC364 CORE_NO 364Box corerBC2004-02-02T00:00:00-72.98330-83.44000-1010smear slide, surface sediment (c. 10x10x1 cm), 1 core X (0-34.5 cmbsf), 1 core Y (1-37 cmbsf), 1 core Z (1-36.5 cmbsf)
JR104-GC365GC365 CORE_NO 365Gravity corerGC2004-02-02T00:00:00-72.98330-83.44330-10113 core segments (0-42 cmbsf; 42-146 cmbsf; 146-243 cmbsf)
JR104-BC364XBC364XBox corerBC2004-02-02T00:00:00-72.98300-83.44000-1010sub-core of JR104-BC364
JR104-BC369YBC369YBox corerBC2004-02-03T00:00:00-71.57700-82.86000-587sub-core of JR104-BC369
JR104-GC366GC366 CORE_NO 366Gravity corerGC2004-02-03T00:00:00-72.84500-82.61500-617smear slide, 2 core segments (0-41 cmbsf; 41-139 cmbsf)
JR104-GC367GC367 CORE_NO 367Gravity corerGC2004-02-03T00:00:00-71.58000-82.86000-5911 core segment (0-27 cmbsf, only in bag), CC sample
JR104-GC368GC368 CORE_NO 368Gravity corerGC2004-02-03T00:00:00-71.57830-82.86000-588smear slide, 1 core segment (0-81 cmbsf)
JR104-BC369BC369 CORE_NO 369Box corerBC2004-02-03T00:00:00-71.57670-82.86000-587surface sediment (c. 10x10x1 cm), 1 core X (1-35 cmbsf), 1 core Y (0-37 cmbsf), 1 core Z (1-39 cmbsf)
JR104-BC369XBC369XBox corerBC2004-02-03T00:00:00-71.57700-82.86000-587sub-core of JR104-BC369
JR104-GC370GC370 CORE_NO 370Gravity corerGC2004-02-04T00:00:00-71.65000-84.80500-533surface sediment sample (from head of corer), 2 core segments (0-89 cmbsf, 89-188 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-GC371GC371 CORE_NO 371Gravity corerGC2004-02-04T00:00:00-70.65330-84.54000-595smear slide, 2 core segments (0-92 cmbsf, 92-191 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-BC373BC373 CORE_NO 373Box corerBC2004-02-05T00:00:00-70.60500-86.25330-675smear slide, surface sediment (c. 10x10x1 cm), 1 core X (1-19.5 cmbsf), 1 core Y (0-16 cmbsf), 1 core Z (1-19 cmbsf)
JR104-GC374GC374 CORE_NO 374Gravity corerGC2004-02-05T00:00:00-70.50000-86.23670-6502 core segments (0-98 cmbsf, 98-196 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-BC373YBC373YBox corerBC2004-02-05T00:00:00-70.60500-86.25300-675sub-core of JR104-BC373
JR104-GC372GC372 CORE_NO 372Gravity corerGC2004-02-05T00:00:00-70.60500-86.25330-6762 core segments (0-101 cmbsf, 101-200 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-GC375GC375 CORE_NO 375Gravity corerGC2004-02-06T00:00:00-70.27170-86.82500-8771 core segment (0-75 cmbsf)
JR104-GC377GC377 CORE_NO 377Gravity corerGC2004-02-06T00:00:00-69.95670-86.88170-16084 core segments (0-28 cmbsf; 28-128 cmbsf; 128-228 cmbsf; 228-326 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-GC376GC376 CORE_NO 376Gravity corerGC2004-02-06T00:00:00-70.22170-86.90500-10163 core segments (0-62 cmbsf; 62-162 cmbsf; 162-260 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-GC380GC380 CORE_NO 380Gravity corerGC2004-02-07T00:00:00-69.64170-84.51170-21504 core segments (0-77 cmbsf; 77-177 cmbsf; 177-277 cmbsf; 277-377 cmbsf), CC sample
JR104-BC379BC379 CORE_NO 379Box corerBC2004-02-07T00:00:00-69.76500-87.41830-2222smear slide, surface sediment (c. 10x10x1 cm), 1 core X (0-29 cmbsf), 1 core Y (1-30 cmbsf), 1 core Z (1-29.5 cmbsf)
JR104-GC378GC378 CORE_NO 378Gravity corerGC2004-02-07T00:00:00-69.76670-87.36170-21823 core segments (0-68 cmbsf; 68-167.5 cmbsf; 167.5-265 cmbsf), CC sample, Core Cutter Sample
JR104-GC381GC381 CORE_NO 381Gravity corerGC2004-02-08T00:00:00-69.72170-83.69830-19531 core segment (0-104 cmbsf), CC sample