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Event List of JC138

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Event labelOptional labelMethod/DeviceAbbreviationO2A Registry URIDate/TimeLatitudeLongitudeElevationDate/Time endLatitude endLongitude endElevation endComment
TAG2016Controlled Source Electro-MagneticsCSEM2016-07-18T00:00:0026.15000-44.810002016-07-21T00:00:006 CSEM profiles at about 6 km length each
JC138-15GC15GCGravity corerGC2016-07-18T07:24:0026.15572-44.81650-3553Tension from 4 to 3. The corer has been tilted upside down and many red water came out form the head. The sediments have been probably extremely mixed. Testing sediment thickness for RD2
JC138-16GC16GCGravity corerGC2016-07-18T10:21:0026.15575-44.81620-3553Close to top of Southern Mound. About 1m50. Lot of water for the last one. Testing sediment thickness for RD2
JC138-HyBIS21-2Rock sampleROCK2016-07-21T22:06:0026.15570-44.81700Southern mound
JC138-022RD22RD2Rock Drill 2RD22016-07-22T04:42:0026.15550-44.81600-3535
JC138-23GC23GCGravity corerGC2016-07-22T17:31:0026.15675-44.81667-3537NW flank of Southern Mound; Every busy. No one was free to update thos core sheet. Timing and position taken from general log. Hit hard massive sulphides and bended the corer
JC138-27GC27GCGravity corerGC2016-07-23T11:44:0026.15633-44.81360-3524Meteor Hybis dive #9, "Rona Mound"; Tension from 4 to 2.75. 45 cm beige to orange colour
JC138-28GC28GCGravity corerGC2016-07-23T15:08:0026.14278-44.80692-3400Mir mound basin with 2m basin; Tension from 3.8 to 2.76
JC138-29GC29GCGravity corerGC2016-07-23T21:23:0026.17247-44.81473-3430On Shimmering Mound. Around 1.50 m. Very dark brown layer at the end
JC138-031RD031RDRock Drill 2RD22016-07-24T11:36:0026.15560-44.81610-3536
JC138-37MC37MCMultiCorerMUC2016-07-27T13:00:0026.15920-44.81390-3482East Double Mound. Move a bit in the North, because USBL position is very close to the cliff of South-Estarn Double Mound. Move into the flat area. Only three worked. Did drill on one of them (the longer), the other has been sampled. Very rocky inside
JC138-38GC38GCGravity corerGC2016-07-27T16:38:0026.15217-44.81352-3608Central area with 1 m of sediment. Maybe lost a part because the cc was upside down. Presence of pyrite grains along the core liner
JC138-39GC39GCGravity corerGC2016-07-27T19:55:0026.14380-44.80910-3490MIR delta. 50 cm of sediment. Very sulphidic black sand at the end of the core
JC138-HyBIS41-1Rock sampleROCK2016-07-28T23:28:0026.15690-44.81700Southern mound
JC138-49GC49GCGravity corerGC2016-07-31T21:09:0026.15410-44.81500-3490Done next to a fault scarp where we saw with HyBIS very long stratigraphy. In a canyon between two basaltic mounds. Came back with 2.30m. The first 40cm have been extruded from the head concrete and put in a liner
JC138-050RD_11Rock sampleROCK2016-08-02T00:01:0026.15560-44.81620Southern mound
JC138-050RD_8Rock sampleROCK2016-08-02T00:01:0026.15560-44.81620Southern mound
JC138-51GC51GCGravity corerGC2016-08-02T02:18:0026.15805-44.82170-3570Southeast of Shinkai; Tension 4 to 2.8 at bottom contact
JC138-52GC52GCGravity corerGC2016-08-02T05:55:0026.17153-44.81328-3397South flank of Shimmering Mound . Complete 2 m. Seems not very varied.
JC138-54GC54GCGravity corerGC2016-08-02T18:34:0026.16473-44.82068-3600Exploration for a potential hydrothermal mound in the North of Shinkai, mound above fractures. Back with basalt chunks and carbonate ooze
JC138-HyBIS55-6Rock sampleROCK2016-08-03T08:45:0026.13658-44.82629Shinkai mound
JC138-59MC59MCMultiCorerMUC2016-08-05T07:18:0026.15217-44.81350-3528Central area
JC138-62GC62GCGravity corerGC2016-08-06T15:31:0026.15420-44.81567-3535S of Southern Mound (between fault scarps); shortly before recovering 10 m of cable out; winch stopped, cable twisted around gravity core; possible loss of sediment. 20 cm in the head of carbonate ooze
JC138-065RD_16Rock sampleROCK2016-08-08T20:02:0026.15620-44.81340Rona mound
JC138-073RD_7Rock sampleROCK2016-08-13T16:55:0026.14340-44.80670Mir zone mound