Event List of D297
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Event label | Optional label | Method/Device | Abbreviation | O2A Registry URI | Date/Time | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Date/Time end | Latitude end | Longitude end | Elevation end | Comment |
D15725 | Towed Ocean Bottom Instrument | TOBI | 2005-07-28T02:20:00 | 38.87240 | -10.86240 | -2963 | 2005-07-29T15:54:00 | 38.06540 | -10.22940 | -4548 | Start and end of data acquisition | ||
D15726 | Deep Ocean Stealth Observation Lander | DOSOL | 2005-07-29T18:19:00 | 38.11010 | -10.01620 | -4498 | 2005-07-30T11:03:00 | 38.11020 | -10.01620 | -4498 | |||
D15727 | Robust Biodiversity Lander | ROBIO | 2005-07-29T18:47:00 | 38.10680 | -9.99350 | -4433 | 2005-07-30T14:05:00 | 38.10720 | -9.99400 | -4433 | Recording failed, station unsuccessful | ||
D15728#1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2005-07-29T21:18:00 | 38.10900 | -10.01120 | -4461 | |||||||
D15728#2 | Stand-alone pumps | SAPS | 2005-07-30T04:00:00 | 38.10870 | -10.02120 | -4474 | 2005-07-30T06:05:00 | 38.11000 | -10.03070 | -4474 | Ship has drifted considerably during SAPS pumping; SAPS at 10, 3000 and 3750 m wire out | ||
D15729 | Seabed High Resolution Imaging Platform | SHRIMP | 2005-07-31T01:27:00 | 38.38330 | -9.98370 | -4546 | 2005-07-31T04:50:00 | 38.35160 | -9.97270 | -4495 | |||
D15730 | Box corer | BC | 2005-07-31T11:54:00 | 38.35420 | -9.98000 | -4518 | Pull out 3.91t | ||||||
D15731 | MegaCorer | MEGAC | 2005-08-01T11:54:00 | 39.20700 | -10.17680 | -728 | Only small amount of sand and gravel, no mud for incubation | ||||||
D15732 | Robust Biodiversity Lander | ROBIO | 2005-08-01T17:28:00 | 39.50500 | -9.92470 | -3320 | 2005-08-02T15:27:00 | 39.50500 | -9.92470 | -3340 | |||
D15733 | Deep Ocean Stealth Observation Lander | DOSOL | 2005-08-01T18:42:00 | 39.50370 | -9.94480 | -3410 | 2005-08-02T12:44:00 | 39.50370 | -9.94480 | -3410 | |||
D15734 | Trap, amphipod | ATC | 2005-08-01T19:32:00 | 39.49630 | -9.96480 | -3600 | 2005-08-02T18:00:00 | 39.49630 | -9.96480 | -3600 | Slight damage to amphipod trap | ||
D15735#1 | MegaCorer | MEGAC | 2005-08-02T00:19:00 | 39.58330 | -10.31940 | -4340 | 8 cores out of 12, pull out 4.4t | ||||||
D15735#2 | MegaCorer | MEGAC | 2005-08-02T04:20:00 | 39.58520 | -10.31580 | -4336 | 2 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D15736 | Seabed High Resolution Imaging Platform | SHRIMP | 2005-08-02T07:18:00 | 39.56410 | -10.27280 | Fault, SHRIMP run aborted | |||||||
D15737#1 | MegaCorer | MEGAC | 2005-08-02T21:22:00 | 39.50000 | -9.93710 | -3453 | 2 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D15737#2 | MegaCorer | MEGAC | 2005-08-03T00:48:00 | 39.49980 | -9.93540 | -3480 | 2 cores out of 8 | ||||||
D15737#3 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2005-08-03T08:20:00 | 39.50170 | -9.93850 | -3428 | |||||||
D15737#4 | Stand-alone pumps | SAPS | 2005-08-03T12:32:00 | 39.50000 | -9.93500 | -3435 | 2005-08-03T14:00:00 | 39.50000 | -9.93500 | -3435 | SAPS at 10m off bottom, 1600m depth and 900m depth | ||
D15737#5 | MegaCorer | MEGAC | 2005-08-03T18:00:00 | 39.50000 | -9.93750 | -3461 | 2 cores out of 8 | ||||||
D15738#1 | MegaCorer | MEGAC | 2005-08-03T21:37:00 | 39.49630 | -9.96370 | -3577 | 2 cores out of 8, pull out 3.68t | ||||||
D15738#2 | Piston corer | PC | 2005-08-04T04:51:00 | 39.49680 | -9.96280 | -3541 | Pull out 5.3 t | ||||||
D15739 | Piston corer | PC | 2005-08-04T09:52:00 | 39.49970 | -9.90870 | -3432 | Pull out 5.23 t | ||||||
D15740 | Robust Biodiversity Lander | ROBIO | 2005-08-04T15:41:00 | 39.58330 | -10.25080 | -4254 | 2005-08-05T14:24:00 | 39.58330 | -10.25080 | -4254 | |||
D15741 | Trap, amphipod | ATC | 2005-08-04T16:33:00 | 39.58330 | -10.27500 | -4286 | 2005-08-05T16:55:00 | 39.58330 | -10.27500 | -4286 | |||
D15742 | Deep Ocean Stealth Observation Lander | DOSOL | 2005-08-04T17:25:00 | 39.58250 | -10.29920 | -4314 | 2005-08-05T10:30:00 | 39.58250 | -10.29920 | -4314 | Lander released the weight but did not surface | ||
D15743#1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2005-08-05T00:14:00 | 39.58350 | -10.33220 | -4362 | CTD wire twisted badly on recovery, spiky data | ||||||
D15743#2 | Stand-alone pumps | SAPS | 2005-08-05T04:33:00 | 39.58270 | -10.33270 | -4359 | 2005-08-05T06:00:00 | 39.58300 | -10.33420 | -4360 | SAPS at 10, 2800 and 3650m wire-out | ||
D15744 | Seabed High Resolution Imaging Platform | SHRIMP | 2005-08-05T22:28:00 | 39.57470 | -9.41540 | -768 | 2005-08-06T01:51:00 | 39.60130 | -9.40260 | Depth values from SHRIMP acquisition | |||
D15745 | Robust Biodiversity Lander | ROBIO | 2005-08-06T02:53:00 | 39.59530 | -9.40570 | -896 | 2005-08-06T15:48:00 | 39.59530 | -9.40570 | -896 | |||
D15746 | MegaCorer | MEGAC | 2005-08-06T18:57:00 | 39.58230 | -9.41230 | -748 | Combination: small and large cores. All failed, station unsuccessful | ||||||
D15747 | Robust Biodiversity Lander | ROBIO | 2005-08-06T19:56:00 | 39.59550 | -9.40500 | -891 | 2005-08-07T12:22:00 | 39.59550 | -9.40500 | -891 | |||
D15748 | Box corer | BC | 2005-08-06T21:26:00 | 39.58140 | -9.41220 | -727 | Sluggish mud overlaying stiff clay with compaction layering. Not good for biology, discarded; pull out 1.21t | ||||||
D15749#1 | Box corer | BC | 2005-08-06T23:18:00 | 39.57460 | -9.41480 | -725 | Box overflowed. One subcore for geology; pull out 1.23t | ||||||
D15749#2 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-07T01:12:00 | 39.57520 | -9.41530 | -740 | 12 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D15749#3 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-07T02:33:00 | 39.57480 | -9.41450 | -720 | 12 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D15749#4 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-07T03:41:00 | 39.57480 | -9.41520 | -740 | 12 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D15750 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2005-08-07T14:04:00 | 39.60130 | -9.40230 | -1130 | No nepheloid layer on bottom, SAPS delayed | ||||||
D15751 | Seabed High Resolution Imaging Platform | SHRIMP | 2005-08-07T15:46:00 | 39.55840 | -9.46180 | Winch problem, SHRIMP run aborted before reaching bottom | |||||||
D15752#1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2005-08-07T21:29:00 | 39.60100 | -9.40480 | -1065 | Repetition of station 15750#1 | ||||||
D15752#2 | Stand-alone pumps | SAPS | 2005-08-07T23:42:00 | 39.60120 | -9.40150 | -1130 | 2005-08-08T01:15:00 | 39.60130 | -9.40230 | -1130 | SAPS at 10, 300 and 750m wire-out | ||
D15753#1 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-08T07:04:00 | 39.50040 | -9.93650 | -3528 | 12 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D15753#2 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-08T10:08:00 | 39.49980 | -9.93700 | -3425 | 12 cores out of 12, pull out 3.46t | ||||||
D15754 | Robust Biodiversity Lander | ROBIO | 2005-08-08T12:25:00 | 39.50390 | -9.94450 | -3399 | 2005-08-10T16:18:00 | 39.50030 | -9.94500 | -3402 | |||
D15755 | Box corer | BC | 2005-08-08T14:50:00 | 39.51030 | -9.93650 | -3461 | |||||||
D15756 | Piston corer | PC | 2005-08-08T21:50:00 | 39.50980 | -10.09030 | -3850 | Pull out 5.90t | ||||||
D15757 | Piston corer | PC | 2005-08-09T03:46:00 | 39.55830 | -10.14820 | -4072 | Empty, tiny bit of coarse sand on outside core catcher. Mica pieces>1mm | ||||||
D15758#1 | Box corer | BC | 2005-08-09T09:10:00 | 39.58370 | -10.31680 | -4335 | Disturbed, pull out 4.24t | ||||||
D15758#2 | Box corer | BC | 2005-08-09T13:09:00 | 39.58230 | -10.31670 | -4332 | Sliced and sieved for macrobenthos | ||||||
D15758#3 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-09T17:45:00 | 39.58300 | -10.31740 | -4435 | 12 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D15758#4 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-09T21:24:00 | 39.58350 | -10.31670 | -4335 | 12 cores out of 12, pull out 4.2t | ||||||
D15758#5 | Box corer | BC | 2005-08-10T01:18:00 | 39.58330 | -10.31650 | -4335 | Partly washed out, station failed | ||||||
D15758#6 | Box corer | BC | 2005-08-10T05:28:00 | 39.58320 | -10.31670 | -4335 | Sliced and sieved for macrobenthos | ||||||
D15759 | Piston corer | PC | 2005-08-10T10:45:00 | 39.58670 | -10.23650 | -4224 | Mainly sandy core, large amount of plant remains on top, pull out 5.73t | ||||||
D15760 | Box corer | BC | 2005-08-10T18:57:00 | 39.50030 | -9.93620 | -3465 | Same site as D15755-1, sieved for macrobenthos | ||||||
D15761#1 | Stand-alone pumps | SAPS | 2005-08-10T22:50:00 | 39.50050 | -9.91710 | -3560 | 2005-08-11T00:25:00 | 39.50200 | -9.91620 | -3560 | Difficulties detecting channel bottom on echosounder; SAPS at 10m off bottom, 1745m depth and 1045m depth | ||
D15761#2 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2005-08-11T04:27:00 | 39.50080 | -9.91650 | -3413 | Major problems with CTD wire, CTD did not reach bottom | ||||||
D15762 | Box corer | BC | 2005-08-11T07:29:00 | 39.50030 | -9.93700 | -3464 | Same site as D15755-1, sieved for macrobenthos | ||||||
D15763 | Piston corer | PC | 2005-08-11T13:00:00 | 39.56450 | -10.17730 | -4074 | |||||||
D15764 | Robust Biodiversity Lander | ROBIO | 2005-08-11T15:58:00 | 39.58350 | -10.25030 | -4260 | 2005-08-12T15:45:00 | 39.58350 | -10.25030 | -4260 | |||
D15765#1 | Box corer | BC | 2005-08-11T18:58:00 | 39.58320 | -10.31720 | -4336 | Washed out on deck; same location as D15758, station failed | ||||||
D15765#2 | Box corer | BC | 2005-08-11T22:37:00 | 39.58330 | -10.31730 | -4336 | same location as D15758 | ||||||
D15766#1 | Agassiz Trawl | AGT | 2005-08-12T20:41:00 | 39.49950 | -9.93020 | -3429 | 2005-08-12T21:17:00 | 39.49930 | -9.94180 | -3441 | Mainly holothurians | ||
D15766#2 | Epibenthic sledge | EBS | 2005-08-13T02:26:00 | 39.49930 | -9.93050 | -3438 | 2005-08-13T02:50:00 | 39.49920 | -9.93800 | -3442 | Weak link parted | ||
D15767#1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2005-08-13T07:30:00 | 39.57600 | -10.33430 | -4352 | Error at 1180m wire-out, CTD recovered on deck | ||||||
D15767#2 | Stand-alone pumps | SAPS | 2005-08-13T11:00:00 | 39.57570 | -10.33400 | -4348 | 2005-08-13T13:00:00 | 39.57650 | -10.33420 | -4336 | SAPS at 700, 1610 and 4350 m depth | ||
D15767#3 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2005-08-13T17:28:00 | 39.57630 | -10.33480 | -4328 | |||||||
D15768 | Agassiz Trawl | AGT | 2005-08-13T21:27:00 | 39.58530 | -10.33520 | -4361 | 2005-08-13T22:12:00 | 39.58520 | -10.34930 | -4388 | |||
D15769 | Robust Biodiversity Lander | ROBIO | 2005-08-14T19:30:00 | 40.10070 | -10.37000 | -4300 | 2005-08-15T10:02:00 | 40.10070 | -10.37000 | -4300 | |||
D15770#1 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-14T21:36:00 | 40.07330 | -10.36530 | -4277 | 12 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D15770#2 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-15T00:44:00 | 40.07320 | -10.36500 | -4275 | 12 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D15770#3 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-15T04:05:00 | 40.07330 | -10.36570 | -4275 | 12 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D15771#1 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-15T15:12:00 | 40.59500 | -10.36730 | -3400 | 12 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D15771#2 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-15T17:52:00 | 40.59550 | -10.36800 | -3401 | 12 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D15771#3 | MultiCorer | MUC | 2005-08-15T20:39:00 | 40.59570 | -10.36820 | -3403 | 12 cores out of 12 | ||||||
D297_123 | Video camera | VIDEO | 2005-12-05T13:08:00 | 42.12340 | -11.58090 | -1234 | 2005-05-13T23:12:00 | 45.12340 | -8.58090 | -901 | |||
D297_123_A | Video camera | VIDEO | 2005-12-05T13:08:00 | 42.12340 | -11.58090 | -1234 | 2005-05-13T23:12:00 | 45.12340 | -8.58090 | -901 |