Event List of AF-MOSAiC-1
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Event label | Optional label | Method/Device | Abbreviation | O2A Registry URI | Date/Time | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Date/Time end | Latitude end | Longitude end | Elevation end | Comment |
AF-MOSAiC-1_track | Underway cruise track measurements | CT | 2019-09-21T08:00:11 | 69.67879 | 18.99250 | 2019-10-18T00:19:10 | 84.76533 | 132.13295 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_139 | PS122/1_1-157, 2019P124 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-09-29T00:36:00 | 85.53700 | 139.03100 | Station P40__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:EUMETNET YOPP buoy. Deployed by heli crew during survey flight.__Old Labels:MO_SVP-I-BXGS-AP,PS122/1_1-157 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_3 | PS122/1_3-3 | Helicopter | HELI | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-09-30T00:01:00 | 85.12439 | 137.98501 | __Measurement:Sea ice thickness__Comment:EM-Bird survey over floe 4a and in the vicinity. Instrument showed strong drift in signal which may be the result of a broken SBC computer. After flight, computer was replaced and problem solved. Data requires additional processing to compensate for strong instrument drift__Old Labels:HELI_AEM_AWI_20190930,PS122/1_3-3 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_1 | PS122/1_3-1 | Broadband electromagnetic sensor | BES | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-09-30T03:15:00 | 85.12085 | 137.85481 | 20190930_Station_001__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-1 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_43 | PS122/1_3-43 | Ice thickness gauge | ICEGAUGE | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-09-30T03:21:00 | 85.78149 | 123.69648 | Ice Thickness measurement__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-43 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_36 | PS122/1_3-36 | Broadband electromagnetic sensor | BES | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-09-30T06:54:00 | 85.10939 | 137.70180 | 20190930_Station_002__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-36 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_164 | PS122/1_1-179, 2019P182 | Buoy, universal tracker | BUOY_UNIV_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-09-30T12:00:00 | 85.83000 | 118.19000 | Station P44__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Placed during survey flight north of distributed network area. Loc,date estimated from buoy reports.__Old Labels:OSU-UT-0001,PS122/1_1-179 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_165 | PS122/1_1-180, 2019P184 | Buoy, universal tracker | BUOY_UNIV_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-09-30T12:00:00 | 86.18000 | 125.37000 | Station P45__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Placed during survey flight north of distributed network area. Loc,date estimated from buoy reports.__Old Labels:OSU-UT-0003,PS122/1_1-180 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_44 | PS122/1_3-44 | Ice thickness gauge | ICEGAUGE | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-01T01:15:00 | 85.71339 | 123.24103 | Ice Thickness measurement__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-44 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_45 | PS122/1_3-45 | Ice thickness gauge | ICEGAUGE | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-03T01:24:00 | 85.19975 | 135.47300 | Ice Thickness measurement__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-45 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_154 | PS122/1_1-191, 2019P197 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-04T11:08:00 | 85.11570 | 133.13030 | Station P04__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed on small flow along side ship by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0013,PS122/1_1-191 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_39 | PS122/1_3-39 | Magnaprobe | MAGNA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T00:03:00 | 85.99834 | 132.94872 | __Measurement:Snow thickness survey__Comment:__Old Labels:L2_MAGNA_2_AWI_20191007,PS122/1_3-39 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_77 | PS122/1_1-314, 2019T67 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T01:00:00 | 85.01130 | 132.77810 | 2020-08-06T09:00:00 | 78.35569 | -7.22849 | L1__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile. Poriginal name: RIC 09-06__Comment:ice thickness 1.44 m and snow depth 0.13. Floe diameter 3 km__Old Labels:L1_SIMBA_1_PRIC_20191005,PS122/1_1-314; recovery: PS122/4_43-170 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_46 | PS122/1_3-46 | Ice thickness gauge | ICEGAUGE | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T01:36:00 | 85.00556 | 132.90054 | L1 Station.Ice Thickness measurement__Measurement:Ice thickness by hole drilling, snow thickness and freeboard measurements__Comment:Average Ice thickness on level ice is 36 cm, in ridges greater 2 m__Old Labels:L1_DRILLING_AARI_20191005,PS122/1_3-46 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_173 | PS122/1_1-213, 2019P142 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T02:27:00 | 84.95500 | 131.89580 | Station P08__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Vasily Smolyamitskiy__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-8,PS122/1_1-213 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_148 | PS122/1_1-188, 2019P194 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T03:05:00 | 84.95900 | 131.18300 | Station P30__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0007,PS122/1_1-188 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_147 | PS122/1_1-183, 2019P189 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T03:10:00 | 84.93870 | 131.74500 | Station P27__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0006,PS122/1_1-183 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_145 | PS122/1_1-186, 2019P192 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T03:15:00 | 84.88600 | 131.69900 | Station P28__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0004,PS122/1_1-186 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_143 | PS122/1_1-185, 2019P191 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T03:30:00 | 84.91070 | 130.75990 | Station P29__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0002,PS122/1_1-185 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_170 | PS122/1_1-210, 2019P138 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T04:06:00 | 85.03000 | 134.88900 | Station P13__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-4,PS122/1_1-210 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_106 | PS122/1_1-148, 2019O1 | Ocean CTD buoy | OCTDB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T04:40:00 | 84.91782 | 131.27920 | 2020-08-05T10:00:00 | 78.59000 | -1.54000 | Station M1__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 1.8 m and snow depth 0.15 m__Old Labels:M1_SIT_1_AWI_20191005,PS122/1_1-148 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_70 | PS122/1_1-170, 2019W4 | Ice-Tethered Profiler | ITP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T05:02:00 | 85.01340 | 132.72610 | Station L1__Measurement:ITP equipped with SeaBird CTD,Surface Package measures air temperature__Comment:__Old Labels:L1_ITP_WHOI_20191005,PS122/1_1-170 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_88 | PS122/1_1-167, 2019R8 | Buoy, radiation station | BRS | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T05:06:00 | 84.99326 | 135.00144 | 2020-08-06T07:00:00 | 78.36491 | -7.19614 | Station L2__Measurement:1) IMB to be deployed 2) CTD ECO triplet + salinity + O2 3) Radiation AWI Incoming,Reflected,Transmitted.__Comment:1) IMB 2) CTD,ECO,OXY,SAL 3) Radiation__Old Labels:L2_IT_BOB_AWI_20191005,PS122/1_1-167 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_73 | PS122/1_1-204, 2019I1 | Seasonal Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T05:10:00 | 85.01283 | 132.73348 | Station L1__Measurement:Measurements of sea ice thickness - snow thickness and freeboard - distance from the sensors to the ice - photos and video taken. Hole location at 85_00.658 N 132_46.723 E at 06:44 UTC. The buoy was turned on at 05:19 UTC. The hole was drilled with help by Andy Davies and Chris Basque.__Comment:Drilled large hole which made estimates of depth challenging since the depth depended on where one took the measurements (values range 94cm to 108cm). Region might be a little too ridged (small ridges) but nearby level ice deemed too thin. Check photographic evidence for more info. Contact Ryleigh Moore at RMoore (at) math.utah.edu for photos and video of deployment.__Old Labels:L1_SIMB3_1_Dartmouth_20191005,PS122/1_1-204 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_37 | PS122/1_3-37 | Magnaprobe | MAGNA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T05:16:00 | 85.09249 | 133.84019 | __Measurement:Snow thickness survey__Comment:__Old Labels:L1_MAGNA_1_AWI_20191005,PS122/1_3-37 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_31 | PS122/1_3-31 | Broadband electromagnetic sensor | BES | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T05:16:00 | 85.01000 | 132.81800 | 20191005_Station_L1__Measurement:Ice thickness survey__Comment:In some spots, tripods and skiidoos may have impacted on measurements__Old Labels:L1_GEM_1_AWI_20191005,PS122/1_3-31 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_105 | PS122/1_1-275, 2019V1 | Buoy, Drift Towing Ocean Profiler | DTOP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T05:17:00 | 84.91894 | 131.26002 | 2020-05-09T07:58:00 | 83.58638 | 16.13833 | __Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 1.8 m and snow depth 0.15 m__Old Labels:M1_DTOP_1_OUC_20191005,PS122/1_1-275 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_103 | PS122/1_1-171, 2019T68, FMI_06_01 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T05:30:00 | 84.91888 | 131.26448 | 2020-08-05T09:00:00 | 78.59998 | -1.48062 | IRIDIUM number 300234068708330; Station M1__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 1.8 m and snow depth 0.15 m__Old Labels:M1_SIMBA5_PRIC_20191005,PS122/1_1-171; recovery: PS122/4_43-163 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_81 | Fixed-Layer Ocean Buoy | BUOY_FLO | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T05:30:00 | 85.01222 | 132.75944 | |||||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_78 | Broadband electromagnetic sensor | BES | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T05:43:00 | 85.01122 | 132.81339 | Ice thickness survey | ||||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_6 | PS122/1_3-6 | CTD, handheld | hCTD | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T05:59:00 | 85.01131 | 132.81012 | L1 Sontek CTD cast__Measurement:2 out of four were successful and measured down to 30 m (T. S, pressure (depth), electrical conductivity, specific conductance (ref 25C), density, 1d velocity __Comment:Ice formed on the electrodes and too cold to remove (on two out of four CTDs)__Old Labels:L1_CDT_AWI_20191005,PS122/1_3-6 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_22 | PS122/1_3-22 | Ice corer | IC | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T05:59:00 | 85.01131 | 132.81012 | __Measurement:1) Ice thickness (60cm - 80cm - see report) 2) snow thickness (from snow pit), air temperature, snow-air temperature and air-ice temperatures at the snow pit 3) cores 1, 2, and 4 for future gas analysis, core 3 for temperature, salinity, and filtration__Comment:4 corings taken. 3 within 1 metre of each other in a snow pit and a 4th 5m away__Old Labels:L1_CORE_01_AWI_20191005, L1_CORE_02_AWI_20191005, L1_CORE_03_AWI_20191005, L1_CORE_04_AWI_20191005,PS122/1_3-22 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_79 | Broadband electromagnetic sensor | BES | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T06:01:00 | 85.01283 | 132.77030 | Ice thickness survey | ||||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_76 | Mobile radiation suite | MRS | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T06:01:00 | 85.01282 | 132.73650 | Broadband incident longwave and shortwave radiation measured (1 min means) using Kipp and Zonen CMP22 and CGR4 from a logger box set on the snow nearby the ASFS. Measurements collected during the period of ASFS setup. | ||||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_75 | PS122/1_1-241 | Atmospheric Surface Flux Station | ASFS | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T08:27:00 | 85.09442 | 133.78993 | __Measurement:snow depth (acoustic, SR50A, 1 min avg), broadband upwelling and downwelling longwave (Hukseflux IR20, 1 min avg) and shortwave (Hukseflux SR30, 1 min avg) radiation, surface infrared 8-14 um brightness temprature (Apogee IRT, 1 min avg), GPS position,altitude,heading (Hemisphere v102, 1 min avg,5 sec sample), t,p,q meteorology (Vaisala PTU 300, 1 min avg,5 sec sample), webcam images (30 min), CO2 and H20 open path gas analyzer (Licor 7500DS, 20 Hz, 1 min avg), sonic anemometer 3d winds (Metek uSonic-3, 20 Hz, 1 min avg). All data archived locally and all 5 sec and 1 min data transfered every 5 min to Polarstern using 2.4 MHz radio, backup Iridium for 10 min avgs of reduced number of variables. A 6x10 m array of manual snow depths at 1-2 m spacing was taken under the acoustic snow depth sensor to initialize it.__Old Labels:L1_ASFS_CIRES_20191005,PS122/1_1-241 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_80 | Broadband electromagnetic sensor | BES | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T08:29:00 | 85.01440 | 132.79348 | Ice thickness survey | ||||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_74 | PS122/1_1-227, 2019F1 | Autonomous Ocean Flux Buoy | AOFB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T09:34:00 | 85.01334 | 132.72975 | Station L1__Measurement:Carriage Flux package: 3-D velocity, temperature, conductivity, upward-looking altimeter, upward and downward shortwave solar radiation, Wetlabs 3-channel optics (Chlorophyll-A, DOM, and turbidity), all profiling between 1.5 and 4.5 water depth. 300 Khz RDI ADCP 40, 2-m bins starting at 5 water depth.__Comment:AOFB 43 was deployed without pycnocline (50-m water depth) spar temperature measurements. Twice-daily data transfers to Iridium Rudix server at NPS__Old Labels:L1_AOFB_NPS_20191005,PS122/1_1-227 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_135 | PS122/1_1-163, 2019P92 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-05T10:22:00 | 84.87110 | 131.17320 | 2020-08-13T12:02:00 | 81.43382 | 5.23751 | Station P43__Measurement:GPS Position, air temperature, barometric pressure__Comment:Deployed by helicopter crew__Old Labels:AWI-UTAP-0009,PS122/1_1-163 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_153 | PS122/1_1-193, 2019P199 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-06T03:30:00 | 85.03670 | 134.13240 | Station P10__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed on small flow along side ship by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0012,PS122/1_1-193 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_149 | PS122/1_1-189, 2019P195 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-06T04:00:00 | 85.02440 | 134.57410 | Station P12__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed on small flow along side ship by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0008,PS122/1_1-189 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_47 | PS122/1_3-47 | Ice thickness gauge | ICEGAUGE | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-06T06:18:00 | 85.01414 | 134.67150 | L2 station__Measurement:Ice thickness by hole drilling, snow thickness and freeboard measurements__Comment:Average Ice thickness on level ice is 36 cm, in ridges greater 2 m__Old Labels:L2_DRILLING_AARI_20191006,PS122/1_3-47 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_91 | Broadband electromagnetic sensor | BES | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-06T06:58:00 | 85.01270 | 134.66550 | Ice thickness survey | ||||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_38 | PS122/1_3-38 | Magnaprobe | MAGNA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-06T07:00:00 | 84.01273 | 132.66551 | __Measurement:Snow thickness survey__Comment:__Old Labels:L1_MAGNA_1_AWI_20191007,PS122/1_3-38 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_8 | PS122/1_3-8 | CTD, handheld | hCTD | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-06T07:33:00 | 85.01253 | 134.67199 | L2 Sontek CTD cast at second-year ice site.__Measurement:Temperature, salinity, pressure (depth), electrical conductivity, specific conductance (ref 25 _C), density, sound velocity__Comment:Deployed at Core 1__Old Labels:L2_CTD_1_AWI_20191006,PS122/1_3-8 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_23 | PS122/1_3-23 | Ice corer | IC | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-06T07:33:00 | 85.01253 | 134.67199 | L2_CORE_01_AWI_20191009__Measurement:1) Ice thickness (32 cm), 2) snow thickness , 3) ice structures from core , 4) core preserved for future gas analysis__Comment:We cored along the flagged survey ice thickness line to maximize chances of finding sediment-rich ice. So, we did not always core in the same place, but stayed within the undeformed ice zone.__Old Labels:L2_CORE_1_AWI_20191006,PS122/1_3-23 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_24 | PS122/1_3-24 | Ice corer | IC | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-06T08:24:00 | 85.01217 | 134.67903 | L2_CORE_02_AWI_20191009__Measurement:1) Ice thickness (51 cm), 2) snow thickness, 3) ice structures from core, 4) ice temperature profile, 5) bulk salinity (from melted 10 cm ice samples in lab), 6) sediment filtration__Comment:__Old Labels:L2_CORE_2_AWI_20191006,PS122/1_3-24 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_25 | PS122/1_3-25 | Ice corer | IC | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-06T08:42:00 | 85.01190 | 134.68006 | L2_CORE_03_AWI_20191009__Measurement:1) Ice thickness (70 cm), 2) snow thickness , 3) ice structures from core, 4) core preserved for future gas analysis__Comment:__Old Labels:L2_CORE_3_AWI_20191006,PS122/1_3-25 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_90 | PS122/1_1-224, 2019T63, PRIC_09_02 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T01:00:00 | 84.99744 | 134.99664 | 2020-08-09T16:00:30 | 77.83649 | -4.79194 | Station L2__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 1.06 m and snow depth 0.10m__Old Labels:L2_SIMBA3_PRIC_20191007,PS122/1_1-224; total failure: 2020-08-09; IRIDIUM number 300234068709320 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_132 | PS122/1_1-160, 2019P88 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T01:15:00 | 84.86900 | 136.85300 | 2020-03-06T21:33:00 | 88.38480 | 36.82750 | Station P49__Measurement:GPS Position, air temperature, barometric pressure__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:AWI-UTAP-0005,PS122/1_1-160; total failure: 2020-03-06 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_42 | PS122/1_3-42 | CTD, handheld | hCTD | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T01:33:00 | 84.99649 | 135.01960 | At the L2_core 04 drilling site, water pooled in the hole despite not reaching the bottom of the ridged ice.__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-42 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_168 | PS122/1_1-208, 2019P136 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T01:48:00 | 85.00920 | 136.88000 | Station P25__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Vasily Smolyamitskiy__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-2,PS122/1_1-208 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_108 | PS122/1_1-146, 2019S79 | Snow buoy | BUOY_SNOW | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T02:00:00 | 84.87130 | 135.75825 | 2019-10-28T12:30:32 | 85.62450 | 126.85720 | Station M2__Measurement:Snow thickness__Comment:__Old Labels:M2_SB05_AWI_20191007,PS122/1_1-146 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_26 | PS122/1_3-26 | Ice corer | IC | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T02:00:00 | 84.99616 | 135.03325 | L2_CORE_04_AWI_20191007__Measurement:1) Ice thickness (3.6 m), 2) snow thickness, 3) ice structures from 2 m deep core, 4) core preserved for future gas analysis__Comment:__Old Labels:L2_CORE_4_AWI_20191007,PS122/1_3-26 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_175 | PS122/1_1-215, 2019P144 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T02:05:00 | 85.25100 | 136.58400 | Station P24__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Vasily Smolyamitskiy__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-10,PS122/1_1-215 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_174 | PS122/1_1-214, 2019P143 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T02:09:00 | 85.22300 | 133.63950 | Station P32__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Anna Timofeeva__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-9,PS122/1_1-214 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_171 | PS122/1_1-211, 2019P139 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T02:19:00 | 85.26700 | 134.69700 | Station P22__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-5,PS122/1_1-211 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_110 | PS122/1_1-149, 2019O2 | Ocean CTD buoy | OCTDB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T02:30:00 | 84.87100 | 135.75150 | 2019-11-13T22:50:00 | 85.95000 | 120.14000 | Station M2__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:__Old Labels:M2_SIT_2_AWI_20191007,PS122/1_1-149; Total failure: 2019-11-13 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_55 | PS122/1_3-55 | Snow sampler glove | SSG | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T02:30:00 | 85.08973 | 134.20123 | __Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-55 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_144 | PS122/1_1-187, 2019P193 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T02:34:00 | 85.03300 | 133.38000 | Station P11__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0003,PS122/1_1-187 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_56 | PS122/1_3-56 | Snow sampler glove | SSG | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T02:35:00 | 85.08962 | 134.20410 | __Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-56 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_142 | PS122/1_1-182, 2019P188 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T02:39:00 | 84.96900 | 135.37500 | Station P14__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0001,PS122/1_1-182 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_146 | PS122/1_1-184, 2019P190 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T02:42:00 | 84.95460 | 134.64700 | Station P15__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0005,PS122/1_1-184 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_89 | PS122/1_1-226, 2019T65, PRIC_09_04 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T03:00:00 | 84.99640 | 135.03130 | 2020-08-03T00:00:00 | 79.10182 | -2.44887 | IRIDIUM number 300234068705730; Station L2__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 1.31 m and snow depth 0.15m__Old Labels:L2_SIMBA2_PRIC_20191007,PS122/1_1-226; Total failure 2020-08-03 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_107 | PS122/1_1-176, 2019T57 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T03:00:00 | 84.87130 | 135.75825 | Station M2__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 0.81 m and snow depth 0.14 m__Old Labels:M2_SIMBA6_PRIC_20191007,PS122/1_1-176 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_109 | PS122/1_1-276, 2019V2 | Buoy, Drift Towing Ocean Profiler | DTOP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T03:22:00 | 84.87110 | 135.78467 | 2020-08-09T22:58:00 | 79.41510 | 1.00378 | __Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:__Old Labels:M2_DTOP_2_OUC_20191007,PS122/1_1-276 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_104 | PS122/1_1-147, 2019S84 | Snow buoy | BUOY_SNOW | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T04:00:00 | 84.91890 | 131.26450 | 2020-05-27T02:00:00 | 83.18260 | 10.41840 | Station M1__Measurement:Snow thickness__Comment:ice thickness 1.8 m and snow depth 0.15, 0.15, 0.18, 0.10 m Floe diameter 1-2 km, melt ponds overfrozen 25 cm, some ridges, buoy site in center, DTOP in 100 m__Old Labels:M1_SB04_AWI_20191005,PS122/1_1-147 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_41 | PS122/1_3-41 | CTD, handheld | hCTD | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T04:40:00 | 84.99260 | 135.13137 | __Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-41 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_53 | PS122/1_3-53 | Snow sampler glove | SSG | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T05:05:00 | 85.08591 | 134.30186 | L2__Measurement:measure the stable isotopic ratios of strontium (Sr), neodymium (Nd) and lead (Pb) in snow samples, trace the dust source in Arctic__Comment:snow sample__Old Labels:L2_SNOW_1_BNU_1007,PS122/1_3-53 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_72 | PS122/1_1-137, 2019S92 | Snow buoy | BUOY_SNOW | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T05:09:00 | 85.01383 | 132.72716 | 2019-11-26T16:00:00 | 86.04020 | 117.72800 | Station L1__Measurement:Snow thickness__Comment:__Old Labels:L1_SNOW_BUOY_AWI_20191005,PS122/1_1-137 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_54 | PS122/1_3-54 | Snow sampler glove | SSG | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T05:10:00 | 85.08575 | 134.30532 | L2__Measurement:Measure the stable isotopic ratios of strontium (Sr), neodymium (Nd) and lead (Pb) in snow samples, trace the dust source in Arctic__Comment:snow sample__Old Labels:L2_SNOW_2_BNU_1007,PS122/1_3-54 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_83 | Mobile radiation suite | MRS | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T05:15:00 | 84.99308 | 135.00132 | Broadband incident longwave and shortwave radiation measured (1 min means) using Kipp and Zonen CMP22 and CGR4 from a logger box set on the snow nearby the ASFS. Measurements collected during the period of ASFS setup. | ||||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_84 | PS122/1_1-261, 2019F2 | Autonomous Ocean Flux Buoy | AOFB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T05:16:00 | 84.99323 | 135.00133 | __Measurement:Carriage Flux package: 3-D velocity, temperature, conductivity, upward-looking altimeter, upward and downward shortwave solar radiation, Wetlabs 3-channel optics (Chlorophyll-A, DOM, and turbidity), all profiling between 1.5 and 4.5 water depth. 300 Khz RDI ADCP 40, 2-m bins starting at 5 water depth. Pycnocline Spar (50-m water depth): 24-element, vertical thermistor array at 20-cm spacing, 3 fast-respone thermistors at 2-m spacing.__Comment:Twice-daily data transfers to Iridium Rudix server at NPS__Old Labels:L2_AOFB_1_NPS_20191007,PS122/1_1-261 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_9 | PS122/1_3-9 | CTD, handheld | hCTD | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T05:18:00 | 84.99136 | 135.15634 | CTD cast at ridge site (core 05) after coring through all the ice blocks. This was deployed into the seawater.__Measurement:Temperature, salinity, pressure (depth), electrical conductivity, specific conductance (ref 25 _C), density, sound velocity__Comment:Deployed at Core 5__Old Labels:L2_CTD_2_AWI_20191007,PS122/1_3-9 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_27 | PS122/1_3-27 | Ice corer | IC | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T05:18:00 | 84.99136 | 135.15634 | L2_CORE_05_AWI_2019-10-07, L2_CORE_06_AWI_20191007__Measurement:First Core___ 1) Ice thickness (2.95 m), 2) snow thickness, 3) ice structures from 2 m deep core, 4) ice temperature profile, air,snow temperature, snow,ice temperature, air temperature, 5) bulk salinity, 6) sediment filtration. Second Core___ 1) Ice thickness (2.45 m), 2) snow thickness, 3) ice structures from 2 m deep core, 4) core preserved for future gas analysis__Comment:Difficult ridge ice site. We only cored 2 m, but ice thickness was 3.6 m (measuring tape penetrated gaps between ice blocks).__Old Labels:L2_CORE_5_AWI_20191007,L2_CORE_6_AWI_20191007,PS122/1_3-27 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_86 | ITP94, 2019W2, PS122/1_1-168 | Ice-Tethered Profiler | ITP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T05:20:00 | 84.99326 | 135.00140 | 2020-08-18T05:38:00 | 77.95170 | -10.40860 | Station L2__Measurement:CTD, PAR sensor, fluorometer__Comment:0.9 m thick ice__Old Labels:L2_ITP_1_WHOI_20191007,PS122/1_1-168 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_87 | PS122/1_1-138, 2019S93 | Snow buoy | BUOY_SNOW | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T05:21:00 | 84.99330 | 135.00140 | Station L2__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:L2_SNOW_BUOY_2_AWI_20191007,PS122/1_1-138 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_71 | PS122/1_1-313, 2019R9 | Buoy, radiation station | BRS | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T05:24:00 | 84.99330 | 132.00140 | 2020-06-17T14:06:00 | 82.21240 | 9.09259 | "L1 site: co-deployed with 2019S92, 2019W4, 2019I1, 2019T67, 2019F1, ASFS, MARC Parallel deployment of Snow Buoy, ITBOB, AOFB, ITP, SIMBA. AWI system includes: one snow buoy and one ITBOB, battery and data comm. Housing distance between sensors and underside of ablation shield: MicroCat (CTD): 174cm,SAL: 184cm,ECO: 155cm,OXY: 137cm radiation station: distance above snow: reflected 71cm, incoming 98cm__Measurement:Snow depth, radiation, CTD/ECO/SAL/OXY __Old Labels:PS122/1_1-313,L2_IT_BOB_AWI_20191007" | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_92 | Ice-Tethered Profiler Buoy | BUOY_ITP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T05:30:00 | 84.98917 | 135.19417 | |||||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_85 | PS122/1_1-205, 2019I2 | Seasonal Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T05:43:00 | 84.99920 | 134.57682 | __Measurement:Measurements of sea ice thickness - snow thickness and freeboard - distance from the sensors to the ice - photos and video taken. Hole location at 84_59.951 N 134_58.294 E at 00:43 UTC. The buoy was turned on at 00:21 UTC. The hole was drilled with help by Andy Davies and Chris Basque.__Comment:0.8 m thick ice. Contact Ryleigh Moore at RMoore (at) math.utah.edu for photos and video of deployment.__Old Labels:L2_SIMB3_1_Dartmouth_20191007,PS122/1_1-205 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_134 | PS122/1_1-162, 2019P91 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T06:14:00 | 85.06100 | 137.61000 | 2020-04-15T15:50:00 | 84.63750 | 12.98515 | Station P50__Measurement:GPS Position, air temperature, barometric pressure__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:AWI-UTAP-0008,PS122/1_1-162 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_112 | PS122/1_1-145, 2019S81 | Snow buoy | BUOY_SNOW | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T06:30:00 | 85.05358 | 137.80755 | 2020-08-03T15:01:00 | 78.60160 | -4.39840 | Station M3__Measurement:Snow thickness__Comment:__Old Labels:M3_SB06_AWI_20191007,PS122/1_1-145 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_133 | PS122/1_1-161, 2019P90 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T06:32:00 | 85.31400 | 138.64600 | 2020-11-12T22:34:00 | 66.44310 | -22.44090 | Station P48__Measurement:GPS Position, air temperature, barometric pressure__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:AWI-UTAP-0007,PS122/1_1-161 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_172 | PS122/1_1-212, 2019P140 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T06:40:00 | 85.27300 | 135.69900 | Station P21__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-6,PS122/1_1-212 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_32 | PS122/1_3-32 | Broadband electromagnetic sensor | BES | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T06:58:00 | 85.01000 | 134.66500 | 20191007_Station_L2__Measurement:Ice thickness survey__Comment:__Old Labels:L1_GEM_2_AWI_20191007,PS122/1_3-32 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_151 | PS122/1_1-194, 2019P200 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T06:58:00 | 85.20000 | 134.68000 | Station P23__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0010,PS122/1_1-194 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_111 | PS122/1_1-178, 2019T59 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T07:00:30 | 85.05358 | 137.80755 | 2020-08-13T19:00:00 | 80.09169 | -8.26418 | Station M3__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 0.80 m and snow depth 0.10 m__Old Labels:M3_SIMBA7_PRIC_20191007,PS122/1_1-178 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_157 | PS122/1_1-197, 2019P203 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T07:02:00 | 85.34100 | 134.58200 | Station P19__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0016,PS122/1_1-197 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_152 | PS122/1_1-192, 2019P198 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T07:05:00 | 85.34200 | 134.00100 | Station P18__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0011,PS122/1_1-192 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_114 | PS122/1_1-150, 2019O3 | Ocean CTD buoy | OCTDB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T07:10:00 | 85.05297 | 137.81910 | 2020-08-03T12:20:00 | 78.63000 | -4.35000 | Station M3__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:__Old Labels:M3_SIT_3_AWI_20191007,PS122/1_1-150 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_160 | PS122/1_1-200, 2019P206 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T07:13:00 | 85.24100 | 134.09700 | Station P16__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0019,PS122/1_1-200 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_150 | PS122/1_1-190, 2019P196 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T07:24:00 | 85.27500 | 133.62000 | Station P17__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0009,PS122/1_1-190 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_113 | PS122/1_1-277, 2019V3 | Buoy, Drift Towing Ocean Profiler | DTOP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T08:05:00 | 85.05133 | 137.85214 | 2020-08-03T15:00:00 | 78.60537 | -4.39353 | __Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:__Old Labels:M3_DTOP_3_OUC_20191007,PS122/1_1-277 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_82 | PS122/1_1-240 | Atmospheric Surface Flux Station | ASFS | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-07T09:33:00 | 85.07534 | 134.47262 | "Data acquisition stopped (due to bear attack)__Measurement:Measurements: snow depth (acoustic, SR50A, 1 min avg), broadband upwelling and downwelling longwave (Hukseflux IR20, 1 min avg) and shortwave (Hukseflux SR30, 1 min ag) radiation, surface infrared 8-14 um brightness temprature (Apogee IRT, 1 min avg), GPS position,altitude,heading (Hemisphere v102, 1 min avg,5 sec sample), t,p,q meteorology (Vaisala PTU 300, 1 min avg,5 sec sample), webcam images (30 min), CO2 and H20 open path gas analyzer (Licor 7500DS, 20 Hz, 1 min avg), sonic anemometer 3d winds (Metek uSonic-3, 20 Hz, 1 min avg). All data archived locally and all 5 sec and 1 min data transfered every 5 min to Polarstern using 2.4 MHz radio, backup Iridium for 10 min avgs of reduced number of variables. A 6x10 m array of manual snow depths at 1-2 m spacing was taken under the acoustic snow depth sensor to initialize it..__Old Labels:L2_ASFS_CIRES_20191007,PS122/1_1-240; Device Failed__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_1-240" | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_33 | PS122/1_3-33 | Broadband electromagnetic sensor | BES | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-08T00:14:00 | 85.11500 | 136.10700 | 20191008_Station_M4__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-33 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_115 | PS122/1_1-177, 2019T58, FMI_05_09 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-08T01:00:00 | 85.11112 | 136.19598 | 2020-08-12T12:00:12 | 77.72313 | -4.14153 | Station M4__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 1.57 m and snow depth 0.18 m__Old Labels:M4_SIMBA8_PRIC_20191008,PS122/1_1-177; recovery: AT-MOSAiC-1_2; IRIDIUM number: 300234065171790 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_116 | PS122/1_1-144, 2019S80 | Snow buoy | BUOY_SNOW | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-08T01:00:00 | 85.11083 | 136.20480 | 2019-11-02T17:03:00 | 85.96120 | 122.70800 | Station M4__Measurement:Snow thickness__Comment:floe diameter 1.5 km, rafted, gaps, partly very thick__Old Labels:M4_SB07_AWI_20191008,PS122/1_1-144 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_48 | PS122/1_3-48 | Ice thickness gauge | ICEGAUGE | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-08T01:21:00 | 85.02137 | 135.59813 | Ice Thickness measurement__Measurement:Ice thickness by hole drilling, snow thickness and freeboard measurements__Comment:Average Ice thickness on level ice is 30,6 cm, in ridges 1,87 - 2 m__Old Labels:M4_DRILLING_AARI_20191008,PS122/1_3-48 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_117 | PS122/1_1-151, 2019O4 | Ocean CTD buoy | OCTDB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-08T01:30:00 | 85.10932 | 136.24055 | 2020-08-14T07:10:00 | 80.13000 | -8.53000 | Station M4__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:__Old Labels:M4_SIT_3_AWI_20191008,PS122/1_1-151 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_57 | PS122/1_3-57 | Snow sampler glove | SSG | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-08T02:21:00 | 85.01695 | 135.70129 | M4__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-57 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_99 | PS122/1_1-173, 2019T70, FMI_06_03 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T01:00:00 | 85.12820 | 135.67800 | 2020-08-07T13:30:00 | 79.75973 | -4.95856 | IRIDIUM number 300234068705280; Station L3__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice: 45 cm ice snow: 6 cm__Old Labels:L3_SIMBA4_PRIC_20191010,PS122/1_1-173; recovery: PS122/4_43-174 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_118 | PS122/1_1-175, 2019T72, FMI_06_05 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T01:00:00 | 85.05380 | 139.02060 | 2020-04-28T02:00:00 | 84.20140 | 13.30065 | IRIDIUM number 300234068700290; Station M5__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 0.97 m and snow depth 0.13 m__Old Labels:M5_SIMBA9_PRIC,FMI_20191009,PS122/1_1-175; total failure:2020-04-28 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_119 | PS122/1_1-143, 2019S87 | Snow buoy | BUOY_SNOW | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T01:00:00 | 85.05380 | 139.02060 | 2020-04-13T06:00:00 | 84.47520 | 85.05000 | Station M5__Measurement:Snow thickness__Comment:__Old Labels:M5_SB08_AWI_20191009,PS122/1_1-143 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_121 | PS122/1_1-152, 2019O5 | Ocean CTD buoy | OCTDB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T01:20:00 | 85.05383 | 139.02062 | 2020-07-12T15:50:00 | 81.32000 | -1.69000 | __Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:__Old Labels:M5_SIT_5_AWI_20191009,PS122/1_1-152; Total failure: 2020-07-12 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_141 | PS122/1_1-159, 2019P126 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T01:29:00 | 84.87600 | 131.97300 | Station P39__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:EUMETNET YOPP buoy. Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:MO_SVP-I-BXGS-AP,PS122/1_1-159 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_49 | PS122/1_3-49 | Ice thickness gauge | ICEGAUGE | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T01:30:00 | 84.91119 | 136.05788 | Ice Thickness measurement__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-49 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_58 | PS122/1_3-58 | Snow sampler glove | SSG | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T02:50:00 | 85.05261 | 139.04993 | __Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-58 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_159 | PS122/1_1-199, 2019P205 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T02:50:00 | 84.88000 | 134.93200 | Station P03__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0018,PS122/1_1-199 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_163 | PS122/1_1-203, 2019P209 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T02:55:00 | 84.85400 | 134.53600 | Station P09__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0022,PS122/1_1-203 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_138 | PS122/1_1-156, 2019P122 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T02:58:00 | 85.28500 | 135.82000 | Station P45__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:EUMETNET YOPP buoy. Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:MO_SVP-I-BXGS-AP,PS122/1_1-156 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_179 | PS122/1_1-219, 2019P149 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T03:01:00 | 84.79900 | 134.53600 | Station P36__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-19,PS122/1_1-219 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_156 | PS122/1_1-196, 2019P202 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T03:08:00 | 84.79500 | 135.19800 | Station P07__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0015,PS122/1_1-196 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_50 | PS122/1_3-50 | Ice thickness gauge | ICEGAUGE | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T03:12:00 | 84.91014 | 136.01556 | L3 station__Measurement:Ice thickness by hole drilling, snow thickness and freeboard measurements__Comment:Average Ice thickness on level ice is 34 cm, in ridges greater 2 m__Old Labels:L3_DRILLING_AARI_20191009,PS122/1_3-50 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_162 | PS122/1_1-202, 2019P208 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T03:15:00 | 84.83500 | 135.40000 | Station P06__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0021,PS122/1_1-202 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_166 | PS122/1_1-181, 2019P187 | Buoy, universal tracker | BUOY_UNIV_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T03:30:00 | 84.54500 | 135.25400 | Station P31__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Placed by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-UT-0006,PS122/1_1-181 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_169 | PS122/1_1-209, 2019P137 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T03:39:00 | 84.67000 | 135.55700 | Station P26__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-3,PS122/1_1-209 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_34 | PS122/1_3-34 | Broadband electromagnetic sensor | BES | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T03:43:00 | 85.12200 | 136.16500 | __Measurement:Ice thickness survey__Comment:20191009_Station_L3__Old Labels:L3_GEM_1_AWI_20191009,PS122/1_3-34 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_176 | PS122/1_1-216, 2019P145, 2019P145 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T03:59:00 | 84.93500 | 136.81400 | Station P20__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-11,PS122/1_1-216 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_120 | PS122/1_1-278, 2019V4 | Buoy, Drift Towing Ocean Profiler | DTOP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T04:00:00 | 85.05383 | 139.02108 | 2020-08-17T19:58:00 | 78.41992 | 4.63975 | __Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 1.54 m__Old Labels:M5_DTOP_5_OUC_20191009,PS122/1_1-278 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_40 | PS122/1_3-40 | Magnaprobe | MAGNA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T04:34:00 | 85.12271 | 136.16564 | __Measurement:Snow thickness survey__Comment:__Old Labels:L3_MAGNA_1_AWI_20191007,PS122/1_3-40 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_28 | PS122/1_3-28 | Ice corer | IC | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T04:48:00 | 85.12344 | 136.14807 | __Measurement:FIRST SET 1) Ice thickness, 2) snow thickness , 3) ice structures from core , 4) core preserved for future gas analysis. SECOND SET 1) Ice thickness, 2) snow thickness, 3) ice structures from core, 4) ice temperature profile (core 6), 5) bulk salinity (core 6), 6) sediment filtration (core 6), 7) future gas analysis (cores 4, 5) __Comment:__Old Labels:L3_CORE_1_AWI_20191009, L3_CORE_2_AWI_20191009, L3_CORE_3_AWI_20191009,PS122/1_3-28 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_10 | PS122/1_3-10 | CTD, handheld | hCTD | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T04:48:00 | 85.12344 | 136.14807 | Site L3 (second year ice) CTD cast__Measurement:temperature, salinity, pressure (depth), electrical conductivity, specific conductance (ref 25 _C), density, sound velocity__Comment:Deployed at Core 2 location__Old Labels:L3_CTD_1_AWI_20191009,PS122/1_3-10 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_59 | PS122/1_3-59 | Snow sampler glove | SSG | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T05:23:00 | 85.72999 | 136.13649 | __Measurement:measure the stable isotopic ratios of strontium (Sr), neodymium (Nd) and lead (Pb) in snow samples, trace the dust source in Arctic__Comment:snow sample__Old Labels:L3_SNOW_7_BNU_1010,PS122/1_3-59 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_11 | PS122/1_3-11 | CTD, handheld | hCTD | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T07:32:00 | 85.12140 | 136.13585 | Site L3 (ridge ice) CTD cast__Measurement:temperature, salinity, pressure (depth), electrical conductivity, specific conductance (ref 25 _C), density, sound velocity__Comment:Deployed at Core 6 location__Old Labels:L3_CTD_2_AWI_20191009,PS122/1_3-11 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_29 | PS122/1_3-29 | Ice corer | IC | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T07:32:00 | 85.12141 | 136.13585 | __Measurement:1) Ice thickness, 2) snow thickness, 3) ice structures from core, 4) ice temperature profile (core 6), 5) bulk salinity (core 6), 6) sediment filtration (core 6), 7) future gas analysis (cores 4, 5)__Comment:__Old Labels:L3_CORE_4_AWI_20191009, L3_CORE_5_AWI_20191009, L3_CORE_6_AWI_20191009,PS122/1_3-29 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_167 | PS122/1_1-207, 2019P135, 2019P135 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T07:51:00 | 85.16200 | 131.49000 | Station P33__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-1,PS122/1_1-207 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_101 | Dynamic chamber surface flux system | DCSFS | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-09T14:00:00 | 85.05380 | 139.02060 | CH4 and CO2 air,ice flux | ||||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_140 | PS122/1_1-158, 2019P125 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T00:27:00 | 85.15100 | 139.25000 | Station P47__Measurement:GPS Position, air temperature, barometric pressure__Comment:EUMETNET YOPP buoy. Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:MO_SVP-I-BXGS-AP,PS122/1_1-158 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_155 | PS122/1_1-195, 2019P201 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T02:01:00 | 84.86680 | 135.73800 | Station P05__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0014,PS122/1_1-195 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_123 | PS122/1_1-142, 2019S86 | Snow buoy | BUOY_SNOW | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T02:30:00 | 85.12870 | 133.17010 | Station M6__Measurement:Snow thickness__Comment:frozen meltpond - ice thickness 2.00 m and snow depth 0.22, 0.22, 0.25, 0.24 m__Old Labels:M6_SB09_AWI_20191010,PS122/1_1-142 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_178 | PS122/1_1-218, 2019P148 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T02:32:00 | 85.00600 | 133.34000 | Station P35__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-14,PS122/1_1-218 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_177 | PS122/1_1-217, 2019P146 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T02:42:00 | 84.98400 | 135.19500 | Station P34__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:TUT-GPS-12,PS122/1_1-217 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_161 | PS122/1_1-201, 2019P207 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T02:46:00 | 84.94900 | 135.41900 | Station P01__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0020,PS122/1_1-201 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_137 | PS122/1_1-165, 2019P103 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T02:51:00 | 84.95000 | 135.89400 | 2021-03-12T04:00:00 | 68.68603 | -24.55541 | Station P41__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:AWI-UTA-0010,PS122/1_1-165 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_60 | PS122/1_3-60 | Snow sampler glove | SSG | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T02:57:00 | 85.12722 | 133.23459 | __Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-60 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_158 | PS122/1_1-198, 2019P204 | Buoy, ice tracker | BUOY_ICE_TRACK | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T03:06:00 | 84.87600 | 135.21000 | Station P02__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Air dropped by helicopter crew__Old Labels:OSU-IT-0017,PS122/1_1-198 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_124 | PS122/1_1-153, 2019O6 | Ocean CTD buoy | OCTDB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T03:10:00 | 85.12722 | 133.23459 | 2020-08-13T13:40:00 | 80.25000 | -7.49000 | Station M6__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:__Old Labels:M6_SIT_6_AWI_20191010,PS122/1_1-153 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_122 | PS122/1_1-225, 2019T64, PRIC_09_03 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T03:30:00 | 85.12870 | 133.17010 | 2020-08-13T00:30:15 | 80.18340 | -8.11294 | IRIDIUM number 300234068701300; Station M6__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 1.74 m and snow depth 0.14 m__Old Labels:M6_SIMBA10_PRIC,FMI_20191010,PS122/1_1-225; recovery: AT-MOSAiC-1_5 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_136 | PS122/1_1-164, 2019P101 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T03:56:00 | 84.91000 | 136.17300 | 2020-02-14T15:30:00 | 88.06730 | 81.35010 | Station P42__Measurement:GPS Position__Comment:Deployed by Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:AWI-UTA-0008,PS122/1_1-164 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_94 | PS122/1_1-169, 2019W3 | Ice-Tethered Profiler | ITP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T04:41:00 | 85.13255 | 135.52630 | Station L3__Measurement:ITP equipped with CTD and MAVS current meter, SBE 37 IM Microcat mounted on top of wire, Surface package measures air temperature__Comment:ITP Nr. 102__Old Labels:L3_ITP102_WHOI_20191010,PS122/1_1-169 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_100 | PS122/1_1-263 | Unmanned ice station | UnIS | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T04:46:00 | 85.12832 | 135.52887 | 2020-08-07T13:00:00 | 79.75943 | -4.95559 | __Measurement:air temperature, pressure, and humidity, snow depth, ice thickness, snow and ice temperature, and spetral radiation from air through ice into the water__Comment:__Old Labels:L3_UNMANED_ICE_PRIC_20191010,PS122/1_1-263 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_96 | PS122/1_1-262, 2019F3 | Autonomous Ocean Flux Buoy | AOFB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T04:50:00 | 85.13314 | 135.51829 | L3__Measurement:Carriage Flux package: 3-D velocity, temperature, conductivity, upward-looking altimeter, upward and downward shortwave solar radiation, Wetlabs 3-channel optics (Chlorophyll-A, DOM, and turbidity), all profiling between 1.5 and 4.5 water depth. 300 Khz RDI ADCP 40, 2-m bins starting at 5 water depth.__Comment:AOFB 45 was deployed without pycnocline (50-m water depth) spar temperature measurements. Twice-daily data transfers to Iridium Rudix server at NPS__Old Labels:L3_AOFB_1_NPS_20191010,PS122/1_1-262 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_98 | PS122/1_1-206, 2019I3 | Seasonal Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T04:54:00 | 85.13323 | 135.51678 | Station L3__Measurement:Measurements of sea ice thickness - snow thickness and freeboard - distance from the sensors to the ice - photos and video taken. Hole location at 85_07.592 N 135_44.145 E at 00:47 UTC. The buoy was turned on at 00:36 UTC. The hole was drilled with help by Andy Davies and Chris Basque.__Comment:7.25 to 12 inches thick ice depending on which side of the hole was measured. Contact Ryleigh Moore at RMoore (at) math.utah.edu for photos and video of deployment.__Old Labels:L3_SIMB3_1_Dartmouth_20191010,PS122/1_1-206 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_95 | PS122/1_1-139, 2019S94 | Snow buoy | BUOY_SNOW | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T06:00:00 | 85.13291 | 135.51478 | Station L3__Measurement:__Comment:ice thickness 0.9 m and snow depth 0.05, 0.07, 0.09, and 0.12 m__Old Labels:L3_SNOW_BUOY_3_AWI_20191010,PS122/1_1-139 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_93 | PS122/1_1-166, 2019M30 | Ice Mass Balance buoy, flexibel | IMBflex | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T06:00:00 | 85.12320 | 136.13400 | __Measurement:1) IMB to be deployed 2) CTD ECO triplet + salinity + O2__Comment:1) IMB 2) CTD,SAL,OXY,ECO__Old Labels:L3_IT_BOB_AWI_20191009,PS122/1_1-166 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_97 | PS122/1_1-242 | Atmospheric Surface Flux Station | ASFS | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T08:21:00 | 84.92152 | 135.34570 | __Measurement:Measurements: snow depth (acoustic, SR50A, 1 min avg), broadband upwelling and downwelling longwave (Hukseflux IR20, 1 min avg) and shortwave (Hukseflux SR30, 1 min ag) radiation, surface infrared 8-14 um brightness temprature (Apogee IRT, 1 min avg), GPS position,altitude,heading (Hemisphere v102, 1 min avg,5 sec sample), t,p,q meteorology (Vaisala PTU 300, 1 min avg,5 sec sample), webcam images (30 min), CO2 and H20 open path gas analyzer (Licor 7500DS, 20 Hz, 1 min avg), sonic anemometer 3d winds (Metek uSonic-3, 20 Hz, 1 min avg). All data archived locally and all 5 sec and 1 min data transfered every 5 min to Polarstern using 2.4 MHz radio, backup Iridium for 10 min avgs of reduced number of variables. A 6x10 m array of manual snow depths at 1-2 m spacing was taken under the acoustic snow depth sensor to initialize it.__Old Labels:L3_ASFS_CIRES_20191010,PS122/1_1-242 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_102 | Dynamic chamber surface flux system | DCSFS | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T10:30:00 | 85.13400 | 135.48000 | CH4 and CO2 air,ice flux | ||||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_181 | PS122/1_1-346, 2019P123 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T23:00:00 | 85.01410 | 134.26240 | __Measurement:GPS Position, air temperature, barometric pressure__Comment:Deployed by Anna Timofeeva, Vasily Smolyamitskiy, and Daniel Watkins__Old Labels:MO_SVP-I-BXGS-AP-16,PS122/1_1-346 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_180 | PS122/1_1-350, 2019P22 | Surface velocity profiler | ISVP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-10T23:00:00 | 85.01920 | 134.21960 | __Measurement:GPS Position, air temperature, barometric pressure__Comment:Deployed by Vasily Smolyamitskiy__Old Labels:MO_SVP-B,PS122/1_1-350 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_51 | PS122/1_3-51 | Ice thickness gauge | ICEGAUGE | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-11T00:10:00 | 84.98992 | 134.46822 | M Station. Ice Thickness measurement__Measurement:Ice thickness by hole drilling, snow thickness and freeboard measurements__Comment:Average Ice thickness on level ice is 29,67 cm, in ridges greater 1 m__Old Labels:M7_DRILLING_AARI_20191011,PS122/1_3-51 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_35 | PS122/1_3-35 | Broadband electromagnetic sensor | BES | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-11T00:12:00 | 84.88941 | 135.45221 | 20191011_Station_M7__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-35 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_129 | PS122/1_1-141, 2019S90 | Snow buoy | BUOY_SNOW | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-11T01:00:00 | 84.98725 | 134.48903 | 2019-10-25T12:00:00 | 85.54260 | 126.50420 | Station M8__Measurement:Snow thickness__Comment:__Old Labels:M8_SB11_AWI_20191011,PS122/1_1-141 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_131 | PS122/1_1-155, 2019O8 | Ocean CTD buoy | OCTDB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-11T01:30:00 | 84.99000 | 134.50000 | 2019-10-25T20:50:00 | 85.55000 | 126.32000 | __Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:__Old Labels:M8_SIT_8_AWI_20191011,PS122/1_1-155 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_128 | PS122/1_1-172, 2019T69 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-11T02:00:00 | 84.98725 | 134.48903 | 2020-09-30T01:00:01 | 73.41521 | -20.65891 | Station M8__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 0.70 m and snow depth 0.10 m__Old Labels:M8_SIMBA12_PRIC,FMI_20191011,PS122/1_1-172; total failure: 2020-09-30 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_126 | PS122/1_1-140, 2019S95 | Snow buoy | BUOY_SNOW | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-11T02:00:00 | 84.73815 | 135.84716 | 2019-10-17T10:01:00 | 84.61840 | 133.29340 | Station M7__Measurement:Snow thickness__Comment:frozen meltpond - ice thickness 2.00 m and snow depth 0.22, 0.22, 0.25, 0.24 m__Old LabelsM7_SB10_AWI_20191011,PS122/1_1-140 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_130 | PS122/1_1-279, 2019V5 | Buoy, Drift Towing Ocean Profiler | DTOP | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-11T02:30:00 | 84.98651 | 134.49061 | 2019-10-25T21:58:00 | 85.54245 | 126.45381 | __Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:floe diameter 3 km__Old Labels:M8_DTOP_4_OUC_20191011,PS122/1_1-279 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_127 | PS122/1_1-154, 2019O7 | Ocean CTD buoy | OCTDB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-11T02:40:00 | 84.74000 | 135.84000 | 2019-10-25T20:20:00 | 85.32000 | 128.36000 | Station M7__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:__Old Labels:M7_SIT_7_AWI_20191011,PS122/1_1-154 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_61 | PS122/1_3-61 | Snow sampler glove | SSG | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-11T02:55:00 | 84.87712 | 135.50429 | __Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-61 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_52 | PS122/1_3-52 | Ice thickness gauge | ICEGAUGE | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-13T02:09:00 | 84.98663 | 134.47101 | Ice Thickness measurement__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-52 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_182 | PS122/1_1-285; 2019T47; FMI04-06 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-13T04:35:00 | 84.89332 | 133.22596 | 2020-10-04T21:22:59 | 73.64236 | -17.30409 | __Old Labels: PS122/1_1-285, total failure: 2020-10-04 | ||
AF-MOSAiC-1_12 | PS122/1_3-12 | CTD, handheld | hCTD | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-13T04:47:00 | 84.89452 | 133.21277 | Site XXX outreach ice floe CTD cast__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-12 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_30 | PS122/1_3-30 | Ice corer | IC | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-13T04:47:00 | 84.89452 | 133.21277 | XXX_CORE_03_AWI_20191013, XXX_CORE_02_AWI_20191013, XXX_CORE_01_AWI_20191013__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-30 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_2 | PS122/1_3-2 | Ice corer | IC | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-13T04:47:00 | 84.89452 | 133.21277 | Ice core taken on Federov Expedition for Outreach Purposes in German Schools by Falk Ebert and Michael Angelopoulos__Measurement:__Comment:__Old Labels:,PS122/1_3-2 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_4 | PS122/1_3-4 | Helicopter | HELI | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-13T05:34:00 | 84.85776 | 135.01034 | __Measurement:Sea ice thickness__Comment:EM-Bird survey in the vicinity of the MOSAiC floe with a short overpass__Old Labels:HELI_AEM_AWI_20191013,PS122/1_3-4 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_5 | PS122/1_3-5 | Helicopter | HELI | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-14T02:17:00 | 84.79185 | 134.62028 | __Measurement:Sea ice thickness__Comment:EM-Bird survey over the MOSAiC floe__Old Labels:HELI_AEM_AWI_20191014,PS122/1_3-5 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_183 | PS122/1_1-304, 2019F4 | Autonomous Ocean Flux Buoy | AOFB | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-10-14T06:08:00 | 84.78111 | 134.49621 | Site Met City__Old Labels: PS122/1_1-304 | |||||
AF-MOSAiC-1_125 | PS122/1_1-174, 2019T71 | SAMS Ice Mass Balance buoy | SIMBA | registry.o2a-data.de | 2019-11-05T12:00:00 | 85.93894 | 118.43960 | Station M7__Measurement:Snow and ice temperature profile__Comment:ice thickness 0.75 m and snow depth 0.05 m__Old Labels:M7_SIMBA11_PRIC,FMI_20191011,PS122/1_1-174 |