Event List of 64PE284
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Event label | Optional label | Method/Device | Abbreviation | O2A Registry URI | Date/Time | Latitude | Longitude | Elevation | Date/Time end | Latitude end | Longitude end | Elevation end | Comment |
64PE284-track | Underway cruise track measurements | CT | 2008-02-18T00:00:00 | 37.12000 | -8.52900 | 2008-03-09T00:00:00 | 34.97000 | 11.80400 | |||||
GeoB12701-1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2008-02-19T18:53:00 | 36.54217 | -7.26883 | -559 | 2008-02-19T00:00:00 | sound velocity profile for MBES | |||||
GeoB12701-2 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-02-19T19:48:00 | 36.53583 | -7.26683 | -550 | 2008-02-20T07:04:00 | 36.45233 | -7.15233 | -570 | overview mapping (9 lines) | ||
GeoB12702-1 | Camera sledge system (Hopper) | HOP | 2008-02-20T08:59:00 | 36.46150 | -7.21317 | -602 | 2008-02-20T11:59:00 | 36.45833 | -7.20150 | -511 | line 1: WNW->ESE, line 2: E->W | ||
GeoB12703-1 | Remote operated vehicle | ROV | 2008-02-20T16:00:00 | 36.44267 | -7.21300 | -752 | 2008-02-20T19:00:00 | 36.45717 | -7.20783 | -564 | line 1: S->N | ||
GeoB12704-1 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-20T20:48:00 | 36.46400 | -7.20450 | -564 | brown clayey/muddy sand with shell debris overlying grey mud breccia | ||||||
GeoB12704-2 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-20T21:20:00 | 36.45833 | -7.20533 | -528 | carbonate hardground, large sponge colonised by crinoids, some sandy sediment with few Madrepora | ||||||
GeoB12704-3 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-20T21:43:00 | 36.45833 | -7.20267 | -507 | brown sand with shell debris overlying grey mud breccia | ||||||
GeoB12704-4 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-20T22:03:00 | 36.45833 | -7.20000 | -527 | brown sand with shell debris overlying grey mud breccia | ||||||
GeoB12704-5 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-20T22:31:00 | 36.46400 | -7.20000 | -567 | brown sand with shell debris overlying grey mud breccia | ||||||
GeoB12704-6 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-20T23:19:00 | 36.46400 | -7.20267 | -566 | brown sand with shell debris overlying grey mud breccia | ||||||
GeoB12704-7 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-02-21T00:10:00 | 36.53450 | -7.26683 | -550 | 2008-02-21T07:34:00 | 36.43567 | -7.26733 | -640 | continuation of GeoB 12701-2, overview mapping (6 lines) | ||
GeoB12705-1 | Box corer | BC | 2008-02-21T09:26:00 | 36.46000 | -7.20550 | -525 | over the top, mm-sized carbonate slab at the top, ~0-3cm: brown sand, ~3cm-end: grey mud breccia, cm-sized clasts | ||||||
GeoB12706-1 | Box corer | BC | 2008-02-21T11:19:00 | 36.44683 | -7.21167 | -702 | sediment disturbed, top: light yellowish brown sand with few shells, coral rubble, live Cidaris, bottom: grey mud breccia, clasts | ||||||
GeoB12707-1 | Remote operated vehicle | ROV | 2008-02-21T15:20:00 | 36.46000 | -7.14000 | -575 | 2008-02-21T17:49:00 | 36.45483 | -7.12500 | -444 | line 1: WNW->ESE | ||
GeoB12708-1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2008-02-21T20:20:00 | 36.47817 | -7.12267 | -649 | sound velocity profile for MBES | ||||||
GeoB12709-1 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-21T21:09:00 | 36.47317 | -7.11650 | -474 | few fossil Fe/Mn-coated coral fragments (Madrepora & Lophelia), shell debris, live cm-sized sponges | ||||||
GeoB12709-2 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-21T21:50:00 | 36.46667 | -7.12467 | -457 | no sediment, few fossil Fe/Mn-coated coral fragments (mainly Madrepora), bivalves, gastropods, echinoid spines, live cm-sized sponges | ||||||
GeoB12709-3 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-21T22:19:00 | 36.46400 | -7.12617 | -454 | brown muddy sand with few shells and shell debris, few hydrozoans on the surface | ||||||
GeoB12709-4 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-21T22:45:00 | 36.46133 | -7.12683 | -434 | brown muddy sand with few shells and shell debris | ||||||
GeoB12709-5 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-21T23:14:00 | 36.45883 | -7.12800 | -410 | brown sand with few shell debris, thin (<5mm) carbonate slab, grey mud breccia | ||||||
GeoB12709-6 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-21T23:38:00 | 36.45550 | -7.12933 | -407 | brown sand with few shell debris, thin carbonate slab, grey mud breccia | ||||||
GeoB12709-7 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-22T00:10:00 | 36.45367 | -7.13383 | -436 | few carbonate pebbles (4-5 cm in diameter), colonized by live sponges, fan-like soft corals, very few sand | ||||||
GeoB12709-8 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-22T00:42:00 | 36.45017 | -7.13483 | -446 | sand with carbonate hardground debris | ||||||
GeoB12709-9 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-02-22T01:06:00 | 36.45117 | -7.14367 | -600 | 2008-02-22T07:40:00 | 36.51950 | -7.26767 | -542 | continuation of GeoB 12701-2 & 12704-7, overview mapping (5 lines): | ||
GeoB12710-1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2008-02-22T20:15:00 | 35.36683 | -7.03367 | -986 | sound velocity profile for MBES | ||||||
GeoB12710-2 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-02-22T21:34:00 | 35.35850 | -7.03517 | -987 | 2008-02-23T08:38:00 | 35.37617 | -6.85367 | -639 | overview mapping (9 lines) | ||
GeoB12711-2 | Remote operated vehicle | ROV | 2008-02-23T00:00:00 | cancelled during deployment at 280m water depth due to technical problems with the camera system | |||||||||
GeoB12711-1 | Camera sledge system (Hopper) | HOP | 2008-02-23T09:32:00 | 35.36167 | -6.90367 | -720 | 2008-02-23T12:11:00 | 35.37217 | -6.90367 | -744 | line 1: S->N at 06°54.20'W, line 2: S->N at 06°54.22'W | ||
GeoB12712-1 | Box corer | BC | 2008-02-23T16:31:00 | 35.37117 | -6.90333 | -733 | tilted, disturbed surface, light olive brown mud with abundant coral fragments (Lophelia, Madrepora, Dendrophyllia) | ||||||
GeoB12712-2 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-02-23T18:24:00 | 35.37117 | -6.90317 | -716 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12713-1 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-23T19:42:00 | 35.36750 | -6.92783 | -685 | technical problem | ||||||
GeoB12713-2 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-23T20:16:00 | 35.36767 | -6.92800 | -685 | brown muddy sand with shells, one big gastropod (12cm in length) | ||||||
GeoB12714-1 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-23T21:59:00 | 35.35850 | -6.97500 | -885 | brown muddy clay with shells | ||||||
GeoB12714-2 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-23T22:44:00 | 35.35833 | -6.98217 | -885 | brown muddy clay with shells and few coral fragments (Lophelia), live hydrozoans | ||||||
GeoB12715-1 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-23T23:48:00 | 35.30950 | -6.99917 | -900 | brown muddy clay with abundant coral fragments (Lophelia, Madrepora), live sponges | ||||||
GeoB12715-2 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-24T00:37:00 | 35.30150 | -6.99650 | -861 | no sediment, few coral fragments | ||||||
GeoB12716-1 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-02-24T01:51:00 | 35.20800 | -7.05017 | -912 | 2008-02-24T06:44:00 | 35.18467 | -7.01933 | -904 | overview mapping (5 lines) | ||
GeoB12717-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-02-24T08:29:00 | 35.37133 | -6.90367 | -756 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12717-2 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-02-24T09:27:00 | 35.38350 | -6.83783 | -692 | 2008-02-24T12:53:00 | 35.40033 | -6.83800 | -685 | overview mapping (2 lines): | ||
GeoB12718-1 | Remote operated vehicle | ROV | 2008-02-24T15:14:00 | 35.36667 | -6.90333 | -707 | 2008-02-24T18:50:00 | 35.37050 | -6.90217 | -717 | line 1: S -> NE, line 2: N -> S, line 3: S -> N, #01 calcified hydrocoral, #02 Isidella (bamboo coral), #03 dead scleractinian | ||
GeoB12719-1 | Camera sledge system (Hopper) | HOP | 2008-02-24T21:33:00 | 35.31367 | -7.01033 | -902 | 2008-02-24T22:21:00 | 35.31017 | -7.01733 | -907 | line 1: E -> W | ||
GeoB12720-1 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-02-24T23:32:00 | 35.21567 | -7.05083 | -909 | 2008-02-25T07:43:00 | 35.31600 | -6.99833 | -914 | overview mapping (8 lines) | ||
GeoB12721-1 | Box corer | BC | 2008-02-25T09:12:00 | 35.30983 | -6.99900 | -868 | surface: slightly tilted, dead coral framework, shells, sponges, 0-17cm: brown muddy/sandy clay with shell and few coral fragments, 17cm-end: greyish brown clay with shell and abundant coral fragments | ||||||
GeoB12722-1 | Box corer | BC | 2008-02-25T11:38:00 | 35.31050 | -7.01650 | -907 | surface: dead coral framework, shells, sponges colonised by polychaetes, 1 live octocoral, crinoids, 0-21cm: brown muddy/sandy clay with abundant shell and few coral fragments (Madrepora), 21cm-end: light olive brown clay with few shell and abundant cora | ||||||
GeoB12722-2 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-02-25T12:55:00 | 35.31033 | -7.01667 | -882 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12723-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-02-25T14:10:00 | 35.30833 | -6.96333 | -883 | off-mound core, (opened, described, colour-scanned, sampled) | ||||||
GeoB12724-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-02-25T15:25:00 | 35.35417 | -6.99033 | -924 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12725-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-02-25T16:33:00 | 35.35683 | -6.99067 | -895 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12725-2 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2008-02-25T18:49:00 | 35.34367 | -6.99633 | -890 | transponder test for the ROV, stop at CTD cable length 477m | ||||||
GeoB12726-1 | Camera sledge system (Hopper) | HOP | 2008-02-25T20:05:00 | 35.30333 | -6.99500 | -875 | 2008-02-25T20:36:00 | 35.29833 | -6.99783 | -873 | line 1: N->S | ||
GeoB12727-1 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-02-25T22:04:00 | 35.15683 | -7.05650 | -875 | 2008-02-26T07:27:00 | 35.17483 | -6.96467 | overview mapping (5 lines) | |||
GeoB12728-1 | Remote operated vehicle | ROV | 2008-02-26T10:32:00 | 35.17717 | -6.93967 | -745 | 2008-02-25T14:57:00 | 35.18383 | -6.94400 | -753 | line 1: SE->NW, crossing 5 mounds, sample #01: coral framework with live polyp, sample #02: coral framework, sample #03: water sample | ||
GeoB12729-1 | Box corer | BC | 2008-02-26T17:10:00 | 35.18050 | -6.94217 | -754 | surface: large dead coral framework with Eunice, shells, live sponges, live octocorals, crinoids, 0-19cm: brown muddy clay with abundant coral fragments (Lophelia, Madrepora) , 19cm-end: greyish brown clay with abundant coral fragments (Madrepora), brachi | ||||||
GeoB12730-1 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-26T18:55:00 | 35.19150 | -6.94483 | -759 | brown sandy mud with coral rubble | ||||||
GeoB12731-1 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-26T19:39:00 | 35.19450 | -6.93000 | -756 | brown sandy/muddy clay, with abundant coral rubble and shells | ||||||
GeoB12731-2 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-26T20:18:00 | 35.19100 | -6.92900 | -746 | brown sandy/muddy clay with few coral rubble and shells | ||||||
GeoB12731-3 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-02-26T21:44:00 | 35.06850 | -7.04450 | -853 | 2008-02-27T05:04:00 | 35.03283 | -7.11800 | -873 | overview mapping (7 lines) | ||
GeoB12732-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-02-27T08:53:00 | 35.30067 | -6.99650 | -856 | mud breccia core | ||||||
GeoB12733-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-02-27T10:44:00 | 35.18117 | -6.94217 | -743 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12734-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-02-27T11:37:00 | 35.19467 | -6.93000 | -753 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12735-1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2008-02-27T13:34:00 | 35.18417 | -6.94267 | -740 | 2 water samples from the seabottom | ||||||
GeoB12736-1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2008-02-27T15:30:00 | 35.16067 | -7.16283 | -968 | sound velocity profile for MBES | ||||||
GeoB12737-1 | Camera sledge system (Hopper) | HOP | 2008-02-27T16:48:00 | 35.16100 | -7.16317 | -965 | 2008-02-27T17:58:00 | 35.15567 | -7.15317 | -939 | line 1: NW->SE | ||
GeoB12737-2 | Camera sledge system (Hopper) | HOP | 2008-02-27T18:41:00 | 35.14850 | -7.14317 | -922 | 2008-02-27T19:42:00 | 35.14350 | -7.13933 | -927 | line 2: S of line 1, NW->SE, overhang-accident with Hopper camera!! | ||
GeoB12737-3 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-02-27T20:22:00 | 35.12150 | -7.15500 | -980 | 2008-02-28T06:36:00 | 34.96467 | -7.00533 | -739 | continuation of GeoB 12731-3, overview mapping (6 lines) | ||
GeoB12738-1 | Remote operated vehicle | ROV | 2008-02-28T10:38:00 | 35.00383 | -7.07400 | -749 | 2008-02-28T14:18:00 | 34.99650 | -7.07617 | -740 | line 1: N->S, sample #01: live Lophelia framework, sample #02: water sample | ||
GeoB12739-1 | Box corer | BC | 2008-02-28T16:34:00 | 35.00017 | -7.07450 | -736 | slightly over the top, surface: dead Lophelia framework (with 1 live Caryophyllia polyp), Desmophyllum, shells, live sponges, barnacle, live octocorals, 1 live gastropod, 1 live crinoid, live Cidaris, 0-29cm: brown sandy mud, 29-42cm: greyish brown muddy | ||||||
GeoB12740-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-02-28T19:00:00 | 35.00033 | -7.07450 | -739 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12741-1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2008-02-28T19:50:00 | 34.99950 | -7.07517 | -730 | 4 bottom water samples | ||||||
GeoB12741-2 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-02-28T20:54:00 | 35.00000 | -7.10000 | 2008-02-29T06:11:00 | 35.11067 | -6.93083 | -785 | overview mapping (6 lines) | |||
GeoB12742-1 | Camera sledge system (Hopper) | HOP | 2008-02-29T08:45:00 | 35.05817 | -7.14650 | -827 | 2008-02-29T11:11:00 | 35.05283 | -7.12417 | -970 | line 1: NW->SE | ||
GeoB12743-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-02-29T12:07:00 | 35.05783 | -7.14633 | -827 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12743-2 | Box corer | BC | 2008-02-29T14:30:00 | 35.05733 | -7.14517 | no sample, box did not close properly due to steepness of the seafloor | |||||||
GeoB12744-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-02-29T16:14:00 | 35.15800 | -7.15783 | -959 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12744-2 | Box corer | BC | 2008-02-29T17:34:00 | 35.15800 | -7.15783 | -932 | no sample, video connection was lost, therefore the operation was stopped | ||||||
GeoB12745-1 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-29T20:41:00 | 35.04383 | -7.07767 | -895 | grab did not release for two times | ||||||
GeoB12745-2 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-02-29T21:21:00 | 35.03733 | -7.07650 | -856 | brown sandy clay with few coral fragments | ||||||
GeoB12745-3 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-02-29T22:59:00 | 34.96600 | -6.88483 | -680 | 2008-03-01T06:28:00 | 34.98167 | -6.87550 | -673 | overview mapping (4 lines) | ||
GeoB12746-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-03-01T08:26:00 | 35.00000 | -7.06683 | -741 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12747-1 | Remote operated vehicle | ROV | 2008-03-01T11:30:00 | 34.98833 | -7.07200 | -714 | 2008-03-01T13:57:00 | 34.98067 | -7.07333 | -732 | line 1: N->S, deployment of TRACS, sample #01: Lophelia framework & carbonate | ||
GeoB12748-1 | Box corer | BC | 2008-03-01T16:27:00 | 35.98083 | -7.07317 | -722 | surface: few mm- to cm-sized clasts, shell debris, 0-4cm: greyish brown sandy clay with abundnat shell fragments, 4cm-end: grey sandy clay, coral fragments, shell fragments, large Neptunea, mud breccia clasts, carbonate chimneys, crusts | ||||||
GeoB12748-2 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-03-01T17:34:00 | 34.98100 | -7.07283 | -741 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12749-1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2008-03-01T18:53:00 | 34.97900 | -7.07317 | -746 | 4 bottom water samples | ||||||
GeoB12749-2 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-03-01T21:24:00 | 35.20967 | -6.83783 | -753 | 2008-03-02T12:30:00 | 35.31600 | -6.63500 | -429 | overview mapping (10 lines) | ||
GeoB12750-1 | Remote operated vehicle | ROV | 2008-03-02T14:50:00 | 35.29817 | -7.64517 | -348 | recovery of 2 TRACS | ||||||
GeoB12751-1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2008-03-02T17:26:00 | 35.29583 | -6.63850 | -389 | sound velocity profile for MBES | ||||||
GeoB12751-2 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-03-02T18:01:00 | 35.31600 | -6.63500 | -429 | 2008-03-03T07:37:00 | 35.29450 | -6.65683 | -446 | continuation of GeoB 12749-2, overview mapping (14 lines) | ||
GeoB12752-1 | Remote operated vehicle | ROV | 2008-03-03T09:22:00 | 35.29817 | -6.64517 | -346 | recovery of 1 TRAC | ||||||
GeoB12753-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-03-03T11:25:00 | 35.36867 | -6.70350 | -466 | probably hardground | ||||||
GeoB12753-2 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-03-03T11:59:00 | 35.36850 | -6.70333 | -498 | probably hardground | ||||||
GeoB12754-1 | Box corer | BC | 2008-03-03T14:23:00 | 35.33500 | -6.66150 | -434 | surface: abundant tube worms, few shells, 0-9cm: brown muddy clay, 9-20cm: greyish brown muddy clay, 20-30cm: grey muddy clay, 30-47cm: dark grey sandy clay, bioturbation, shell debris, 47cm-end: grey clay | ||||||
GeoB12755-1 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-03-03T15:26:00 | 35.31450 | -6.62133 | -370 | brown mud with few coral fragments, abundant carbonate crusts, clasts | ||||||
GeoB12755-2 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-03-03T15:51:00 | 35.31250 | -6.61700 | -358 | brown clayey mud to grey clay, anundant coral fragments below the surface | ||||||
GeoB12755-3 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-03-03T16:12:00 | 35.31200 | -6.61867 | -356 | brown clayey mud to grey clay, abundant coral fragments below the surface | ||||||
GeoB12756-1 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-03-03T16:50:00 | 35.32650 | -6.66350 | -422 | brown muddy clay, abundant coral fragments, large dead coral framework with crinoids, polychaete | ||||||
GeoB12756-2 | Grab | GRAB | 2008-03-03T17:21:00 | 35.33417 | -6.52900 | -422 | brown muddy clay with abundant coral fragments | ||||||
GeoB12757-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-03-03T17:42:00 | 35.33417 | -6.66267 | -424 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12757-2 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-03-03T18:23:00 | 35.32433 | -6.60600 | -424 | 2008-03-04T07:06:00 | overview mapping (11 lines) | |||||
GeoB12758-1 | Remote operated vehicle | ROV | 2008-03-04T09:48:00 | 35.43883 | -6.78983 | -558 | 2008-03-04T14:10:00 | 35.44367 | -6.77967 | -561 | line 1: W->E->N, sample #01: live Flabellum | ||
GeoB12759-1 | Box corer | BC | 2008-03-04T16:57:00 | 35.44283 | -6.77967 | -524 | surface: dead coral framework, shells, live sponges, live anemones, hydrozoans, light olive brown to brown muddy/sandy clay, abundant coral fragments throughout the core, distint pteropod layer | ||||||
GeoB12760-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-03-04T18:39:00 | 35.43917 | -6.78633 | -522 | coral-bearing core | ||||||
GeoB12761-1 | CTD/Rosette | CTD-RO | 2008-03-05T20:51:00 | 34.52017 | -11.14183 | -4430 | sound velocity profile for MBES | ||||||
GeoB12762-1 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-03-06T02:28:00 | 34.92300 | -11.74967 | -2926 | 2008-03-06T10:13:00 | 34.96217 | -12.00350 | -1243 | overview mapping (3 lines) | ||
GeoB12763-1 | Camera sledge system (Hopper) | HOP | 2008-03-06T11:13:00 | 34.94000 | -11.96717 | -695 | 2008-03-06T12:07:00 | 34.94117 | -11.97767 | -664 | basaltic rocks with few small sandy patches, very few old coral rubble | ||
GeoB12763-2 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-03-06T12:46:00 | 34.96217 | -11.96483 | -707 | 2008-03-06T13:16:00 | 34.93700 | -11.95333 | -707 | continuation of GeoB 12762-1, overview mapping (2 lines) | ||
GeoB12764-1 | Camera sledge system (Hopper) | HOP | 2008-03-06T13:52:00 | 34.94000 | -11.94933 | -713 | 2008-03-06T14:42:00 | 34.93800 | -11.96083 | -659 | basaltic rocks | ||
GeoB12765-1 | Camera sledge system (Hopper) | HOP | 2008-03-06T16:00:00 | 34.93883 | -11.91567 | -766 | 2008-03-06T16:09:00 | 34.93833 | -11.91700 | -820 | basaltic rocks, video survey had to be stopped after 9min due to low batteries of the camera | ||
GeoB12766-1 | Box corer | BC | 2008-03-06T17:58:00 | 34.96100 | -11.93500 | -896 | very few sand, shells, basaltic rock in gravel-size | ||||||
GeoB12766-2 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-03-06T19:48:00 | 34.97600 | -12.00067 | -1353 | 2008-03-07T07:14:00 | -1000 | continuation of GeoB 12762-1 & 12763-2, overview mapping (8 lines) | ||||
GeoB12767-1 | Remote operated vehicle | ROV | 2008-03-07T10:24:00 | 34.94083 | -11.96183 | -726 | 2008-03-07T13:28:00 | 34.94517 | -11.97400 | -761 | line 1: ESE->WNW, sample #01: basaltic rock, sample #02: small piece of live Lophelia, sample #03: water sample, sample #04: dead Lophelia with hydrozoans, sample #05: netsample with coral rubble etc. | ||
GeoB12768-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-03-07T15:18:00 | 34.91917 | -11.98367 | -939 | 0 | ||||||
GeoB12768-2 | Multibeam | MB | 2008-03-07T21:45:00 | 35.02000 | -11.74683 | -1390 | 2008-03-08T07:11:00 | -2000 | continuation of GeoB 12762-1, 12763-2 & 12766-2, overview mapping (4 lines) | ||||
GeoB12769-1 | Box corer | BC | 2008-03-08T09:00:00 | 34.94483 | -11.94867 | -732 | cancelled due to hardground | ||||||
GeoB12770-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-03-08T10:28:00 | 34.95650 | -11.86667 | -1012 | probably hardground | ||||||
GeoB12771-1 | Gravity corer | GC | 2008-03-08T11:43:00 | 34.97000 | -11.80483 | -1304 | probably hardground |